Bright Era

Chapter 542: Your Royal Highness

The three young chrysanthemums are right in front of you, within reach!

As long as everyone stretches out a strong finger, you can explode this cute little flower lightly!

Let the daisy grow into a brilliant sunflower!

Blast him! Blast him! ! Blast him! ! ! Let us all explode together, it will definitely explode!

Don't say it is explosive, it is explosive!

Everyone voted for Zhutou a monthly pass, and we can make the three young masters want to die, die and die!

Want to try the taste of Sanshao Chrysanthemum? Everyone vote! Whether you can set foot on the throne of the monthly pass, this is a crucial step! One vote for each person, one finger for each person, work together to break the chrysanthemum!

Great, bloodshot! Strong, bloodshot! How proud and dry? Break the chrysanthemum with one hand!


Tens of miles away, on the top of the mountain, Yun Jun in a black suit was sitting upright on a pure gold throne.

This throne has a weird shape. It is a three-headed snake with its body coiled up. Its head rises high and becomes the back of the throne, and the twisted snake body becomes the throne. The three-headed snake, this is also the logo of the Assassin's Union in the Western Mainland. The underworld snake moves silently, its venom is deadly, its vitality is even more amazing, and it is used to curl up in the shadows, it is the most suitable to represent the assassin.

Hundreds of men and women who were dressed in tight-fitting black clothes and whose bodies seemed to be enveloped by a faint black air during the day seemed to stand scattered beside Jun Yun. These people are all the elite assassins team directly under the Assassin's Guild. Belong. Most of them are of celestial strength, and only a small number of status assassins are at the pinnacle of status.

The Acacia family developed secretly in the Haran Empire for thousands of years. Unlike the Yun clan led by Emperor Yun, it may be because of his natural character. Jun Yun focused more on the power of various dark worlds. The Three Greatest Giants in the Dark World of the Mainland, including the Killing Hand Society, the Assassin's Union, and the Thieves' Guild, are all controlled by Jun Yun. He is the common elder of these three guilds.

Before Yunjun, the three major guilds were just a dish of loose sand, with two or three big cats and kittens inside, and they didn't have any amazing strength. After Yunjun intervened in the three major guilds, it took a thousand years to turn the three major guilds into three tightly organized, powerful, and terrifying forces with amazing wealth and force.

His fingers tapped gently on the armrest of the throne, Yun Jun smiled comfortably.

"Du Wen, an old dog, is still very useful."

"If you want to eat alone, you will lose your teeth."

"This donkey is so weird, let Du Wen consume a little of his strength."

Squinting at the donkey who was entangled with Du Wen and biting wildly, Yun Jun smiled very happily. He took out a rune made of purple crystals, and while gently stroking the complex rune patterns on the rune with his fingers, he muttered in a low voice: "Send people to stare around, don’t let the Caesar Empire Or a fool from the local church to make trouble. Lin Qi is mine, that donkey is mine, and the gray knight of the apocalypse is mine."

Nearly a hundred assassins bowed and saluted, and then quickly escaped into the shadows of the surrounding rocks and trees.

The donkey had already knocked Du Wen over to the ground, and the white light enveloped Du Wen. No matter how the donkey bite, Du Wen still maintained his vigorous vitality. The white divine light falling in the void was slowly weakening, and the divine power infusion gained by Du Wen's burning one-third of the blood was about to end, and a trace of white divine inflammation gradually appeared on Du Wen's body.

"Lion of the dawn, break the evil!"

Du Wen suddenly yelled. A huge lion head spouted out of his chest. Along with the roar of a horrifying lion, a huge white flame of a few meters in length rose into the sky and knocked the donkey out. . The white lion entangled the donkey, and the white flame burned violently on the donkey's body. The black hair of the donkey was burned with blue smoke, and large areas of black hair were burned to ashes.

The lion of dawn hit the donkey to an altitude of more than 300 meters, and then Du Wen put his left hand in and out, a weird imprint was punched out, the huge lion exploded, and a hot white light spread violently. Countless groups of head-sized white fires spilt down one after another, burning huge holes in the ground with a radius of meters.

Where the white flames burned, the rocks, sands and rocks were instantly vaporized, and the pit was clean, with no residue left.

Circles of heat waves rushed down from the sky. Lin Qi opened his hands and blocked Xiong Wanjin's body, using his strong body to block the terrible heat coming from his face. The clothes on his body burned ‘whoop’ and burned to ashes in the blink of an eye. Lin Qi’s hair also had an unpleasant scorching smell. Although his hair and body hair had been tempered by thunder and infused with the white tiger’s fighting spirit, Lin Qi’s hair had been exposed to such a high temperature wave. And body hair was also burnt to pieces.

Arda stopped in front of Bilibili, spreading out two pairs of huge meat wings, protecting Bilibili like a wall. The white flame fell on Alda, he just smiled nonchalantly, shaking his strong muscles coquettishly: "What is this sparkling seedling? Do you know what is powerful and perfect? ​​I can bathe in magma , What is this ignition power?"

Du Wen, who flew the donkey with one blow, slowly stood up, his eyes sprayed out white flames long, and a sneer sneer hung from the corner of his mouth.

"Stupid monsters, fallen creatures, how can you understand the power of divine power?"

