Bright Era

Chapter 563: Arthur appeared

Two pairs of translucent wings entwined with golden light slowly opened behind Li. He kicked the donkey's head heavily, and then nodded in satisfaction. The donkey's body was motionless, and there was no breath from his body. It was obvious that this time the donkey was truly finished.

He gave the donkey two feet fiercely, and the broad wings behind Li flicked lightly, and a pure golden light fell from the sky. There is a faintly cubic silver box in the golden light, like a box composed of countless points of silver light falling on Li's head, accompanied by a majestic chant, the silver box quietly bloomed, a set of simple and generous shapes, and a whole body The majestic golden armor was automatically put on Li's body.

When the armor is not unfolded, the various parts of the armor are combined together to form a huge pale gold scale. A golden sword is inserted from the center of the scale. The shape of the armor matches the **** pattern of the temple of punishment. Generally no different.

After the armor was unfolded, the golden sword shadow merged into the golden long sword in Li's hand. The golden long sword that was originally radiant and extraordinary immediately took on a sacred atmosphere. The two trays of the balance became two circular wrist shields, one on the left and the other on Li's elbow.

Li lightly waved her wings, transformed into a golden streamer and shot towards Lin Qi and the others, slashing his head towards Lin Qi who was swinging his fist.

Lin Qi was shocked, Li's movements were not fast, but the angle he chose was extremely wonderful. If Lin Qi continues to attack Yun Lijun, he will definitely be hit by the sword of Li. If it is an ordinary weapon, Lin Qi is confident that his body can withstand the blow of an ordinary weapon. But the long sword in Li's hand felt extremely dangerous to Lin Qi, and he didn't dare to let this long sword come close to him at all.

Retreating, Lin Qi closed his fists and retreated sharply, using all his speed to retreat. His body was covered by a layer of sharp white cold light, and his body ripped through the air like a flying knife, and retreated wildly with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Rao Lin Qi retreated quickly, the golden long sword flashed slightly, and a very thin sword light still caught up with his body. Lin Qi turned to avoid Jian Guang’s attack, but Jian Guang brought a sharp aura across his body quickly, tearing open a wound one foot long and two inches deep on his back. .

The blazing divine flame invaded the body, burning Lin Qi's flesh and blood crazily.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, his body was fused with two divinities, and he was extremely resistant to divine power and flame power. His muscles were squirming quickly, and the disciplinary magic inflammation was quickly absorbed by his muscles. Lin Qi only felt that the wounds torn apart by the sword energy were warm on his back healed quickly, and the huge power attached to the magic inflammation was absorbed by the life wheel. , Quickly transformed into Lin Qi's own flesh and blood.

Shenyan is not terrible, Lin Qi has a spectrum in his heart. But the sword light is terrible, the sword light is extremely powerful, this golden long sword is extremely sharp, and its lethality is the only one Lin Qi has seen in his life. He had stepped back several tens of meters, and he was still injured by the sword qi. If he was slashed in the front by it, Lin Qi had no doubt that he would be hit by two swords.

Arda and Yun Xiaojun are both smart. Seeing Lin Qi was forced to retreat embarrassed by a sword, they also hurried back.

A weird smile appeared on Li's face. He glanced at Jun Xiao and pointed out a finger to Jun Xiao.

"You bear the original sin, God said, all guilty will die!"

With the singing of Li, a golden lightning fell out of thin air, and Jun Xiao had no time to dodge, and the thick and thin lightning from the mouth of the bowl struck Jun Xiao. Jun Xiao reluctantly blocked the lightning with his halberd, only a roar was heard, the whole body of the halberd ejected countless thin electric lights, and it flew out of Jun Xiao's hand and shot far away.

Jun Xiaojun's hands were scorched by the thunder light, and white and miserable finger bones were exposed in many places. What is even more shocking is that a fist-sized transparent hole was cut into his chest, which can be seen through the front and back. Fortunately, it was blocked by the long halberd. The wound was on Yun Xiaojun's right chest. The pink lungs squirmed behind the wound, but it did not hurt the fatal part of the heart.

Just the right chest and lungs were injured, with the powerful vitality of the holy realm master, plus a little healing secret medicine, Yun Xiaojun would not really die.

Li frowned, and he murmured unhappily, "Here, do you dare to refuse the judgment of the gods?"

Arda waved his flesh and wings silently and approached from behind Li. He hovered less than 20 meters away from Li. His hands formed a seal, and he tried his best to release an offensive mixture of darkness and flame. Magic'Dark Flame Meteor Impact'.

