Bourne: Command and Conquer

Chapter 954: , Xinjing, okay?

Chapter 954: Xinjing, okay?

 A stack of ledgers were brought up.

 Most of the ledgers have turned yellow. I don’t know the years.

  As soon as I put it on the table, dust suddenly filled the air. It seemed like a weasel haunting the void.

 Zhang Yong frowned.

 Check the accounts? What account to check?

If he could check accounts, would he still be here?

 I have already gone to work at the Central Bank. 9 to 5. The monthly salary is at least thirty yuan.

Where is it like now...

 The gift is only 10,000 yuan.

 “What tax corps?”

 On the surface, I will give you 100 guns. But in fact, I only give 70.

 The price they paid must have been partly embezzled by people from the General Administration of War.

 “Seven hundred branches.”

 The remaining 30 bottles naturally fell into my private pocket.

 “How many weapons and ammunition did they take away?”

“Deputy Director Zeng knows best.”

 You cannot insist that it is 70 sticks. This is breaking someone else's plate. No one will want to cooperate with you in the future.

 Obviously, all this is done secretly.

“The explosives were really not made by us. It was due to the shortage of the attendant’s office.”

 “What about the explosives?”

 “Fifteen hundred people.”

 “How many guns?”

 People’s hearts are not as old as they used to be!


 On the top of the small notebook, there are only the names of weapons and ammunition. And there are numbers. But there is no consignee.

 This is also an unspoken rule.

 “Commissioner, look. The exact numbers are all on it.”

 Zhang Yong reached out and took over a small notebook.

 However, the appearance still needs to be done.

According to the unspoken rules, if anyone asks, the Ministry of Finance will have to admit that it "temporarily borrowed" 100 guns.

  Waving his hands.

 “Sold to outsiders.”

 “Nine hundred and fifty.”


 “To be honest. I blame it all on the spies.”

"how many people?"

“Deputy Director Zeng, please tell me the true accounts. I won’t record them. Just keep them in mind.”

“Seven 82mm guns. Thirty-seven 60mm guns. More than 500 rounds of large artillery shells. 1,300 rounds of small artillery shells.”

"Let me see."

 “They are all long-term partners. They know the basics.”

“What to do with the remaining two hundred and fifty?”

 Otherwise, I will get no benefit at all, I am stupid! Taking risks for no reason.

 “How much was really given?”

“It is directly under the Ministry of Finance. It is dedicated to collecting taxes.”

 “Is it reliable?”

 The Treasury took away weapons and ammunition. But there will be no clues left.

“Director Yu, I can’t see this account clearly. Find someone who is sober.”

 Getting money and doing things is his purpose. Good reputation is the basis of sustainable development.

 “Where are the mortars?”

  Or keep a hand behind your back. If something happens in the future, it will be revealed and everyone will die together.

"Actually, Commissioner, originally, our deficit was not that big. We have dealt with some before. Just recently, the Ministry of Finance set up a tax team and secretly transferred a batch of supplies..."

 “What does the chamberlain need explosives for?”

"I have no idea."

"Okay. Contact the people outside right away, tell them you have the goods, and ask them to come over."

“Commissioner, don’t you want to arrest them?”

“I will check whether there are any spies inside. If there are any, it will settle the account.”

"All right…"

Yu Dayue and Zeng Zhaoliu looked at each other.

This feels a bit risky. But it’s not impossible. These pustules will burst out sooner or later.

 Now that Zhang Yong is blocking it, it will be fine if it explodes. Otherwise, if it breaks out later, the consequences will be more serious.

 “I’ll get in touch.”


 Zeng Zhaoliu went to make arrangements.

 Zhang Yong and Yu Dayue went to check on the warehouse director who had hanged himself.

With his professional level, of course he couldn't see any clues.

“Commissioner, Officer Huang is here.”


 Zhang Yong nodded.

 He has secretly arranged for someone to invite Huang Benkuan.

Huang Benkuan has been seconded by him and is considered half of the secret investigation team. He Zhang Yong is also the leader of the secret investigation team.

This secret investigation team has not been explicitly established or cancelled.


 “Thank you for your hard work. Let’s get to work.”


Huangben Broadband people started to get busy.

 Besides himself, he also brought seven others. They are all old police officers.

 They are all marginalized in the police headquarters. Ordinary life is not satisfactory. But after being fished out by Zhang Yong, he immediately jumped over the dragon gate.

 The treatment is good.

