Break Through the Steam Game Library

Vol 2 Chapter 375: Escape

In the sixth resurrection, Jonas learned to be honest. This time he honestly followed the prisoners to behead their heads. The horse thief suddenly ran away when he was named by the clerk. He was shot to death by an arrow, pierced in the heart, and fell to the ground. , The blood dripped into a small pool.

When Jonas got out of the car, the clerk could not find out his life. The kind Nordman said to the female officer beside him: "Captain, he is not on the list, he is innocent."

The female officer showed no mercy, and only said that she would dispose of it all at once, leave the book alone.

The clerk had to look at Yonas with a guilty look, "My child, we will try our best to transport your bones back to Gaoyan. The fallen leaves must return to their roots."

"Thank you." Jonas frowned and lowered his head. His brain hurts badly now.

In the distance gathered some civilians looking to decapitate. They are natives of Haier. They have lived here for generations. They are habitually exposed to the **** scenes of some execution grounds. This is a major reserved item of life. In addition to children being restrained at home, basic adults Everyone would come to watch. The soldiers knew them well and would not stop them. They just told them not to get too close to avoid being suspected of hindering official business.

The priest began to pray, and then was stopped by a red-haired Stormcloak soldier. He chanted that he would rush to Songgarde and mocked the imperial people for no refuge after death. He was the first on the list. He walked up to the guillotine, and the female officer kicked his legs and pressed him down. She put her head on the cold, greasy bluestone, and she didn't know if he would shiver.

Jonas watched the executioner wearing the mask raise the axe. A very heavy and thick axe can definitely cut off the neck bone. One success will not cause the victim to suffer too much pain.

Killing is a simple matter, but it is not so simple to kill beautifully. It is simple and clean, killing one's life with a single knife, and rarely suffering. This is the professional pursuit of an executioner.


The axe fell, everything was what everyone thought, his head flew into the frame, like a stone, blood splattered from the neck, and the blood rushed for more than ten seconds, finally stopped.

The stench of feces came from the headless body. Once the head is gone, it will be difficult for the body to control itself. This is inevitable, but it is not very decent. The female officer kicked the corpse aside. The remnant was lying loose on the ground, in an unnatural posture, which made people feel like a dummy puppet, but it was actually a living person not long ago.

The soldiers in the storm cloak flushed with anger, their eyes were tearful, and they shouted various slogans, tragic and majestic.

The female officer screamed: "The next prisoner!"

The clerk hesitated, "Captain, that kid is really..."

"I said, the next prisoner!"

According to the roster, Jonas was the second one, and the clerk walked to him and said softly: "Go ahead, prisoner, don't be nervous."

The boy smiled at him, "You are a good person."

"You are brave, boy."

Jonas was very calm. At this time, a dragon howl came from the horizon. It was the old rival Alduin. He was coming again. After trying so many times, the boy can be sure that the black dragon came to find himself, but he should not He knew very well which was the real dragonborn, all he had to do was to hide well, not to expose himself, he could save his life by waiting for the opportunity to flee.

Jonas stood calmly for a while. The female officer repeatedly ordered him to go to the guillotine, but he was just indifferent. The soldiers of the empire were violent. As long as the captain gave an order, they would rush over to the cowering boy. Divide.

The female officer rushed over to give Jonas a punch, but was easily pushed away by the boy. He said, "Listen."

The other party drew out the long sword, already decided to solve him, a dragon howl exploded above the people's heads, the situation changed, the black dragon fell on the fortress, and the meteorite fell.

"What the **** is that!"

In a moment of turmoil, the livestock wailed, Jonas did not look up, but took a deep breath. Alduin didn't find him. Very good, the first step is completed.

Next, he followed Larov to escape, climbed the tower, jumped out of the house, in a panic, and met the clerk halfway through, who was helping a group of children.

The imperial soldiers were ordered to attack the dragon and formed a team to protect the residents from evacuation. When the people were evacuated, Helgen was devastated, the black dragon was still breathing dragon's breath, the air was distorted, the smoke was scorching, and Jonas looked like nothing. Head flies, followed the clerk into a fortress. According to him, he could escape from the underground cave of the fortress.

After the two entered the fortress, they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. The clerk smiled at him and untied Jonas, "My name is Hardawa and I was born in Ximu Town, but I grew up in Cyrodir. My uncle is The blacksmith in town."

The boy nodded to him, then walked into the depths of the fort by himself.

"You are scared."

"No, I'm quite happy."

"Happy? Why? That's right, this is a dead escape, don't worry, since you are not on the roster, you will not have any rewards, you can walk around the sky." Hadawa went to a torch from the wall, deep in the fortress The road lighting is not increased, and it has been in disrepair for a long time, and it will definitely not be easy to walk. "I know that this leads to a sinkhole. It should be possible to get out. Have other people escaped? Alas, I am really worried about them."

Jonas recalled the scene of the black dragon raging and the dragon fire burning innocent people to death. He had no mercy in his heart. He was just a little happy that he could escape Alduin’s pursuit. As the saying goes, I’m not afraid of leaving behind the green hills. Without firewood, as long as he takes a good rest for a while, he will definitely find a way to deal with the Black Dragon King, by then he will not only fulfill his destiny, but also avenge the souls.

"I can't believe it. The dragon has appeared again. The ancient legends are true. There really are dragons in the world." Hadawa muttered, confused, "What will the future look like? The current Skyrim? It’s another war and another giant dragon. There are really too few children born in Ann."

"Why are you still alive? Why don't you take care of yourself." Jonas snorted. "We haven't really escaped yet. We have already begun to think about others?"

"You kid, how can you be reasonable? Didn't you get frightened when you beheaded?"

"I'm not afraid of beheading, because your axe is not profitable." Jonas wanted to argue for himself, but he was discouraged after saying something, "It's useless to tell you this, it's better not to say it."

Along the way, I encountered a few storm cloak soldiers who wanted to attack Hardawa, who was wearing the imperial armor. They were beaten by Jonas. After half-dead, they finally convinced them. The boy only said that he didn’t want to kill too many people and made them old. Honestly followed behind, and then the team became a long line.

Hadawa said that there is a sinkhole deep here, and there is a group of frostbite spiders in it. This thing is so common, Jonas suddenly said that he wanted to build a frostbite spider farm. Their reproductive speed will surely produce a large amount of silk thread and meat, which is perfect for territorial construction.

"You said raising spiders? Someone has already done this, it is Baron Dillo of Winterhold. You also know that the climate in Winterhold is cold and farming is inconvenient, so you rely on spiders to make your family rich. I have to say that it is a good way." The Stormcloak Soldier said that you are still a step late, and this idea is not new.

"Dilo?" Jonas had heard of this name many times.

Hadawa: "Yes, Dilo?? Baishan. Speaking of it, your surname is Baishan. Is it a coincidence or the same clan?"

"I don't know, but maybe I should really meet the Baron Dillo."


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