"Hihahaha, people from all over the world... most of all, the Six Champions and the Seven Heroes will be surprised at Panai ~..... ah ~ it's fun!"

All the masterminds, Palipi, seemed more happy than ever that he was a defeated scene.

"I just imagined Lyvall and all the other idiots who thought they'd beaten me, and Panai was laughing."

The fact that the proud Six Champions were defeated... was not a scratch or anything for Parisi herself, it was like a spoiler.

Even though I was stunned by it, my face didn't change.....

"That was unexpected..."


"You've edited where I come from."

Palipi lost to Earth. Immediately thereafter, the original coman came out and exposed its identity and authenticity, but it was cut nicely with the palipe's hand.

Hearing those words, Parippi smiled bitterly.....

"Hihahaha, well, you're a trump card, so you don't want to expose yourself to confusion... that's it." Since the little ones are watching this show, your work will be bad for future education, you will be traumatized, and everyone's emotions will fade because it's too shocking... "

"It's bad for my child's education... you're saying it's not thin." Can I slit my upper and lower gums a little bit? "

"You can tell me who's on my good side. But this is for you, too." That's because you're going to poke me in the neck that's fallen afterwards, but at that time, you can see the bold pants under that cute skirt--- "


"That's a joke, a joke. I can't see it. No, look, after this, the emotional reunion of Yamidiren-san and Kuron-chan won't be in my head anymore. What? Did you want to leave?"

"... no... that's absolutely... what was the pattern on my underwear, by the way?"

"The leopard............ Boohoo!?"

"I can't believe Earth defeated the Six Champions in a single fight..."

Sorja murmured, unable to suppress the trembling.

Not only Solja, but also those who knew the war once knew the greatness of Earth's work.

"Hmm... [Compared to the past, the present generation]... I've been saying things to my disciples and sighing foolishly......"

Beside him, Lyvall, the same seven heroes, looked up at the sky with his hat off.

"It's no exaggeration to say that Earth is no longer the difference between foolishness and sighing... it has become a power and a feat alongside us."

It was Lyvall's greatest tribute.

Those who knew the glory of their past and the wars of their past always felt that the modern youth was not enough.

It was a compliment from Lyvall that the young man's representative, Earth, had brilliantly overturned the assessment.


{Earth-kun...... this battle...... you win. I lost to you... I was strong... Panai was strong... ”

Even though a giant wind hole was drilled into his torso, he was still alive.

"What!? Paripi, you're still alive!?"

"Even in that state... did you have that much vitality... did you survive the magic swords of Benlinarf and I... but anyway... what did he just say?"

Palipi's expression was gentle, and he honestly admitted his defeat against Earth without showing any signs of uplift.

I found a path that suits me... but if there's still not enough now... I can only say... that I've tampered with the solution... and had the courage to execute it... and accomplished it brilliantly... Heeha... brilliantly...

"What... and..."

The condition of Palipi was unbelievable from the perspective of the other six hegemons who knew Palipi well and the seven heroes who were enemies of Palipi.

"Idiot, that Parisi honestly admitted defeat!?"

"And I can't believe it... even when Ben Linerf and I were cornered, it was like he didn't give in... or was he planning something?"

"No, but... the state of Parisi... really..."

"Does it mean that Paripi himself admits that he has so far lost to Earth?"

I can't trust any words that come out of my mouth, the worst of the worst.

However, I could only be surprised at the words of surrender that had disappeared from the scandal overflowing from such a palipi and leaked from the expression and appearance of a palipi that had never even been seen by a comrade or an enemy.

and then suddenly from those who were watching the flow like that....

"Hey, hey, I wonder what's going to happen after this..."

"Ah, but if I had captured the Six Hegemons, the princess would have reported it..."

"It's true... the voice of the storyteller that I often enter at this viewing party in the first place..."

"Parippi himself... that means Parippi isn't dead yet..."

Solja and Ryvar nodded to the rudimentary doubts of the soldiers they were watching together.

"Lyvall... Earth certainly beat Palipi... but does that mean you didn't stab Todome?"

"I see... well, to cross that line would be terrible for a generation that doesn't know the current war... but... the demon should be eliminated for the sake of the world... Earth"

"Ahh... Paripi is dangerous... I can't let him go wild anymore than I know he was alive... I can't let him go wild..."

