Bright Era

Chapter 550: The scariest guess

Wanli Lingxi, the maggot of the tarsus.

In the term of a donkey, this is a variant of the demon worm in ancient times, belonging to a kind of worm demon. The weak tarsus maggots have the magical innate power that is immune to all physical damage, and only strong pure mental power or some strange potions can harm them.

A demon collects tarsus maggots, raises them with their own mental power and blood, and after refining them, they can become the best means to control and monitor their subordinates. Anyone who is attached to the Tarsus Maggot, as long as they are within the sensing range, cannot escape the tracking and locking of the Tarsus Maggot owner.

In the impression of the donkey, the most powerful tarsus maggot he had ever seen was able to allow his master to lock onto a specific target from a hundred thousand miles away. However, such a powerful insect demon has been washed away by the ancient wars, and now it is extremely rare. What Yun Jun got is only a defective product.

Even if it is a defective product, because of the relationship between Yun Jun's mental power and essence and blood breeding, the donkey and Lin Qi's spiritual power will not be able to kill this abominable insect unless they can surpass Yun Jun. The most troublesome part of Tarsus maggot is here-if you want to kill it, you must be stronger than the owner who raised it, otherwise you will never get rid of it.

In addition to surpassing Yunjun's mental power, there is another way to use some peculiar medicine to expel the tarsus maggots. But Tarsus maggots are from a large race of worms, and the potions they fear are different. In the long years, these peculiar drugs have almost disappeared, and it is not easy to find suitable drugs.

So Lin Qi and the others can only go to the east, where they are the only place they can get rid of Jun Yun. When he arrived in the Eastern Continent, Lin Qi could unscrupulously summon all his subordinates to forcibly kill Jun Yun. As long as the owner of the Tarsus maggot died, these **** bugs would also turn into fly ash.

The Western Continent, the Odin Continent, the Black Spirit Continent and other places have artifacts that are suspended high in the sky to monitor everything. Any abyssal creature above the holy realm-pure-blooded abyssal creatures will be attacked by groups once they appear, so Lin Qi and the others only Can go to the east.

And they must be fast, rush to the east with the fastest speed.

When Jun Yun couldn’t find any clues about Lin Qi and others in the Western Continent, he was not stupid. He knew Lin Qi’s trump cards. Of course he knew that the Eastern Continent was the only place Lin Qi could get rid of him. Pursue them personally, kill Lin Qi and his group, and plunder everything in their hands.

Therefore, Lin Qi and his party stayed up and down, even unable to confess to Jiawu, and too late to contact Enzo and others, so they fled to the east in a hurry.

Lin Qi was very relieved of Jiawu, and he was sure to run a small chamber of commerce using Jiawu's methods. As for Enzo and others, Lin Qi is very confident in Arda's soul secret technique. Enzo and others, who were lured by Arda's soul secret method and started to kill their bosses, were no longer the kind of pedantic hapless.

Adding to the large amount of gold coins that Arda left for Enzo and others, Enzo should have had a good time in Duner. The Cedar Legion has undergone tremendous changes. No matter who wants to suppress this matter, it will take a lot of time and energy. The Enzo brothers have enough time to make various preparations.

So, go to the East!

Go to see what the heaven and earth spirits are mentioned by the donkey, and see why Lin Qi is fighting for this treasure!

"But, I'm very surprised, why do we have to go to the east?" Lin Qi was wrapped in a thick black cloak and looked at her with a thin layer of medicinal film. Layers of immature pale red skinned donkey: "Can't we ask our family for help?"

The donkey rolled his eyes and glanced at Lin Qi: "There are many things you shouldn't know now, so it's better not to know... Ask your family for help... You can't find a tiger clan in the Western Continent, so **** you Uncle, Blackbeard collapsed Dunelker. This is the most important stronghold of the Tigers in the Western Continent. This has attracted the attention of the church, so the Tigers completely withdrew from the Western Continent."

Suddenly slapped his long ears, the donkey sighed, "Why didn't Blackbeard come to you in person? Because he was punished and thought about it... How many years? Twenty years? How many years? The unfortunate guy deserves it. He was punished, and he blasted the Tiger Clan’s most important and largest stronghold in the Western Continent to the sky!"

After shaking his head and sighing for a while, the donkey looked at Lin Qi helplessly: "So, don't try to find someone from the Tiger Clan to support you. They are now... very busy, very busy! Blackbeard is very miserable. , Very miserable! I still remember more than six years ago, that group of old lunatics from the Tiger clan came to Dunerker to answer Blackbeard and took him to your Tiger clan’s lair. What a beating!"

