Bright Era

Chapter 558: Law's Assault

In the night, a faint red light was emitted from the large circular pit, which was the afterglow of the burned land.

The sky was covered by thick clouds, and there was no star in sight. The light from the big pit illuminated the surroundings, making people barely able to see the surrounding scenes. In the shadows, hundreds of men and women of all stripes came quickly from all directions.

Unlike the light and secret movements of the assassins, these assassins, dressed in different costumes, came from all walks of life, did not deliberately step down, they just approached quickly here, with an undisguised killing intent on their faces. Men and women, old and young, rich and poor, they stared at Lin Qi and his group, hurriedly approaching here with the fastest speed.

The two elves wearing pale blue robes stopped a full mile away from Lin Qi and the others. They grabbed their long bows and hit the arrows. No sound was heard. Two chills were abrupt. 'S appeared in front of Lin Qi and Donkey's eyebrows.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he slammed his head forward, and a light blue long arrow smashed into his forehead with a ‘click’. Both of these elven archers had the strength close to heaven, but their arrows were not enough to break Lin Qi's physical defenses. You don't even need to use grudge, only Lin Qi's flesh and blood can easily resist their shooting.

As for the donkey, he opened his mouth and drew a long arrow in his mouth, slowly swallowing the arrow like a twist.

The two elven archers looked at Lin Qi and the donkey like a ghost, they whistled, turned and sank into the darkness. They are very smart. Their attack in the face can't hurt Lin Qi and the donkey at all. They must find opportunities in the dark to find the right opportunity to strike a fatal blow to the two people's vital points.

A lion man who was nearly three meters tall clenched a big axe and rushed to Lin Qi with big strides. He snarled up to the sky, and slammed down at Lin Qi with the big axe in both hands. The Lion's footsteps are enormous, his speed is also the fastest, he is the first to rush to Lin Qi.

Without any nonsense, kill when you meet, this is what a real killer should do.

Lin Qi raised his right hand and greeted the lion man's ax without flinching. There was a loud bang, and the big axe hit Lin Qi's palm heavily. Lin Qi's palm was torn open with a stern wound, but no drop of blood came out. Lin Qi laughed strangely, and the palm of his hand twirled randomly. The Lion-man felt an irresistible force passed along the handle of the axe. The skin and flesh of his palm were messed up by the handle of the axe. The Lion-man let out a painful cry, shaking his hands Throwing away the big axe.

He threw the heavy axe into the ring of the world, and Lin Qi flew up and kicked it under the lion's crotch.

With a ‘click’, the lion’s pelvis and nearby body tissues were kicked to pieces by Lin Qi. A burst of blood spurted out of the Lion’s mouth. He slowly knelt down on his knees with both hands, and showed Lin Qi a weird smile: "Those who kill you can get 100 million gold coins! This money, It's really not easy to earn!"

Lin Qi nodded seriously, isn't this nonsense? Hiring a killer in the Western Continent to kill an ordinary person is one or two gold coins, and killing a small nobleman is a matter of thousands of gold coins. Even if it is to assassinate a king of a kingdom, millions of gold coins are already considerable. Is a person worth 100 million gold coins that you killers can easily deal with?

With his right palm pierced forward straight like a knife, Lin Qi cleanly smashed the Lion's Adam's apple and ended his life.

Fragrant wind came, and the beautiful woman who had just played ambiguously with Yun Lijun smiled ‘chichi', and rushed towards Lin Qi like a colorful cloud. All kinds of delicate fragrance hit the face, and the secret fragrance surged. The Chinese and American woman tore off her bra, exposing two **** of meat like mutton jade.

"My dear, do you think I am beautiful?" The beautiful woman smiled coquettishly, almost putting her breast on Lin Qi's face.

Lin Qi's heavy fist blasted like a siege hammer, and the extremely sharp white tiger fighting spirit radiated a chilling light on Lin Qi's fist. With a bang, Lin Qi pierced the beautiful woman's left chest, and made a transparent blood hole in her heart.

"Very good poison!" Lin Qi looked at the beautiful woman's shocked eyes, and commented faintly: "A mixture of thirty-nine medicines and 28 kinds of poisons is really good. And there are actually in them. You are really good with a high-level strange poison like'Heaven God Fragrance', but it's a pity to find the wrong person!"

A trace of green blood flowed out from the corner of the beautiful woman's mouth, and this trace of blood dripped quickly and straight to Lin Qi's arm.

Lin Qi's clothes were instantly corroded by this bleak green blood stain, the green blood stuck to Lin Qi's arm, and a faint green smoke suddenly appeared. This is the heart poison of the beautiful woman, a trace of poison that is condensed from the essence of all the medicines she takes in her whole body and spirit.