"Even if he admits defeat... he can't surrender... If I show him the gap, he'll stab me from behind at that moment, Earth!"

The opponent is not a proud warrior.

Even if you admit defeat in power, you will never--

Earth Lagan-kun, I'll be your subordinate...

... what about you?

"" "" ""... hehe? "" ""

At that time, Solja and Ryvar were not the only ones gathered on the palace terrace. Those who were present, of course, the world jammed with the earth.

”No, just now... what did Parippi say?”

"Did I hear you wrong...?"

The two heroes of the Seven Heroes slapped their own ears at the same time and pulled out their ear holes.

Was that a hallucination? Wrong?

An abnormal situation that is too far away from what we expected. Unusual remarks.....

[Paaaaahhhh!? What do you mean, elephant?! Emperor Solja! You really didn't hear anything, elephant!? ”

Along the way, I was forgotten in the face of the battle between Earth and Parisi, but I heard a violent upset from beyond the demon crystal that remained connected to the demon world's Liphant.



Even in Hakuki's ajito, a strong cheer was sent to Earth, and Hiro and Maam, who rejoiced from the bottom of their hearts at the victory of Earth, changed their faces.

"... I see... I think I've been hit so hard..." Hey, assuming you two brave men don't stick to that asshole forever... no... well, I would have reacted the same way if I hadn't heard in advance that I was under his command... "

Even though I was shocked by such a clown and Maam, I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That's right! What are you thinking, palipi!" "..... earth, don't be fooled!"

"Earth, stab me!" I don't know what he's thinking... No, he's always thinking the worst of others! There's no need for mercy! "

Hiro and Maam were finally happy.

Hiro and Maam shouted, "Don't be relentless" because they knew how terrible Palipi was.


- Yes, the boy did more than the feat of "defeating" the Six Champions.


Come here, palipi's vague narration.

They are certainly intruders... but at the same time they are benefactors who saved this heavenly world... Father... Your Majesty... and the wounded benefactors who saved this country! About Yamidile... I'll take care of it. ”

Gaal, the Sky Prince, suddenly proclaims the warriors of the Sky Clan.

--Yeah, as a result... first of all, the sky world that no one in the world knew... saved the crisis... not only that...

The Earths, who were supposed to hit to save Yamidire, ended up saving the sky by defeating Palipi.


Yamidire! Glad you're okay... glad you're okay.

Master Kuron... what do you want me to do...?

Kuron finally reunites with Yamidire.

Kuron's eyes, which were always smiling miserably, were soaked with tears, and Yamidire was puzzled by the situation.

"Ah, Earth Lagan! You... did this to me!?" Did you seduce Master Kuron?! ”

No, Yamidire. I am not inspired by earth. I have come this far on my own volition, and on everyone's mind. I asked Earth to do it for me. I want to help you... and Earth has listened to my wishes. ”

"As long as I don't do that, I probably won't come to help you." It was a tearful wish from a woman who fell in love with me. ”

― ― The boy fulfilled the innocent wish of only one girl... and the meeting with the boy...

Yamidire. I don't know what you've done, what you've done, what you've done, what you've done. But... I don't lie about my feelings.... I don't want to lose you. ”

--Growing the girl. And......

I'll get you out of here. The commandment to seal off the magic power that is capturing you... don't take it off... you won't be able to use the magic eye or magic at all in the future... that's the deal. It was said that it could only be disarmed in the sky. And you... will never set foot in this country again... permanent exile. That's the condition for getting you out. "

― ― Yamidile, the dark war maiden of the Demon King's Army and the former Six Hegemons, was nothing but dangerous to humanity. It may have been for the good of mankind that we would have handed them over on the spot. However, in order to fulfill the wishes of a single girl, the boy negotiated with the "Sky World" and began to talk about his liberation.

Following the declaration that Parisi would become a subordinate, he was freed from reconciliation with the royalty of the heavenly world, and even from reunion with Yamidire.

Not only did we defeat Palipi, but the world kept going further and further.....

