Bright Era

Chapter 547: Chicken fly egg

"Please stop for a while!" Lin Qi clasped his hands together in front of his chest, looked at the arrogant Yun Jun very piously, and interrupted Yun Jun's words loudly: "I admit that you are the Lord of everything. It is the master of this world, the ruler of all things, and the supreme that the Holy Dragon Court Empire takes for granted. All the wealth in me, including all our things that you see, we can give to you."

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly: "It's impossible if you don't give it to you. After all, you have an advantage. We can't escape, and we can't come up with powerful magic items to deal with you. So, we It's dead. But before we die, can you fulfill my trivial wish?"

Jun Yun was suspended in the air, overlooking Lin Qi condescendingly. Clouds of various colors hovered around Yunjun, and nine looming dragon shadows gradually condensed and formed. It was nine oriental dragons with translucent bodies that looked like gels. The bodies were huge and mighty like giant pythons. A great sense of terror spread from them, even if Lin Qi stepped into the holy realm. Before such horror, the heart could not help but twitch.

This kind of horror is like an ignorant baby who has no power to bind a chicken. Looking up at the night sky in the courtyard of summer night, he suddenly saw a huge magical figure across the void. That kind of destiny cannot be controlled by oneself, that kind of oneself that can be crushed to pieces at any time, that kind of despair and desolation that oneself and everything around the body are dominated by the invisible terror in the dark, completely beyond the control of oneself.

Fully suppressed at the spiritual level, Lin Qi was overwhelmed by Yun Jun.

Arda stared at the nine dragon shadows, his body trembling violently. The devil was originally a creature that was easy to succumb to power and violence. Arda could still look directly at the nine dragon shadows, which was already very remarkable. Although his legs were trembling, and even though there was a little water stain on his trousers, he did not kneel down to Jun Yun!

For Arda, who has a demon blood, it is not easy to not succumb under absolute power.

Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili had fainted. The great horror exuded by the nine dragon shadows originated from the great horror between life and death, the kind of great horror imprinted in the depths of the souls of all living creatures in the face of final destruction. The two were weak, so they fainted early.

Gently shook his head, Yun Jun looked at Lin Qi and his group struggling under the pressure he released, and grinned cruelly: "Is it procrastinating?"

Lin Qi shook his head vigorously. He looked at Jun Yun seriously and asked, "I just want to ask, really Emperor Yun sent you to kill me?"

Yun Jun squinted his eyes, he looked at Lin Qi sternly, and then suddenly smiled: "Is it necessary to explain this matter? Emperor Yun is my eldest brother, and I am his twin brother! Even if this **** donkey back then Deliberately put me to death, but Emperor Yun would not do this. We are compatriots of flesh and blood, and the kinship of flesh and blood cannot be easily divided."

Lin Qi stared at Yun Jun fiercely: "You lied!"

Jun Yun sneered and curled his lips: "Lying to you? Is it necessary? You are already dying!"

Lin Qi narrowed his eyes. Yun Jun looked at Lin Qi with a smile, and then suddenly punched the donkey. The donkey was sneaking out a purple talisman, the translucent talisman shining with a soft and pure light, full of an indescribable magical power.

No one knows what this token is, but Jun Yun absolutely does not allow any accidents to happen. So as soon as the donkey took out the talisman, he punched the donkey. A cyan dragon-shaped Qi Jin whizzed out from his fist, shattering the air, stirring up a large white burst of Qi and falling towards the donkey.

The donkey smashed the talisman, and a large purple light spread to the surroundings. The purple light condensed around the crowd into a light mask about ten meters in diameter and three feet thick, firmly shielding the group of people inside. The dragon-shaped Qi Jin blasted out by Yun Jun's full blow hit the mask, and only a tragic dragon roar sounded. The mask was hit with huge ripples, and the three-foot-thick mask was suddenly thinned by an inch.

Jun Yun was shocked, what exactly was the talisman that the donkey crushed? How can there be such a strong defense after being excited?

Lin Qi glanced at Yun Jun, then he picked up a fist-sized stone on the ground and threw it toward Yun Jun with all his strength. I heard a crack in the air, and the fist-big stone rubbed against the air violently, and suddenly the whole body became red. Arda on the side took a long breath, and the flames in his eyes flickered, and a black magic flame suddenly appeared on the stone.

Lin Qi and Arda joined hands with a small stone and suddenly turned into a small meteorite. Because the strength of both of them has been upgraded to the Holy Realm, the strength of this blow can almost be compared with the false forbidden curse that the Heavenly Peak Mage has displayed.

