Blue Star Sea Diamond

Chapter 60 Hai Lanzi's Thoughts

Yuri’s superior commander was an Inuit named Hailanzi, who lived in the extreme north of Russia. When Ilyich discovered him, he was playing with polar bears.

He used to be a professor in Beian Gangguo. He cracked some of pnp's mathematics problems and won the prize of the Millennium Mathematics Award. Although it was part of the problem, the prize was still full.After winning the grand prize, he was noticed by the whole world, and even mathematicians Perelman and Wiles and others also came to him to discuss problems from time to time.However, as an Inuit descent, he insisted that the northern part of the Saha area belonged to their Inuit territory. Because of a large number of inappropriate remarks of this kind, he was expelled from the college by the Beiangang State government, and many colleges did not dare He accepted the professor, but was still secretly spending money for him.However, he dared to take risks in the polar regions, often with polar bears. Many people in Saha are aware of this heroic hermit, and Saha’s independents like to often draw him in to increase his influence.

Ilyich has been giving him large sums of money.Illich always felt a little strange for such a legendary character. He felt that Hai Lanzi always exudes a weird smell. A man who is proficient in mathematics has a great interest in military affairs, and he still studies very little. Someone understands cluster cybernetics.

Hailanzi thinks that the government of the North Ansteel State intends to assassinate him. This is thought to be the behavior of the government of the North Ansteel Kingdom.So this is already a great threat to him, Hai Lanzi firmly believes that if he does not fight back, more serious problems will occur.So near, a huge bloodshed is inevitable.

Hai Lanzi often thinks about it. Although he has no experience, he knows that starting a war requires a lot of appropriate factors.

First of all, you need to have the ability to make good weapons. To make good weapons, you need money. You can make money with weapons, and you can make money by selling weapons.In this way, to sell weapons, you need to boldly create powerful weapons that the opponent urgently needs.But now I think these are out of fashion. It is no longer a period of peace, but a period of war.

In addition to this, all departure and supply locations must be appropriate, corresponding to airfields and naval ports, etc.

To have assembly capacity, trucks, trains, manned helicopters and large transport aircraft are needed.

The ability to quickly mobilize troops is required.

A factory is required to produce shells.

Need to have the ability to collect food.

Need to have purchasing power.

Need to have the ability to call allies, let them cooperate with various matters.

You need to have diplomatic capabilities and contact multiple countries to make sure that they will not become your enemy.

Need to have the ability of spies to gather intelligence.

Need to control Internet capabilities.

Need to control the communication ability.

It needs its own satellites to have communication, navigation, and remote sensing capabilities.

Need to have the ability to observe the enemy.

The ability to record and occupy oil fields, natural gas, coal mines, iron ore and rubber trees is required.

The ability to produce medicines is needed, and the ability to occupy important pharmaceutical plant areas.

Special forces are required and capable of beheading enemy elites.

It needs the ability of bombers to bomb the opponent's air defense facilities.

Hailanzi didn't want to worry about this headache for now, and directly asked Alexander, an advisor next to him: "I have decided to launch a military attack on the Northern Dark Steel Country. What do you think is the timing?"

Alexander hadn't thought of launching an attack now. Although he felt that Hailanzi had a lot of good cards in his hand, each card was not mature.There are too many variables to start a war at this time.

Hailanzi said: "I want to use the complicated politics of the Caucasus countries to add chaos to the Northern Dark Steel Country, and then send out a new army to get the stele."

Alexander said: "It is okay to add chaos, but if the Northern Dark Steel Country calms this chaos, it will..."

Hai Lanzi interrupted and said, "What will happen then?"

Alexander knew that Hai Lanzi didn't like to hear words like'attacked' or'failed', so that he could easily be removed from his post.Alexander's mind quickly turned: "I can use mine-laying methods to deal with them first. On land, I will lay mines to prevent their armored forces from attacking, and on the sea we will lay mines."

Hai Lanzi smiled and said, "I'm down to this point? You can only use thunder, can't you use electric offensive weapons? We still have a lot of guys in our hands. Alexander, you can be regarded as an experienced commander. Why are you becoming more and more timid now? Is it because there are too many battles that you can't bear in your heart?"

Alexander still told the truth: "No, I think that even if we have a lot of weird weapons in our hands, there are some capable people and strangers who are helping us. But the defeat of the Northern Angang Country has never happened since their founding. Pass it? We will give them a bunch of inexplicable attacks at the beginning, but they also have their mature and unfancy weapons, simple and powerful, and a flood of steel, in a steady stream. In case a few three-dimensional shapes change tricks The depth of the country, we will receive multiple fatal crit. I know that you are considering uniting with Nortel. They have strong national strength and advanced weapons, but they are not our allies, but only weapons suppliers. If they If they feel uncomfortable in their hearts, they will also join the Northern Dark Steel Country to quickly destroy us."

Hai Lanzi was lost in thought by Alexander's words.At this time, an intelligence officer Xie Liaosha came in and brought news from the senior officials of the North Angang State: "I got the news.

Hailanzi said, "What then?"

Sergey Sha said: "There is no more."

Hailanzi smiled and said, "No, you know something like this to fool me? I don't know what the other party is doing? I want to ask you the President of the Northern Dark Steel Country, what are the offensives of Beria, Batuman and others. The plan? It's the specific kind."

Sergey Sha said: "Where do I have such great powers? My spy friend is just a soldier in the army. He only knows that he has a mission. He doesn't know where he is going. As long as the moment he gives the order, his commander just got it."

Hai Lanzi said angrily: "If the CIA, KGB, MI6 and other countries have their own numbers, can they be regarded as a standard spy? The spy must be dispatched to the enemy’s intelligence agency, not just in As a soldier and general in the enemy's army, if it is only in the army of the North Angang, then the plan of the North Angang may not be known to the army. What do you want to develop such a spy? So the spy must be in the local intelligence In addition, the enemy’s intelligence must have close ties with the enemy’s government in order to exert greater value, because only then can the enemy’s spies know more comprehensive information and know what kind of intelligence is valuable. The value will not have any influence on the situation of the battle."

Hailanzi said angrily: "Important people must be developed. I want first-hand information. We don't lack money, we need to give as much as we want."

Xie Liaosha was helpless, it was not bad to squeeze out such a piece of information.The Far North has very little investment in spies, relying entirely on the belief and consciousness of spies.Where can I buy so much valuable information and take so much risk?

Alexander said: "At least we know they want to do it. As long as we know it, then we will know when and where the other party's plan is. 80% of it is in the Georgian burrow. I can't see it."

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