 A basic salary of at least fifteen oceans per month.

If there are other rewards, thirty oceans per month will be no problem.

 The only prerequisite is to work hard.

 Use their professional knowledge to make scientific judgments on the case.

 The first thing to judge is whether it is suicide or homicide. If it's suicide, of course it doesn't matter.

 However, if it was a homicide, it means the problem is serious.

 Soon, Huang Benkuan came to a conclusion.

“Commissioner, the deceased was strangled to death and then hung on a rope.”


"Definitely. The murderer was very strong. He almost broke his neck and ribs. He should be a burly man, or someone who does rough work."


 Zhang Yong nodded.

 Then arrange for people to investigate the interpersonal relationships of the deceased.

Even he could think that an acquaintance must have committed the crime.


“Director, Li Wufeng is missing.”

 “When did he leave?”

 “Before the commissioner arrived, he was gone.”

"could not be reached?"

 “No one was found.”


Yu Dayue’s face looked uncertain.

 There is indeed a problem.

 One died and one left. The suspect surfaced easily.


 There is really a traitor.

 However, if the target is a spy, it seems that it can be relieved.

 “Is this Li Wufeng a soldier?”

"No. He is a technician in the warehouse. He is good at dealing with various technical problems. He also has a lot of research on explosives."

"so smart?"

 “Those who have studied abroad.”

 “Oh? Who is at home?”

 “It is said that he had a fiancée. Everyone else is dead.”

 “How long have you been here?”

 “Two years and seven months.”

 “How do you usually behave?”

 “Very good. Smart. Brainy. Positive. Works overtime for free. Works hard without complaining.”


 Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

   There is definitely something wrong with this Li Wufeng. Such an outstanding performance!

 That’s nonsense!

 In the big dyeing vat of the fruit party, you are actually working diligently? What a liar!

 Either a spy.

 Either a red party.

 Mostly the former.

If it was the Red Party, it would not disappear at this time.

 But the same cannot be said for Japanese spies. Because the other party knew he was coming. Maybe he knows he's good at catching spies.

 “Send someone to take me to his house.”

 “I’ll go with you.”

Yu Dayue volunteered. Lead the way yourself.

 Zhang Yong set off with the action team. The Fourth Air Police Regiment continues to garrison the Ordnance and Industry Administration.

That Li Wufeng is a returnee from overseas and has experience of studying abroad. Therefore, in the General Administration of Military Industry, there is a relatively high salary.

However, his home is quite far away from the General Administration of War. It's on the Lujing Road side. It takes an hour to get to work.

 So, most of the time, he stayed in the General Administration of War and Industry, in the laboratory. Help develop weapons.

 In addition to managing weapons and ammunition, the General Administration of Ordnance and Industry also has certain research and development capabilities.

 There is also an engineering corps, which is also under the jurisdiction of the General Administration of Ordnance. The major of the Engineer Regiment who was killed before belonged to the General Administration of Ordnance.


Yu Dayue said.

 Zhang Yong nodded.

 The Lujing Road side is relatively messy.

  New District is a new district. But there was no planning. The roads are also a mess.

From the perspective of outsiders, messy roads will definitely bring inconvenience to life. However, in Zhang Yong's opinion, everything here is suitable for escape.

 Normal people may not like to live in this kind of place. But spies sure do.

 If you find something wrong, run away immediately.

  There are many roads to run on.

 Stop the car.

get off.

 The map is not shown.

 There are no red dots nearby.


There seems to be a looming red dot on the edge of the map.

So he approached quietly.

 Confirm, there is indeed a red dot hidden on the edge of the map.

Who is it?

 Seems to be lurking nearby?

Judging from the location, it seems that you are observing Li Wufeng’s home?


 Japanese spy…


 Deploy quietly.

 Soon, Shangguan Qing led people closer to the target.

 At this moment, the red dot has not responded at all. Apparently he didn't realize the danger was coming.




 Everyone rushed forward.

 Just one person jumped out from the ruins. Trying to escape.

 But it’s too late.

 There are already people all around. Hold him down firmly.

This spy seems to have little ability to resist. Once you hold it down, you will no longer be able to struggle.

“That’s him!” “Li Wufeng!”

Yu Dayue recognized it immediately.

 Zhang Yong:…

All right. Sometimes, spies do think they are smart.

 The place where you feel the most dangerous is the safest. So he hid nearby and lurked quietly. At the same time, they secretly observed the movements of the Chinese people.

