It's hard to find the place where you are, stop your own spaceship, let yourself get out of breath.

He quickly found that the spacecraft has been desolate, there is no one here.

Many places have not been avoided.

But with experience, it is still allowed to exercise your own function, and it has the ability to completely repair itself. But for why there is no creature here, he can only guess.

This strange big round spacecraft is a wealth to him. Because there is a lot of useful things here. That is, he can get a lot of knowledge. After the knowledge is learned, it will follow the principle of operation. He started his own free handling spacecraft.

He began to understand the principles of the operation of this spaceship. Soon he found that this is a spacecraft of a military command center. Its ability has exceeded his imagination.

In his thoughts, this spacecraft became the fortress he rebuilt society. It is a standard social spacecraft.

This is the sky on the sky.

He also learned that the spacecraft that the spacecraft can control at this time, role, and corresponding operations.

Among them, there are military reconnaissances, including mining, collecting energy, remote damage offensive defense, etc.

Even some spacecrafts also contain creatures, many still the role of protecting the universe trade economic anti-piracy.

He began to personally manipulate these machines to familiarize yourself.

This large system requires more biological common operations to complete this large system.

So he started using electronic digital power to connect each operating system integration to a self-made office for him to operate.

Some systems that are really busy help him with the robot.

He got a report on longevity cancer testing, seeing there is no side effect, since then, it is a true space wanderer.

In the universe, the fight is different on the earth. After playing in the earth, he will continue to return to the headquarters, and there is a sense of existence of the team, there is a sense of existence of the country. If you fight in space, although there is a sense of identity against the earth, but there is no strong back to the headquarters, I feel that the headquarters is not safe, I can go forward to a strange point, or even I want to go to the enemy's headquarters, maybe I will not consider it again when it is.

The records from the black box can be calculated,

This spacecraft has been built more than 200 years ago.

Its main purpose is to build a social form of a ****.

The role he serves as a command space that has an attack capabilities.

I have participated in tens of thousands of war.

It is very good for the presence of it, and it has won countless times.

At least there is no fiasco.

This combat spaceship has also been used to maintain economic and trade in this space area.

Later, this spacecraft was invaded by the universe piracy, but the pirates not only were not destroyed, but also continued to use and write their data into the black box. Also in our own morality, there is no destruction of the prodries.

Later, more interesting is that the pirates use this spaceship as military defense, and the spacecraft is also transformed into a multi-functional spacecraft.

He is also responsible for directing a variety of multi-functional intelligent spacecraft.

It is still still having such an capability.

As for why this spacecraft is now unbearable, but there is no record.

The last sentence of the black box is just a sentence to be written about more than 20 years.

The black box said: "We sent multiple bombers and started the expedition ..."

The soul speculation is likely that it has been attacked, but it is only an offensive mode, and it is difficult to see the traces of the battle here, so it can only come.

And he also began his new black box record without destroying the previous record.

After watching the black box, what is the exactly these in the aircraft?

After careful observation, I found that people here are not a thorough Grien. There are many languages ​​that are different from Gurses, but there are some associations.

The soul detailed detailed information and found that this spacecraft is Zong Trick.

"Expedition, is this going to fight? Is it a fight against the earth?"

"The big star is indeed let the spacecraft here use to use it? If this is the case, how powerful this spaceship is once!"

The soul is finely looked at this thickness, and it is inevitable in his heart.

"If this is a word that year in the universe, this is a terrible combat machine, perhaps an alien murder meat machine."

"Let this spaceship serve themselves."

Just a god, warning radar alarm: "Find enemy ship! Found enemy ship!"

The soul shook, hurry to close the door.

But inside the spacecraft displays two combat spaceships.

"Will not directly rush to the command room?"

The soul is quickly searching for the next command, I want to see if there is that spare? If this command is unexpected, you can transfer yourself to the next command room.

Gao Soul Close the door, hiding in the iron cabinet hidden in a seat.

I only heard the sound of the spacecraft flew through the door, and the sound was getting closer, and there were the sound of the spacecraft landed. After a while, many people had a voice from the spaceship.

Gao Shu is shocked: "They found us so quickly."

The hatch has been fired for a bunch of people, but this hatch is very thick, and the weapon of the small caliber can't make it.

In a short while it is a voice of people.

After a while, I used explosives to blow the door.

"Who? Give me it!" A group of people rushed into the door and screamed with their own language.

"Endow, you can spare you."

"No matter who you are, you have to come out. This is an invalided spacecraft, you will be destroyed at any time. If you come out, I know you are here. If you continue to hide, we will destroy this spaceship. "

"Earth people, you surrendened, you can fight us, your spaceship is parked outside." The voice continued, and also with a tauntful taste.

"We still leave, I heard that the earth people are very brave, they have high hard work, if we are caught by them, or sneak attack, they will suffer." A soldier said.

"Hu said, we are still afraid that he is a planet person? I have to find him with him, grab it, I have something to ask him." Said the captain.

Everyone continued to search, a soldier arrived in the position of the soul, and the high soul quickly shot the soldier, and then took the submachine gun on the soldier, and scanned by all the Gern.

Because Gern is relatively more, everyone is searching, troops dispersed, and they don't dare to launch in the state of enemy. And the high soul will be alone, where to take care of this, see anyone sweep.

A lot of Greu people die and injured.

The rest of the Griens saw it, they were frightened.

The high soul rushed out of the rejection of the serious injury, while using the gun head to be bombed, if someone rushed in, shot.

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