Bright Era

Chapter 539: Apocalypse, Convicted Knight

A coffin.

From the donkey's small body, which is not much bigger than the dog, a huge sarcophagus was spat out by it. The exquisite sarcophagus is carved with countless ancient and exquisitely shaped patterns, and the countless patterns outline dozens of large and small serial nested magic circles. Magic gold, mithril and other precious magic metals melted into juice, carefully poured on these magic circles, and these magic circles were shining in the sun, emitting a faint wave of magic power.

Lin Qi squinted his eyes. Why does this coffin look so familiar?

When the coffin was placed in the treasure house of the Black Tiger family, it didn’t look too dazzling, but now the donkey vomited it out, a wicked and cold breath slowly spread, and the elemental power around was quickly drawn by the magic array. Go in and be sucked in along the various patterns on the sarcophagus.

Du Wen's face drooped, and this sarcophagus gave him a very bad feeling.

Lin Qi coughed slightly, and he took Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili, and walked slowly to the donkey. Arda is not stupid, he also hides behind the donkey with a shrunken head. No matter what is in this coffin, let this **** donkey carry in front.

"Evil breath!" Du Wen grumbled with a gloomy expression.

The donkey’s little tail was as happy as a windmill. He looked at Du Wen with a beaming eyebrow and nodded: "Grandson, you are right this time. Actually I am a very pure and kind donkey. I am very simple. I'm just a donkey! The real evil heresy is the stuff in this coffin, hehe, **** your uncle, there is a good show!"

Du Wen raised his hand, and a scepter entwined with white flames slowly gushed out of his palm. The sun in the sky became more and more hot, and the light within a few miles dimmed. Within this area The sunlight was absorbed into Du Wen's scepter and turned into a terrible flame covering Du Wen's body.

"Kill with all your strength, don't give them a chance to escape. This evil existence, let me purify him!"

Eighteen bishops and a thousand guardian knights slowly approached Lin Qi and others, while Du Wen watched the coffin very vigilantly. He gently waved the scepter, and a lion made up of white flames gradually condensed beside him. This lion was white all over, emitting inaccessible heat. Its feet were on the ground, and the hard rocks were burned. Become magma.

"All beings have original sin, and no one can be freed!"

Deep, hoarse, murmured like metal crashing from the coffin. The sarcophagus cracked open a thin gap with a sound, a piece of gray mist slowly gushed out of the sarcophagus, and then the lid of the sarcophagus was slowly pushed open, and a trembling evil aura came from the sarcophagus. It spreads out, covering all the space within a few kilometers.

Du Wen's face became more ugly.

"All living beings have original sin, and no one can be freed." This sentence just came, and the faces of the eighteen bishops drooped at the same time, as if they had heard that their parents were chopped into one hundred and eight thousand pieces at the same time. That drooped down.

"Apocalypse, conviction... Knight!" Du Wen grunted hard.

A gray palm slowly protruded from the sarcophagus. It grabbed the edge of the sarcophagus, and then a huge figure slowly straightened up his upper body. He stood up from the sarcophagus forcefully, and then slowly Stepped out of the sarcophagus.

The dignified breath was pressed down like a mountain, and Lin Qi and the others' hearts beat faster and faster, and they even had difficulty breathing. The air was full of forcing evil forces, and the gray mist spread out like flowing water. Everyone was enveloped by the gray viscous mist. They opened their mouths to breathe, but they couldn't breathe enough air.

There was a small forest outside Lixu. After the ash enveloped the forest, the flowers and trees in the forest quickly fell and withered, turning into a gray ashes. A dull wind rolled up against the ground, and a small whirlwind rolled up the ashes, so the ground was filled with small gray whirlwinds over a foot tall, whizzing in circles, and the world was full of The ghostly spirit came to the legendary hell.

"Apocalypse•Condemned Gray Knight!" Du Wen roared loudly: "The primordial evil and the glory of the gods have all purified you. Why is there a gray knight here? What is going on?"

Arda’s eyes flashed with pink gloom: "Praise the great demon god, the Apocalypse Grey Knight? Oh my God, there is still such a great existence handed down? This is before the ancient ruined calendar, and the gods A mighty fighter in combat!"

Lin Qi glanced at Arda in horror, then looked at the warrior who was about four meters tall and draped in gray armor in awe. The quaintly shaped armor is very different from the armor styles popular in the Western Continent today. The heavy armor looks like a whole body without any traces of splicing. He holds a heavy two-meter-long war sword in his left hand, and a spear shining with evil spirits in his right hand. With the sharp protrusions and corners on the armor, he knows at a glance how terrifying it is. The creatures born for killing.