Just now, with the violent impact of the lion of dawn, 90% of its power was borne by the donkey, and less than 10% of its power was scattered, and the lost power almost flattened the ground within a radius. If this The first blow hit Lin Qi or Arda. Lin Qi has the protection of the fire immunity of the dragon power essence and the divinity of the flame attribute. He should survive, but Arda is estimated to have become ashes.

The strong light and heat wave in the air gradually dissipated, and a donkey whose black hair was burned to the ground and its skin burned to black was gradually emerging from the heat wave. The donkey hovering in the air opened his mouth and sneezed, and opened his mouth a burst of burning blood.

The hot blood was burned into blue smoke before it hit the ground. The donkey squinted at Du Wen, and suddenly smiled strangely: "Although doing this will make my injury more serious, after all, I am a man. Poor donkey whose old wound hasn't healed. But for the big breasted girl, I can only kill you. Du Wen, right? Do you know the truth about beating people without slapping your face?"

There was a crazy fierce light in the donkey's eyes: "My hair is so shiny and watery, my hair is so moist and beautiful, I am such a cute little donkey, you **** burned out my grandfather. Mao! Grandson, you are looking for death!"

The donkey turned into a black shadow and rushed down to Du Wen. He raised his right front hoof and smothered Du Wen's head fiercely.

Du Wen sneered and raised the scepter. He shouted wildly: "The power of God is in my body, my God is with me, you..."

Du Wen aimed at the donkey's right front hoof, and he wanted to make a head-on with the donkey. However, although the donkey was obviously holding his right front hoof and leaping down, when he reached Du Wen's head, a huge sarcophagus suddenly appeared in front of him!

Yes, a huge sarcophagus like the sarcophagus of the sleeping gray knight. The pattern on this sarcophagus is different from that of the gray knight, but this is a sarcophagus that is the same exquisite, old, and huge. Du Wen's scepter smashed heavily on the sarcophagus, and only a loud bang was heard. Du Wen's scepter burst open, and a hole the size of a human head was also exploded in the sarcophagus.

The donkey smiled and stomped heavily on the sarcophagus, and the sarcophagus fell heavily on Du Wen who was caught off guard. There was a loud noise, and Du Wen was knocked into the ground like a nail. The sarcophagus was flatly pressed on the ground, and even plunged into the ground two feet deep.

A crazy roar came from the ground, and Du Wen was hissing and roaring: "You mean and shameless donkey!"

The donkey cocked his tail and ran for more than ten meters to the side. He turned his head and smiled and cursed: "Idiot, grandson, I have never seen you such a stupid grandson! Will I fight a grandson who has been instilled by the gods? Even for big breasts. My sister, I won't try my best! Anyway, just kill you, do you care about me shameless or shameless?"

A white torrent with a diameter of several meters rushed from the ground, and the violent heat wave swept all over, and Lin Qi, Arda and others were blown away by the scorching breath. The huge sarcophagus was also washed up by the torrent. It was more than a hundred meters high. Du Wen propped the sarcophagus with one hand and burst out with grinning teeth.

"You all go to die!"

Hundreds of fist-sized white fireballs appeared beside Du Wen, and each fireball contained a huge dawn of power. The **** of dawn controls all the light and the attribute divine power derived from it. The soft dawn gathers together to destroy everything. In Du Wen's condensed fireball at any cost, the milky white holy cross and the runes were faintly visible, and the donkey could not help but narrowed his eyes. The power contained in each of these fireballs is equivalent to that of a Saint Sage Advanced Divine Art. Hundreds of Saint Sage Advanced Divine Art blasted out at the same time. Even the existence of the Saint Master Peak would not dare to confront such power.

"Grandson, get up and kill someone, grandson!" The donkey yelled cursingly.

Du Wen was taken aback, the lid of the sarcophagus above his head suddenly flew up, a black shadow flashed out, and then a magnificent **** sword light suddenly penetrated Du Wen's heart. In the sound of'puchi', that **** sword light penetrated the vital points of Du Wen's body ninety-nine times in succession. Ninety-nine small transparent holes appeared in Du Wen's chest, and milky white flames spurted from the transparent holes, Du Wen Suddenly a lot of blood came out from the corner of his mouth.

An old man with gray hair and an old face like orange peel wearing a gorgeous dress slowly turned out from behind Du Wen, and the sarcophagus fell heavily from the air. He hurriedly caught the sarcophagus, and then he regretted it. The sarcophagus was placed on the ground, tearfully looking at the head-sized hole punched out by Du Wen's scepter.

"What a great coffin!" The old man sighed weepingly: "This is the best coffin I have ever slept in! It is spacious, full of magic, quiet, and beautiful in shape. What a great coffin, such a good one. The coffin, how can anyone be willing to destroy it?"

Two lines of tears flowed from the old man’s eyes, and he cursed in a low voice: “This is a blasphemy of art, this is a trampling on culture, and this is a ruin on civilization... No matter who has done this. They must all be punished for shameful behavior!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, the old man raised his head and glared at Du Wen, who was fascinating.

"Excuse me, did you destroy this exquisite coffin? How can you bear to do such a thing?"

Du Wen stared at the old man, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

The old man smiled slightly, he wiped away the tears on his face, and bowed and bowed gracefully to Du Wen.

"Korumba O Dalvicemia salutes you. You can call me, His Royal Highness Prince Krumba!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations , Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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