Lin Qi Ji Lingling shivered, the donkey's expression was so weird, he could imagine how enthusiastic Blackbeard was!

I tightened my cloak and walked quickly east along a small road. The small bushes on the side of the road scraped on Lin Qi's body, making a sizzle. A group of people walked very fast, much faster than a galloping horse. The only Xiong Wanjin who walked slowly was carried away by Arda and Bilibili with his tongue out.

Arda carried Xiong Wanjin's feet, and Bilibili carried Xiong Wanjin's head. The terrible thing is that Alda is a lot taller than Bilibili, so you can imagine what Xiong Wanjin is in now. With blood flowing back into his brain, Xiong Wanjin's face almost turned black.

"It's just that, how many people are there in my tiger clan?" Lin Qi looked at the donkey curiously: "Can you tell me anyway?"

The donkey stood up, waving his tail and walking side by side with Lin Qi. He stepped on the rocks, shaking his two front feet and calculating: "This can tell you! Well, you tiger clan, there should be old immortals who participated in the melee of the hundreds of clans at the end of the era of destruction. How many are alive, right? But their lives are just like those eternal sleeping gods, they are useless to live!"

With a weird smile, the donkey murmured in a very wretched voice: "It's like the thing of a hundred-year-old man. Although it is there, it is useless!"

Lin Qi's face turned dark again, what kind of metaphor is this **** donkey?

"As for other things, I don’t know exactly what the Tiger tribe has tossed in other continents during the dark calendar period. After all, I have been following you in the western continent. But during the dark calendar period, the tiger tribe was established in the western continent In the thirty-odd city-states, the demigods and gods killed by them are at least 100,000. It's just that no one knows that those city-states were built by the tiger clan!"

"It has only been more than a thousand years since the end of the Dark Calendar. Many of the city lords and kings of the Dark Calendar should have survived. Their strength is definitely stronger than Jun Yun, but they all have their own things to do now. You’re from the Tiger Clan, so don’t expect someone to help you."

"As for the tiger clan newcomers after the dark calendar... The tiger clan has left a descendant of direct descendants on all continents. The Dunerke branch in the western continent should be the purest blood of the tiger clan, except for Dun The people of this tribe of Erqi have suffered heavy casualties and few people are there. As far as I know, the other tribes are all thriving!"

"For example, there is a tiger tribe in the Undead Continent. I heard about them 50 years ago. They should all have a hundred thousand tribesmen? This is the reason why Blackbeard was heavily punished. Even if the important stronghold collapses, there are only two direct clansmen of the Dunerke Black Tiger family! Alas, he will definitely be forced to breed with many women!"

"Mating", Blackbeard was forced to "breed" with many women, and Lin Qi's expression became a ball. Amidst the snickers of Arda and Bilibili, Lin Qi clenched his fists and smashed the donkey's head severely.

With a bang, blood was splashed on the donkey's forehead, and his new skin was very thin and tender, and could not withstand such a violent beating by Lin Qi.

"Fuck you uncle!" The donkey stared at Lin Qi angrily: "I'm just a donkey, but I'm doing such a job as a babysitter! Damn it, the eyes of the void are watching, the tiger clan's transcendence It is impossible to enter the Western Continent without the power of the sage master pinnacle, so don’t expect someone to save you. Not only the tiger clan, but people from other families..."

Lin Qi Sensen glanced at the donkey: "But why can Jun Yun freely move in the western mainland?"

The donkey was suddenly taken aback: "Yes? Fuck him, Yun Jun's grandson has already broken through the peak of the Saint Master, why can he move freely in the Western Continent? Bastard, this should attract the attention of the church! Unless, unless he is on him There are special sacred objects of the church to cover up the breath, but this... shouldn't be!"

Lin Qi and Donkey looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and the two sneered at the same time: "Unless, that guy is actually a member of the church!"

The donkey's gaze drifted away, and he murmured: "I didn't like him back then, so I deliberately let people from the church surround him... He should definitely die. Even if the four dead ghost masters gave their lives to save him, he did. There is no doubt that death is a huge force that can subvert the entire Holy Dragon Court Empire. He is a minor prince of the empire..."

Lin Qi sighed heavily: "Then, run for your life!"

The group's mood suddenly fell. If Jun Yun is really involved in the church, then. . . The Vias Yunlong family line is really dangerous.

It's not just Vias Yunlong's line, but more people are threatened.

But Lin Qi and the others now have no choice. Tarsus maggots forced them to leave the Western Continent!

Otherwise, they will not only face Yun Jun's chase, they will even receive more unexpected blows.

They must leave the Eastern Continent to resolve the threat of Jun Yun, and then they will return with a thunderous force.

There is gratitude and revenge! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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