The Gray Knight has no helmet, long gray hair draped arrogantly behind his back. His face is gray, his face sculpted like granite is filled with a desperate gray life, and his eyes are also gray. Flopped, can't see the difference between black and white eyeballs.

When Lin Qi saw this grey knight, his first feeling was that this was not a living thing, but a fighter machine similar to a puppet. But Lin Qi could hear the extremely slow and deep heartbeat in his chest, and the loud noise of some extremely heavy liquid flowing in his blood vessels, which proved that he should be a living creature.

This is a strange existence that ordinary people cannot understand, a strange existence that came from the ancient times, even before the destruction of the calendar, and fought against the gods. There are cracks everywhere in his armor. Through these cracks, it can be found that the flesh and blood of the gray knight and this armor are connected as one. The heavy armor was torn apart, and terrible wounds appeared in his flesh. The gray muscles, blood vessels, meridians and bones were all exposed, and everything was dusty.

The donkey clicked his mouth and banged his front hoof forcefully: "It looks like he is recovering well, at least he is a bit human. When he found this big guy in the underground ruins, his head was almost chopped off. There are more than fifty large and small holes in his body, all bones are broken, and a blazing spear pierced the heart."

Shrugging his shoulders, the donkey Jiejie smiled strangely: "Unexpectedly, your pro-uncle before the sixty-seventh generation is still a little capable. He actually hunted down a purgatory dragon and used his heart to repair the heart of this big guy. He beat a purgatory dragon into meat sauce and poured it into the coffin to nourish this big guy. Now it seems that his injury is almost healed!"

Lin Qi couldn't help rolling his eyes when looking at the twenty-odd small and large wounds on the Grey Knight's body that were fatal to ordinary people.

This call is almost better?

But according to what the donkey just said, compared with when he was just discovered, this guy's injury has indeed recovered almost.

Du Wen's face was extremely ugly, and the flaming lion beside him ran hurriedly around Du Wen anxiously. There was a dazzling divine light in Du Wen's eyes. After thinking for a long time, he gritted his teeth and sneered: "The gray knight whose heart is pierced by the flame spear. It is him, the gray knight Gron Eighteen! It is he who makes the flames. The main god's deputy god, the **** of lava, fell into eternal dormancy and almost caused the **** of lava to fall!"

"Such an evil existence in ancient times, he shouldn't be here!" Du Wen's skin burst into blue veins, and he roared angrily: "He shouldn't be here! You brazen heretics, do you know? What did you do?"

The donkey hugged his hooves, and whistled at Du Wen in a silly whistle: "Fuck you, grandson, what does your donkey want to do? You want to kill us, of course we have to resist fiercely! When you **** a woman, can people only enjoy with closed eyes?"

Lin Qi coughed slightly again, and violently pulled the donkey's ear.

The donkey opened his mouth and ‘quack’ laughed loudly: “Don’t you allow others to resist when you **** a man? Where’s the truth?”

Looking back, the donkey smiled to Lin Qi with a hint of flattery: "I forgot, we are not women, we are all men!"

Du Wen looked stiffly at the Grey Knight who slowly turned his body to look at him, his mouth felt bitter. He never dreamed that it was just an ordinary action to purify heretics, how could it provoke such a terrifying ancient existence?

The Knights of the Apocalypse, destroyed the existence that made the gods of the church ashamed and almost defeated. Although the church banned all document records before the destruction calendar, high-level officials like Du Wen could still learn some scaly information. The gods later completely destroyed the Knights of the Apocalypse. All the knights of the apocalypse were beheaded by the gods, but there was a gray knight left here!

Du Wen happened to know the origin of this gray knight, the gray knight Gron XVIII whose heart was pierced by the flame spear, was a terrible existence that almost caused the **** of lava to fall completely. Although he now made it clear that his injury had not healed and his intelligence seemed to have been greatly damaged, could his power be able to resist the people brought by Du Wen?

"The brilliance of God envelops you, God said, all harm will be out of your body, you will be restored to the original, you will be extremely strong, you will have the most powerful power! Zafi, the most heroic servant of God, God You need to fight!"

Du Wen hesitated for a while, and pointed the scepter at Zafi whose forehead collapsed. A bright white light enveloped Zafi, his forehead bulged rapidly, his injuries healed quickly, and powerful divine power poured into Zafi's body, his aura suddenly rose from the peak of the saint to the level of the lower level of the saint.

"God said, my responsibility is to guard!"

Zafi took the warhammer and rushed towards the Grey Knight with a whistling sound. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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