"Wait, this is what happened!?" Certainly, Yamidire didn't use her powers when she was chasing her... but that's how it works... "

"Besides, that prince seemed to be getting along with Earth and the horse by himself... even so, did you accept that Yamidire would seal off the power?" Not just that demon eye, but that magic power... until I sealed it all up... "

For the world, although the power is sealed, I don't think it is a problem that Yamidire will be liberated. However, it was unbelievable that Yamidire accepted that those who knew the power of Yamidire of the Six Champions would become just women by sealing the source of their power.


'Yamidire! Don't be selfish. It may be hard for you to lose power. But as it is... I... can't be with you! I hate that the most. It doesn't have to be that powerful...... I want to stay with Yamidire. "

{Kuron-sama...... your feelings...... but I can't easily accept that I'm losing my power. I knew there was something that was targeting Kuron-sama. At that time, unless you have the strength to risk your life...... I...... ”

Then, I'll be stronger! Rather, I will be strong enough to protect Yamidire! ”

"No, Master Kron, what do you want to know?" It's really important and what the world needs is Kuron-sama! You're afraid to protect me! You don't have to feel that way about me. "

I need Yamidiren, not the world! I care about Yamidire! No matter what life you lead and what you have in mind for me... I want to be with you! ”

A girl who was raised like a bird in a cage, but who was unaware of the world, insisted on her thoughts without taking a single step towards the Yamidile opponent, and Yamidile was falling into a wolf.

And then, Yamidilee said something like that.....

'Cause you... for me... you raised me... you've been with me... my family... my mom... so...'

"Oh, oh my..."

--That's right, for the boy, this woman is no longer a dangerous being called Liu Champion, but a precious mother of a woman who fell in love with herself... even if she was born of a brave father and mother, even if she had separated from her family... the boy chose this path

In his words, Yamidire had a face that no one had ever seen.

― ― As a result, the boy surrendered rather than winning against the Yamidile and Parippi of the Six Champions, and became his own.♪

And while listening to the narration of Palipi, Hyiro and Maam meet each other.

"What's going to happen to me...... this......"

"Yes, yes. Earth... sent Paripi to my side?" No, no, besides... let Yamidire go and get her inside... "

”That Kron girl also declared that she would become a daughter-in-law, ahhh... will Yamidire become friendly?”

"That's not the problem!" What do you still think of Yamidire and Palipi for humanity... instead of stabbing them... the world... especially the war-torn ones... "

Yes, they were surprised but concerned about the impact of this truth on the world and what humanity thinks of Earth.

"It's going to break..." You humans say, "Isn't that a good idea?" It's time to get rid of it. "

In response to their concerns, Hakki clearly broke them off.

Some of the younger generations who don't know war, or are shaken by this viewing, may embrace this trend, but those who are still unacceptable will definitely emerge.

Earth Lagan embraces Yamidire and Palipi.

On the other hand, Hakki's opinion was that the public's voice would be broken.

"In addition, Yamidire's bounty hasn't disappeared yet... now the world knows that Yamidire is losing its power... and those who won't leave will come out."

Yes, Yamidire's bounty hasn't disappeared. World's highest prize money neck.

Until now, Yamidiren could not get his neck because no one knew that he was in Cacrétel, and above all Yamidiren himself was overwhelmingly strong.

But Yamidire has already lost that power.

In that case, not only humans who can't forgive the Six Champions and their existence, but also those who simply have a greedy eye for gold will appear.

"And in that case... if mankind does not allow Yamidile and Kuron to exist... including Palipi... what decision will mankind make about Earth Lagan... fufufufu, either way... the demon world will already move." It depends on Riphant..... "

"...... Hakki... how does the demon world work?"

"The demon world is the same." Yamidile is a war criminal, a demonic world, and a rebel. There are many people who hate Parisi... but there are many people who admire and admire him as a hero. The demon world will also break. You should be sentenced to show your friendship with humanity... and you should be protected as a hero... with Earth Lagan. "

”Well, the demon world is cracking... what's going to happen?”

What will happen to the world in the future as a result of this?

What about mankind? What about the demon world?

I don't know what the answer is to that flow, and neither Hairo nor Maam, and Hakki.....

"I want to see what happens... that's why Palipi is doing this." It sounds like fun. "

Hakki stopped thinking deeply and replied.

"... hi, I can't deny it..."

”Well, anyway... as I said, the battle will not start”

And in the first place, even if the world's opinion is divided and the world is broken, the answer to Earth has long been decided.

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