He thought he would not be caught if he had a safe house nearby.

 Thinking that if the Chinese didn't find him at home, they would judge that he had absconded. So, he was safe.

 As a result, who knows, it happened to be within Zhang Yong’s monitoring range.


 Shangguan Qing shouted.

 He stretched out his hand and dug at the Japanese invader's mouth.

The others hurriedly started to work together and forcefully opened the Japanese invader's mouth.



 Others quickly brought tools.

 Forcibly dig out the poison-containing teeth from the mouth.

 It’s not very difficult.

 The teeth are first dug out, then filled with poison, and then replanted.

 For Japanese spies, the process of planting poison is also quite painful.

 It’s actually not that uncomfortable to have the tooth extracted now.

 However, even after the poison was removed, the spy still looked very tough.

 Very strange feeling.

 Zhang Yong judged that the other party was not the murderer who killed the warehouse director.

 Because Huang Benkuan's judgment is that he is tall and powerful, and he may be doing rough work. The spy in front of me is obviously not one. The other party is engaged in technology.

 Let him use technology to kill people, maybe it's okay. But brute force never feels like it.

Of course, it is possible to make a mistake.

 Japanese spies are very stubborn and seem to be prepared to refuse to confess.

But it does not matter. Zhang Yong has many ideas.

 He took out a small notebook. The above are all deficit figures of the Ordnance Industry Administration.

 “These were all stolen by you Japanese.”


 The spy suddenly became anxious.


 This is Hongguoguo’s slander!

 When did we take so much away! You don't want to throw any **** at my head!

 Zhang Yong reached out and took away the rag from his mouth.

“Yes. You are a meritorious official of the Japanese Empire. You have done a very good job.”


 “I will report this number to Kenji Doihara.”

 “Baga! You slander!”

 The spy roared angrily.

 It feels a bit like one's own innocence has been greatly humiliated.

"I know it's a slander." Zhang Yong patted the other person's face and said calmly, "But I need a scapegoat."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, he said honestly, "This shortfall was actually swallowed up by our own people. However, we cannot let the people above know. Therefore, we can only say that it was stolen by you." ”

“Baga! We didn’t take that much at all! Not even a tenth of it.”

“Who said that? You stole it.”

 Zhang Yongyi is strict in his words.

 For a time, the Japanese spies were no longer able to be punished.

 Want to defend. But I can't tell the truth. Can't confess directly.

 Otherwise, it is tantamount to confessing.

He can still distinguish such a low-level routine.

However, the scary thing is that Zhang Yong’s purpose was not to get him to confess at all. But let him take the blame.


 The Japanese spies began to twist.

 He can’t take the blame! He wants to defend himself!

However, Zhang Yong ignored him.

 He began to take people to dig for treasure.

 There is a gold symbol nearby. Standing alone among the ruins.

 Obviously, this is not abnormal.

How could there be gold in the ruins? Unless someone is specifically hiding it.

 Come to the location. Judgment left and right.


Sure enough, I found five large gold bars and ten small gold bars. In addition, there were more than 30 banknotes, totaling more than 1,800 yuan.

 There are also some French currencies and some French francs. Scattered.



 The spy's eyes breathed fire.

 Of course it's his. He hid it quietly.

ˆDeliberately separate from himself. Even if he is caught, it is impossible to find the burial place.

 In fact, later on, even he almost forgot where he was hiding.

 Unexpectedly, Zhang Yong could dig it out accurately.

 Then something even more terrifying happened.

 What Zhang Yong found was not only gold bars and silver notes, but also a record book.


The spy roared hysterically.

 Zhang Yong opened the record book. Eyes twinkling. There was actually a sketch inside.

 Bombard the Presidential Palace!

Sure enough, this Japanese spy is the real culprit behind the scenes.

 God has given us food again.

 An ordinary technician turned out to be a spy boss!

"let's talk."

 “Baga! Go to hell!”

 “Don’t be like this! I am reputable,”


 “One hundred thousand oceans. I’ll let you go.”


"I said, I only want one hundred thousand oceans, and I will let you go."


 The spy shouted subconsciously.

Of course he didn’t believe Zhang Yong’s lies. This was all done to trick him into confessing.

 Suddenly something didn’t feel right.

 Zhang Yong came up quietly and whispered: "You are definitely not willing to betray one of your own people. But if it is to betray the Navy Red Deer, are you willing?"

 “Nani?” The spy’s voice couldn’t help but fluctuate.