Jun Jun, who was about to hit the mask continuously, stopped his hand, his body shook slightly, avoiding the joint attack of Lin Qi and Arda. The attack power of the two was insignificant to Jun Yun, and they couldn't hurt him at all. But as the controller of the Acacia family, as the most powerful and mysterious giant in the dark world of the Western Continent, and as the prince of the Sacred Dragon Court Empire, Jun Yun has his pride.

The two little saints descended, if they let their attacks touch their bodies, it would be a shame that could not be washed away in a lifetime.

So Yun Jun's continued attack was interrupted, and he slightly avoided Lin Qi and Arda's attacks.

But Lin Qi squatted down, his palms thrust into the ground like a shovel. The inhuman force exploded, and Lin Qi's muscles rose. With a burst of shouts erupting from his chest, Lin Qi lifted up a rock formation about two meters in radius and one meter thick. Lifting the huge rock hard, Lin Qiyi hurled it towards Jun Yun like a gourd.

The magic light in Alda's eyes flickered, and he once again cooperated with Lin Qi to spray out a cloud of black as ink and sticky as glue. The huge rock was burning, and in the blink of an eye it was burned into a mass of translucent black-red magma. Because of Lin Qi's Juli throw, the magma dispersed in the air, turning into countless fist-sized magma **** and splashing towards Jun Yun.

Yun Jun, who had just thrown his fist and was about to continue his attack, sank slightly, and a cloud of strong blue energy spurted out of him, shaking all the magma **** to pieces. This time, he didn't stop his hand, but fell heavily on the mask.

The donkey grinned and spouted the third coffin, and then he kicked the coffin heavily with one hoof.

"Come out to help me kill people! Hey, grandson covered in cloth strips, if you don't come out to help, Lin Qike will be done! After you were rescued that year, but you swore an oath! If Lin Qi was there If someone kills you in front of you, your soul will be burned to ashes, right?"

Jun Jun's face changed horribly, and he suddenly retreated far away.

The third coffin, the third coffin with a very different pattern from the previous two! Jun Yun dare not take the risk to bet on what weird things are in this coffin, God knows what weird things the donkey will make out of it?

A coquettish and infinite moan faintly came from the sarcophagus: "Smelly donkey, dead donkey, if you talk nonsense, I will chop off your little whip and go to the pot. Hehe, when the time comes, you can even have big breasts. You can't touch her girl!"

The coquettish moan was so evil, the bodies of the assassins who were slowly approaching the mask swayed, and at the same time a fire of crazy desire appeared in their eyes. Their bodies trembled violently. Suddenly, a few assassins with the lowest cultivation base ignited a raging fire. The dark green flames burned their bodies to ashes, and their souls let out a miserable cry. Under the yin fire, he quickly got into the sarcophagus.

There was a faint chewing sound from inside the sarcophagus, and the charming voice muttered in a low voice: "The strength is weak, the taste of the soul is not very good. The soul of the temple bishop is the best, it is endless aftertaste!"

Accompanied by the coquettish laughter, the lid of the sarcophagus was slowly pushed open, and a dark arm slowly came out.

The strong evil spirit dispersed, Lin Qi glanced at the arm in horror, grabbed Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili and backed away.

The arm is as black as ink, but this is not the original color of the arm—this thin, long arm is wrapped with a thick layer of black cloth, and the black cloth strips flashed red from time to time. The dark light, the deep dark light like blood, condensed into strange twisted runes on his arm.

Then a slender body slowly stood up, really slender, as thin as a bamboo pole, more than two meters high, but the waist circumference is estimated to be only Lin Qi's thigh. This person was covered with black cloth strips all over his body, except for a pair of dark green eyes, he could not see any exposed skin at all.

"I said, no obstacle can stop my will!"

"It is like a barrier between life and death! I walk between life and death, I am beyond the law, I have no life or death, I live and die together!"

"So my will is surpassing everything, space, time, and all existence will be wiped out under my will."

The thin bamboo pole raised his hands high, and two green phosphorous fires spurted out of his eyes. The erratic firelight condensed into countless fist-sized runes around him, which was a huge and complex spatial teleportation array.

Jun Yun yelled "Impossible," and he slammed into the mask.

The donkey laughed weirdly: "Idiot, my mental power really can't overwhelm you, but there is always someone you can't match, right?"

The thin bamboo pole grinned grinningly, and suddenly hundreds of thin black cloth strips shot out from his body, which penetrated the hearts of all the assassins around him.

Then the green rune burst out suddenly, and Lin Qi and others disappeared into the gloom at the same time.

Jun Yun was unwilling to roar up to the sky, he took out a jade piece the size of a fist and threw it heavily into the disappearing light and shadow of Lin Qi and others. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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