Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 7 Chapter 992: God is a ball

"God is a sphere. Its center is everywhere and its circumference is not anywhere."

The barrier in front of me seems to be infinite in size, and I can't reach any edge.

I don't want to sit still, I will try my best to escape from the hall.

However, I really can't do anything.

Not only are surreal barriers blocking my way out, but man-made walls are also insurmountable.

I am not convinced of this world anymore, it may not be real. These buildings and walls may be simulated by data. It is false. Except for the surface material, the inside is just an empty shell. It is data that can be cracked and can be penetrated by me.

But I can't walk through it.

Even if I think I am the only sober person in this false world, the tiny units that make my body don't seem to be very advanced. Even if I know the so-called truth, I am still that incompetent bastard.

I need to calm down, and my shoulder is sore now, I really can't squeeze in this wall.

Looking back, the bright and dark and orderly prosperous world of Cyan Bi Building is a beautiful stage laid by God for me. There are deep velvet carpets, blooming flowers in all seasons, good food and delicacy, and even more outstanding achievements await me. .

If I turn around, return to the elevator, and all the way back to the Tavernier Suite on the 100th floor, the residence of Arasaka Yoshinobu, the script can continue.

Perhaps this world is a movie, and I am in the movie. Once I leave the camera, everything ceases to exist. Only when I return to the camera can the world operate as usual. And the designer behind it, God, or an extra-dimensional civilization, they are so arrogant, they are sure that I will not be able to change the established outcome with all my efforts.

As an actor, I am a fool.

Now I am also Jesus.

"The elevator is waiting for us, Jack."

Jack didn't speak.

Just wait until we reach the 100th floor, when we walk into this room again.

Jack's face was pale, "They are coming, we have to hide quickly."

Yes, it’s not. You have to hide. Lai Xuan and Adam are in a special situation at this moment. They are in the elevator that carried us, and they are not there at the same time. They are ghosts. Backstage waiting for the signal to accompany the performance, so I can't wait.

Jack seemed to be able to feel the gloomy and depressing atmosphere pressing on him.

Let me see what tricks you have.

Now the host is coming to catch our two thieves, so we have to hide quickly. Where can we hide? Under the bed? No, there is no gap there, cabinet? Can't find that big. bathroom? Waiting to surprise others?

On the contrary, there is a large projection column in the middle of the house, which is empty, allowing us to hide, just like a scene on the stage, a cozy tree hole that appears when the princess is chased by the wicked.

Good guy, I hacked into the door on the back of the column and opened it after a lot of hands and feet. Jack and I squeeze into the inner space-there is a one-way glass screen in front of me. The visible light inside cannot penetrate, of course, There will be a very weak infrared signal transmitted out, as long as you don't look carefully, it will not be found. And we can clearly see what is happening outside.

Jack was very nervous, he reminded me "They are coming!"

Lai Xuan is a middle-aged Japanese man, belonging to the kind of person who is very energetic. The robot slowly stepping out behind him, Jack whispered when he saw it: "Fuck, it's impossible, then, is that Adam Hammer?! The legend of the night city, a death-like character, this is playing Which one of them came out?"

Ha, Jack, I knew he was there when I watched Chaomeng. Did I not tell you? Then I apologize.

Lai Xuan showed impatience, "Are they here?"

The artificial intelligence in the house replied: "Just arrived at the tarmac."

Well, it seems there are still guests, who will it be?

Oh, I saw it.

"Fuck, that is Saburo Arasaka?"

Jack, your surprise today must be more than that.

Saburo Arasaka didn't come alone either. He was accompanied by a bodyguard, um, a figure equivalent to the Emperor's Guard, and there was a Japanese man who was quite handsome, to some extent, a bit like that Mr. Wolf. They are different handsome.

Saburo Arasaka and Yoshinobu Arasaka didn't deal much with the father and son, and they said coldly when they met.

Father is kind and filial, um, I know, then, do you still want to kill your father? Okay, by the way, Saburo Arasaka came in a floating car, maybe I can use this thing to escape...

Saburo's bodyguard was searching the room. He stood in front of me. There was only a glass plate a few millimeters thick between us. Jack held his breath.

While I was observing this bodyguard with a scanner, he was also using the scanner to search the column. My system detected an unauthorized scan. Good guy, he found us.

As his gaze became more and more suspicious, Saburo Arasaka called out both bodyguards to go out.

Isn't it a coincidence?

Next, in Jack's horrifying eyes, Lai Xuan and Saburo did not agree with each other, and staged a scene of father killing. Lai Xuan pinched his 100-year-old father's neck and pressed him to the pillar. Right in front of us, Saburo Arasaka, the capital emperor, died just like this, like an ordinary old man, unable to resist his young and powerful son, and had to die sadly.

To be honest, I'm no exception at all. All I think about now is to go upstairs, go to the tarmac to get the floater, and then take Jack and the cargo away.

Let me leave this nightmare-like building.

Saburo is dead, just under our attention.

Lai Xuan experienced a brief period of confusion after killing his father, and then ordered the entire hotel to be sealed off on the grounds that his father was assassinated.

The situation is approaching a climax of terror.

Arasaka Yoshinobu went out quickly.

Jack cursed.

"Let's go, let's go." I took Jack to the tarmac, where there were two heavy guards guarding, hacking in remotely, leaving them unconscious in the electromagnetic short circuit. On the tarmac, a beautiful floating car baby is waiting for us.

"Jack, we can escape right away."

"Awesome V, you are so reliable!"

I tried to hack into this floating car-it shouldn't be difficult, I can come and go freely even on the mainnet of the Cyan Bi Building.

Come on.

Let me link, let me visit, let me break through your ice wall, I want to control you!






The open door was waiting for the passengers, but I couldn't penetrate the ice wall of this floating car. It blocked my offensive so stubbornly, it was bottomless.

It's like an invisible barrier.

There is no margin.

"Fuck you, I'm fucking!"

why not? why? Do you even dare to defy me with a floating car!

Pick up the katana in the car and ask me to destroy you, okay! Floating car, did you **** hear that? I cut you!

"Hey!" Jack confined me from behind, even you have to fight me?

Back elbow Turning around, I slapped Jack towards Jack's disgusting face, fuck, you stupid, you are also the one who harmed me with the master behind the scenes? !

"V!" Jack didn't fight back. He was a coward, with a big appearance, but he was actually a soft, money-greedy wild dog!

"V, I don't know why you are so angry, you are about to smash that car into pieces. Let's go quickly. It won't work if you don't leave."

"V, you've been trembling all the time, don't be afraid, although I'm afraid, but I don't want you to be like this, no matter what happens, I will stand in front of you, even if it is a rain of bullets, I will take you out. it is good?"

"V, oh, don't cry girl, you will get better, isn't it just that Saburo Arasaka died? Just a little bit Konbi Building, we just kill it."

"Jack, you are an idiot, Jack, what are you talking about. You will die today."

"Don't say such frustrating words," he looked unnatural, "I still want to finish this order and have a big meal with Misty. Before that, I won't die, and neither will you. "

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