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi shook his head: "I don't know where you got the Enlightenment of the Gods to refine the fragments of "Heart Poison", but it is clear that your heart poison is not enough! Maybe this thread The virulence that condenses the power of your soul can make a holy realm fall, but it's not enough for me!"

The beautiful woman sighed heavily, then closed her eyes slumped. Lin Qi’s fist sprayed out countless thin white lights. The white tiger’s fighting spirit shook the beautiful woman’s body into a cloud of blood sprayed, and the mist entangled Lin Qi’s figure, making Lin Qi look like a demon. Just as hideous and terrible.

More than a dozen warriors in heavy armor, armed with steel shields and long swords, killed Lin Qi without saying a word. They formed the army's unique charging formation, and stepped neatly toward Lin Qi. Obviously these fighters came from the regular army, and their aura, their tolerance, and their spirit can only be cultivated by the regular army. Although they shaved off the badges on their shields representing their origins, they must be professional soldiers from regular legions.

But they couldn't get close to Lin Qi.

Bilibili's figure erraticly flashed behind them, and a sharp dagger instantly penetrated their throat, harvesting all of their lives. Then Bilibili's figure flashed again, and he quickly scoured the armor and weapons of these soldiers, and naturally the coins in their waist pockets were not let go.


Dozens of killers who were only twenty steps away from Lin Qi raised the crossbow in their hands at the same time. The arrows emitted a faint cold light on the crossbow. It can be seen that these arrows are made of rare magic metal. Arrows have strong penetrating power and lethality. Not to mention that these arrows are also tempered with all kinds of weird poisons. Ordinary people will be dead when they encounter these arrows.

In the sound of ‘Ka Ka’, 30 powerful crossbows shot at Lin Qi, and 90 magic arrows instantly covered Lin Qi’s figure.

Two pairs of huge fleshy wings appeared abruptly in the air, Arda emerged from the darkness, the silver-cyan fleshy wings exuded a faint brilliance, and the complex and delicate magic patterns loomed on his fleshy wings, exuding powerful The demonic energy fluctuates.

The thick clouds in the high sky were suddenly blown away by a violent wind, and countless stars flickered on the sky. A little bit of starlight shone down, and it was all absorbed by Arda's fleshy wings. Arda smiled weirdly and pointed a finger at the arrow shot forward.

The silver-cyan starlight turned into a torrent visible to the naked eye in front of him. Ninety magical arrows were swept in by the vortex formed by the starlight, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a pile of broken copper and rotten iron. The power of the stars, this incomparable energy has various incredible abilities, and Arda has only initially controlled them, and has already exerted a powerful effect.

Lin Qi pursed his mouth and sneered, he said cruelly: "They are here to kill us, kill them all!"

Arda turned his head and yelled to Lin Qi very solemnly: "But, great master, there are so many beauties in this! It's like the beauty you killed just now, my God, you are such a waste!"

Lin Qi frowned, this perverted demon!

Spreading his hands and shrugging his shoulders, Lin Qi said calmly: "Kill them all, you can pick the most beautiful one and take it away. But don't waste time, and if you are hurt by the person you pick, it's up to you. of!"

Arda laughed, but the donkey jumped up immediately. He jumped to Lin Qi and yelled, "What about me? What about me? There are a few big breasted women in there. We, hey, look at the one with the meteor hammer in her hand, her **** are so beautiful!"

Lin Qi and Arda subconsciously looked at the female assassin who was tens of meters away, wearing heavy armor and holding a meteor hammer, and was striding toward this side of the assassin-that was a fat, strong, majestic and unusual female bear! Of course, her **** are big, but her hair is also very strong, and the hair on her face is more than half a foot long, and it's dark and dense.

Lin Qi Yangtian sighed: "Your taste...well, donkey, if you can capture her alive and she doesn't object!"

The donkey's eyes lit up, and then he leaped happily on the bear man.

The donkey with foam on the corners of his mouth cheered loudly: "Dear big breasts, let us breed a strong offspring together!"

A golden light and shadow shot out abruptly from the diagonal thorn, and a palm-wide golden long sword penetrated the donkey's long neck.

Li's body was burning with golden flames, flying out of the void like a **** descending into the mortal world. He held the sword in both hands, and the long sword firmly nailed the donkey's neck, pushing his body several miles away. A hill rushed away.

The donkey's neck was pierced by a long sword, but he was still full of breath and screamed with his four hoofs.

"Grandson, grandson, **** grandson, I'll **** your uncle! Do you dare to attack your pro uncle! Grandson, I must kill you, bastard!"

Li shot forward blankly, spanning several miles between his fingers, shaking his hands and nailing the donkey heavily to a cliff.

"May my **** punish the **** flame to purify your soul and body! The existence of evil, be wiped out!"

Li flicked his finger, and a golden light shot down from the sky, hitting the donkey's head heavily.

With a ‘hu’, a sticky golden flame burned around the donkey. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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