Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 461 Millennium Craftsman

The star of the Star River said: "The tribe of us is an old man, is a millennium, called Tianhe Law."

The millennium craftsman also likes to use a few thousand years, with a variety of atoms to do some toys, which have been smaller than the molecular weighting technology, which can make a very powerful and precise robot.

Such as some bugs, or bacteria or some small animals. Or a pure one piece of object, it looks like a piece of wood in a second, and it has become a mouse after a second.

To be honest, if you don't say it is a millennium craftsman, it is really a born.

This technology is a piece of nano, because the Tianhe method has such a leisurely, so I will take a few thousand years of time to build a piece of one piece of the molecular size. Therefore, whether it is a complex machine, it is small and exquisite in his hands, and this pure mechanical technology is also welcomed by the Xinghe people.

Nano-accumulation can accommodate high-strength materials, hardness is much higher than general materials, so the millenisans can often create some and their hard materials.

Summer sagments said: "Is this what use?"

The star of the Star River said: "You also saw that we must use the power system due to religion, so we must use the pure mechanical system, the complexity of the mechanical system is prone to many civilizations."

Xia Zi chess said: "This system is driven by pure fire steam."

The Star River is old says: "Yes, but it is almost as little as possible."

Summer sagments said: "Is there a risk in the religious stipulations?"

The star of the Star River said: "There are a lot of people who have hurt."

Xia Zi chess said: "I have seen some of the machines here, especially complicated, very fun. Are the people invented?"

The Star River is the old saying: "Yes, this long old man is called Mo Wei by the people we call it a giant."

Xia Zi chess said: "I have heard of the time when I came here, the talents of the ink are very high. It is said that many people have listened to his words."

The Star River is old says: "Yeah, he is a hard and simple person, very low-key, but creates some ghost artificial things, I am afraid that it is more complicated than your Earth people."

Xia Zi chess said: "Do you have anyone else in the Mojia Giant?"

The star of the Star River said: "There is also an elderly a giant pass, called the millennium toast. It is the old man. He can train any kind of beast, change their original habits, let the beast become a soldier, you can go Do anything. "

Xia Zi chess said: "Can he train any life?"

The star of the Star River said: "Yes, he is small to the bug, big to the beast, no one is not training."

Xia Zi chess said: "If you learn his skills, can you train our enemies into yourself."

The star of the Star River said: "It can be, the price is too big, the training is similar, preventing the other rebellion, takes a long time, to train ordinary beasts for ordinary beasts, and to make some beasts to implement and complex tasks It takes a long time to train all the weird creatures from space by various requirements. "

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