Navy Red Deer?

 It doesn’t seem impossible…

 Betraying the navy and red deer, is that called betrayal? of course not!

 “Do you keep your word?”

"Of course. As long as the information you tell me is worth one hundred thousand oceans, I will let you go immediately. If you violate it, there will be thunder and lightning..."


 “What? Isn’t sincerity enough? Then I will give birth to a child without an asshole…”


 The spy hesitated.

 He really wanted to sell out. The problem was, he didn't know what was going on with the Navy Red Deer.

 The next line is like a mountain.

 He has little connection with Navy Red Deer.

 Zhang Yong didn’t rush him either. Waiting inside. Give the other person plenty of time.

“Xinjing, can you do that...”

 “Okay! Anyway, I just want money.”


 The spy suddenly became more energetic.

He doesn’t know the situation of the Navy’s Red Deer. But he is very clear about Xinjing.

What? Does betraying Xinjing count as a confession?

Of course not.

 They are not Japanese.

  No matter how many people die in Xinjing, no one cares.

 “I know where the black fox is.”

 “What black fox?”

“He is the confidant of Yoshiko Kawashima. One of the Eight Foxes.”

 “Okay, you say.”

“His pseudonym is Huang Yong and he lives on Taihe Road.”

 “House number?”

“I don’t know the specific house number. Anyway, it’s Taihe Road.”

 “Then how do I find someone?”

 “I’ll give you a portrait. I know him.”


 Zhang Yong sent someone to bring paper and pen.

 The spy quickly drew a portrait of Huang Yong. Quite realistic. Lifelike.

 Suddenly, the map flashes, indicating that it has been recorded.

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

faint! So magical?

 Can maps be marked simply by relying on portraits?

Doesn’t that mean that even if you have never seen someone before, as long as you have a portrait, the map will be able to mark it in advance?


 However, there is a premise. It just needs to be painted very similar.

 Honestly speaking, this Japanese spy’s sketching skills are really strong. After all, he is a technician. Talented.

 For a moment, Zhang Yong was really reluctant to let the other party die.

Talent is rare!

 Keep their lives and let them serve China. This is also a way for them to atone for their sins.

 Immediately arrange for someone to take the spy back and keep him under strict supervision.

 Bring people to Taihe Road.

It feels a little familiar. Seems like you've been here before?

Oh, Lin…

 What's coming?

 She is Director Lin’s biological sister.

 Yes, Lin Wan!

 That’s right. I remembered. Lin Wan.

  Secretly ashamed.

It seems that I took someone else’s $100,000. As a result, he didn't even remember the other party's name.

 At any rate, the other party is also a beautiful woman! Still like Sister Yu.

 Her charm is completely different from Song Ziyu and Yang Lichu. Quite charming.

 Twist one’s face.

 What are you thinking about? Random thoughts again!

 Don’t even look at what time it is! Also sensual and lascivious…

 Suddenly, I saw Lin Wan coming out.

Wearing a goose-yellow cheongsam, she is graceful and graceful.

 This woman is simply more beautiful than the wealthy flowers of later generations. Especially suitable for wearing cheongsam. Her 90-point appearance is enhanced to 100 points by her stunning cheongsam.

  No other woman can match her in wearing cheongsam.

Lin Wan also saw Zhang Yong.

 Zhang Yong raised his finger in front of his mouth to signal her to be silent.

  She understood it immediately. Water the flowers on your own. He looked at Zhang Yong quietly from the corner of his eyes.

 Curiosity killed the cat.

 She was also curious. I don’t know what Zhang Yong is doing.

It is said that what this guy is best at is catching Japanese spies. Are you trying to catch Japanese spies now?

 Determined to look at it for a while.

When the water in the kettle was finished, she went in to fill it up again.

At this moment, a red dot appears on the edge of the map. The map marker flashes. It was Huang Yong.

 Zhang Yong:? ? ?

what's the situation?

Huang Yong? Spy? Not a traitor?

The Eight Foxes under Yoshiko Kawashima? one. Actually Japanese?

Does Yoshiko Kawashima know about this?

 If she didn’t know it, it was a spy planted by the Japanese to monitor her.


The Japanese really do not trust all traitors.

 Spies were also placed around Yoshiko Kawashima. Maybe there is more than one such spy.

  Wait patiently.

 Huang Yong appeared.

 That’s right. It was indeed him. Japanese indeed.

  Getting closer.

  Waving his hands.


  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)

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