Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 471 Cave Map

For those of 52,54, they started to exhaust their own efforts and look for useful assets in the universe. What kind of assets in the universe are more important, and can only be used as a reference period. Gold and silver, brick, resources, etc. are a measure of wealth. In the universe, these wealth is also true, but true wealth is the same as energy and resources.

Wealth is a thing that maintains your own survival, which maintains yourself with oxygen, water, plants, ore materials, and light. The top three are easy to understand, and the material is to make the spacecraft or space station building, and the light is actually energy. Materials need to find the kind of celestial body like a star, where the material temperature is relatively low, the optimal is the need to have a planet with the same earth mantle, where the magma is easily processed into a plastic shape, and this planet Search also becoming a profession. For energy search and extraction, it is directly looking for a normal star, and these stars come from there constantly based on nuclear gathering. So real wealth is to occupy the right planet and normal stars.

Moreover, the best occupation of any planet is both a geographical location and a resource. Therefore, it is very important for the competing for the geographic location of the universe. The resources are very large, it is difficult to remove in a short period of time, even if you can't expect.

The soul explored the principle of the big star, made a lot of big star, and Xia Ziqi launched a large-scale star river force, Yu Wenzhen gave his hand to his hand every after a planet, and he had already occupied it. Many planets.

But the most important thing is that the Bruisian reminds the earth people, about the drawings that can destroy the griens. Xiao Wei got an important drawing from the Bruitime, called the silver river insect hole. This change is for the quick reach a destination, and the use of short-range roads is transmitted, which is the insect hole transmission.

There is a special nature of the existence of insects, which is a short distance hole that naturally can reach another location from a location. A simple model will explain that the space is replaced with a piece of paper. The black hole is a trap. After the paper bent, the black hole is in the place to reach the other side, and the place where connecting these two sides is a worm hole. The conditions produced by the insects are not only the black hole bending to penetrate, but also how to make the space bend like a paper. Let the bending of the paper also need a complicated condition. When the paper bending is not in the same side, it is equivalent to a half of the universe being bent.

So want more scientific places, let the curved paper reappear, then let the hole of the black hole, just like a curved pipeline. Then you need to master the technology that can make black holes. How can the organisms in the plane can bend the shape of the black hole in the stereo, and can only use the gravity of another large mass celestial body. This big mass celestial body is almost a black hole.

Even so, how to form a pipe shape here, rather than a Lagrangi West Line directly connected, how can these two black holes connect in a vertical direction, or how to prove and Looking for this line is existing, but in reality is a special line or area on the line connected to two planets, representing a worm hole. When the spacecraft arrives at this hole, you can appear in that hole in a short time! This wormhole is something in a high dimensional space. If you don't need to understand, but if you find this hole, it is to achieve your goals.

It is necessary to calculate for insect caves. There is a normal worm hole in how much quality black holes and how long it needs to look for all black holes and statistics them. After seeing that there will be many Unicom in many black holes, you need to accurately use this field to calculate.

In theory, it is known that the insect hole is bent by the idleness, which is highly bent, so far away can be copied.

The mass celestial body can bend the time and space, so that some things are "saving", but the effect is limited. The curvature of the black hole can reach the black hole in which the huge quality is very short, and the two this long space is very short. But the extremely distorted space is easy to destroy the aircraft. So wearing a worm hole is a very dangerous thing.

The structure of the worm is very interesting, not only in the center, but also in the surrounding, ideal, from a paragraph to the other side must be a center of the center, or in the area not far away, if it is not the middle, then Just because the complexity of time and space is complex, the aircraft becomes bracked, and the accident unexpected.

If it is very huge insect hole, the center is partially distorted, so it will not cause big damage. But there will be this huge distortion, and the spacecraft has not passed through the past, and it is distorted by the powerful gravity field to the deformation. Therefore, there must be some ways to prevent distortion deformation, which is a force that can resist huge gravity. This kind of force requires reverse gravitational growth around the spaceship, used to offset the effect of black hole, so that the location of the spacecraft is just not too vigorous.

Only by surrounding large-scale gravitational fields around the spacecraft. In fact, a star is wrapped in a spaceship, so that the spacecraft is in the stars, when the star flew into the black hole, the black hole torn outside, so that the stars should not be too much influence.

To make the stellar gorgeously wrap the spacecraft, although the celestial center is not gravitated but there is an external extrusion force. A hard material is needed to cover the outer layer of spacecraft, so as not to crush the spacecraft, the outer layer needs high temperature resistance. There are many layers in the outer layer, each layer is a structure of the egg-shell structure, and this structure is difficult to break in the case of uniform stress, and in order not to make the power too much, it can add one to the outside. structure.

After that, you need to gather a lot of position here, forming a planet, but also makes the force evenly. Sometimes many spacecraft coordinated laying into a planet, sometimes let the hole to open the planet and arrive at the center.

In the test primary stage, a experimental aircraft is transmitted, loaded into a giant celestial body, emits out, and then observes the pulse of the aircraft flange. Because in the gravity field of the big celestial body, the time experienced by the aircraft will be extremely long, so there must be a solid life to prevent aging from being too fast and causing the aircraft unable to work. The pulse transmitter in the spacecraft should be faster and faster in the normal time, so that the normal length time can be received in a certain period of time in the black hole.

When you arrive at the other side, if you get rid of a far-sighted, there will be a relatively far-normal signal. When you wait for a while, you will show that the spacecraft is successful.

This Bruitotes sent to Xiao Wei's worm trees, as the Milky Way became changes at any time, and the precision is very far from the above approach, and Xiao Wei has become easy.

Xiao Wei and Chen Dingzhao have reached the front line. It was shocked by the scene in front of you.

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