Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 435 arrived

The spacecraft drove out of Ortt nebula and separated from the entire flow.

Sbonis is accelerating his fleet, saving it to that direction, accelerating about 1.2 light years, starting to let 500 radar spacecrafts, form a circular plane structure perpendicular to the direction of travel, so that the spacecraft and spaceship are directly The distance is fixed to each other, so as to detect whether the gravity of Alpha double star is present according to the array result.

The most difficult to overcome is autism, which is difficult to guarantee all emotions in the space. The same is true for Sbons, which is good for psychological quality. He is trying to overcome his own heart, he has always seen various books, listening to music, watching movies. Also exercise, keep your health and strong energy. He has always loved to drink coffee, and it can only save it.

"Seven months, how to get it." Li Bima also began to complain, I feel that it is really a time to waste him on this spaceship.

"Seven months later, I hope to have good results." Sbonish knew that after the spacecraft reached, it would need to mark a position, according to the direction of the flight and the relative position of the Earth Command Center, with Grener Control Focus Mirror. The location of the location is positioned.

"If you are positioned, you need to send back information." Li Xiawager remembered, his spacecraft will follow the transfer station spacecraft, it is used to communicate. But because you fly too fast, I forgot to verify that my spacecraft is connected to the transfer station, but it is still better in your own spacecraft marking, so I know my route in space.

"If you don't move, you have always been the original route, you don't need to mark. If you move the direction, you need to tell where to move, how far is it."

Soon, it was probed that the gravity of the 0.2-lighted year is rumored, Sbonis is beginning to point out 500 electronic ships slowly fly to that direction, then turn on the electromagnetic spectrum analysis.

After collecting electromagnetic spectrum analysis, it was found that there was no Gern of 1.5 Export auxiliary stars to communicate with electromagnetic waves, and in silent state.

Sbonis is a good news that controls 1.5-lighter venters to the Conclusion, and the earth people cheers, think this is a good sign of interstellar expedition.

Finally, I arrived at the stars, Sbonis, and Li Xiapi saw a Dai Sen ball, showing blue light.

Sbonis is starting to point out the combat spaceship began to accelerate approaching the star, open visual detection, to find a substance that detects the head shape.

Soon discovered that Grrians were discovered, Sbonisa was arrested these Grees who did not have their ability to compete.

The battle spaceship of Sbonis is locked the star, found this highly mature Dai Sensen ball, and then saw the focus head after being used, and after the focus head used, it was destroyed, still being being being Repair the ship to repair the repair.

"This is a part of the Daren ball, which is to give light from the Grid who survive there." Li Xiawei felt. He is also shocked, the original earth man's Dai Senball plan, at this moment, I saw it in advance. It's a great project.

"We finally saw the base of the alien stationed, and it was sighful, I have a bit reluctant."

"We must return. We also detect the signal of the relay station."

"Yes, we still have to find this thing, and have no longer see it for a long time. We must go back to the original road, I can affirm those relay stations do not change the orientation."

"Can we find it?"

"Try to find it."

"It was the time for the picture, it was very casual, it's really casual now."

"This place seems to be strong, like Greu people to release the huge smoke released in order to protect their own Dai Sen ball, we can also play the effect of the star. We now follow the original road to return, or take a closer Road? "

"Going to the road, I know according to the calculation, I know that the route has not changed, that is, it extends, we can get it quickly from the line of the relay station, you can arrive quickly."

Sbonsaus calculated in accordance with their own calculations, and then ordered the driver to walk in this direction.

Sure enough, I used it for too long to reach the relay station.

Sbonis Nes wants the center to send a message, Michael is very enthusiastic reply: "Great, finally heard the voice you talk, I thought you had an accident. Many people recommend not launching the relay station, no I still use it or use. How is the spacecraft now? How is your situation? "

Skiezas and Li Xiapi face each other.

"Thank you, I haven't forgotten us, our situation here is very good. I will send you the coordinates of the Gern will be."

"You have seen their focus head?"

"Yes, the real focus head is very big."

Sbonis is sent to the photo taken to the focus head and starts to send the coordinates of Griens' focus head.

"Your mission has been completed, please return." Michael said to Stoneyzas.

"But you remember next time, you must follow the relay station together, don't leave our team."

After Li Xiapi and Sbonzaz marked well, Michael received coordinates, then Malinkov got coordinates and started to emit electromagnet.

After a long time, Michael said to Stoneyzas: "Do you see that Gern is attacked?"

Sifretas saw a sputum on the Dai Sensen ball in Gern, please say: "Yes, we hit."

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