Hundreds of black flame meteors the size of a human head shot out from the air in front of Arda. With a low howling sound, the flame meteors brought out a flame tail that was several meters long and shot out, following Arda's spiritual power. The lock, accurately hit the back of the law.

A dull explosion sounded, and Li's body was covered with firelight and magic energy. The flame burned his body, the devilish energy corroded his flesh, and the fiery devilish energy swirled around Li's head, condensing into a huge demon head. This demon's hideous mouth opened deeply and vomited deeply, and from his mouth came a sharp and ugly ghost howling sound, enough to **** the soul of ordinary people from the body.

Li smiled indifferently and waved his hand disapprovingly: "Where the light of God is shrouded, no one can hurt the believer of God!"

A golden whirlwind swept out, all the flames and devilish energy collapsed. Liqu raised his fingers and aimed at the stunned Alda with a flare. A golden light shot out. Alda dodged so fast that his right shoulder was also pierced by the golden light, tearing open a fist-sized hole.

Arda squealed in pain. He flapped his wings and rose into the air. Numerous granulation sprouted from the wound on his right shoulder. The fine granulation colluded with each other, but the wound healed poorly after a few breaths. Inseparable. But Arda didn't dare to get close to Li anymore. Just now, his full blow was enough to blast dozens of the peaks of the heavens to pieces, but on Li's body, his pale golden armor even scratched a little. No.

Li looked at Arda who had fled in embarrassment indifferently, and then glanced at Xiong Wanjin with a gloomy look.

Xiong Wanjin shivered with fright, he touched the blood on his face, and quickly took out two magical **** the size of human heads.

One magic ball was blue-purple, one magic ball was snow-white, and the two magic **** exuded a heart-pounding wave of magic power. Looking at these two magic balls, Li could not help but frowned: "Here , This is not the breath of Western magic, this is the aura of Eastern magic. Heresy from the East? It is also a great contribution to present your head!"

With a cold smile, Li said in a low voice, "Dongfang, Dongfang, hum, the Dongfang that those old guys have been thinking about all day long!"

Swiping the long sword lightly, Li looked at Xiong Wanjin, who was trembling with fat all over, with curiosity: "Dongfang, have you heard of that holy place called Tianmiao? I heard that there is a very powerful existence in it, you Who made the magic ball in your hand for you? Ordinary people cannot make such a powerful magic ball. It requires not only strength, but also the crystallization of experience and skill."

Xiong Wanjin blinked blankly. Tianmiao? What Tianmiao? He has no idea at all.

Li frowned, and Jun Li on the side yelled loudly: "Don't waste time, Master Li, kill them all, you will take away 60% of the property from that kid! This is equivalent to a thousand years in an abyss world. The most important thing is to get the huge wealth accumulated quickly."

Lin Qi panted'huh, huh' and moved his wrists vigorously. Jun Yun Li’s anxious shout made him understand a lot of things, and at the same time let his tightening heart relax—— Jun Li dared to promise to give 60% of his wealth to Li, which made it clear that he did not notify Jun Yun of what happened here. thing.

Obviously, Yun Lijun dared to attack his younger brother, and Yun Xiaojun was still Yunjun's most coveted young son, so Yun Lijun absolutely did not pass on the fact that he found himself in a group of people! Jun Yun still doesn't know where to search for himself, he has a lot of time and rhythm.

After squeezing his left fist hard, Lin Qi couldn't help but show a smirk when thinking of the powerful magic items in the World Ring.

But soon Lin Qi's smile disappeared without a trace, because hundreds of huge two-footed flying dragons fell in the sky.

On the back of the two-footed dragon with a body length of more than 15 meters in the front, Lin Qi saw the figure that made him remember-long red hair, purple eyes, and a handsome face like a statue, Gao Daying Wei's body and a faint smile at the corner of his mouth reveal a false and treacherous smile. Arthur, now the governor of the three northern provinces of the Gaul Empire, holds great power and is called Arthur of the North Sea!

Lin Qi sneered. He draped his long hair behind his head, and several strands of hair fell in front of him. His appearance has changed greatly from six years ago, but. . . Can it be better in insurance? The night is full and the hair is blocked, Lin Qi suddenly has a weird pleasure of hiding in the grass, waiting for prey.

"Of course, I can't start now!" Lin Qi breathed deeply, really can't start now! Now it is easy to kill Arthur in one blow, but not desperate enough, not hearty enough, not enough to relieve Lin Qi!

Those who have betrayed and hurt themselves must get back a little bit. How can he die so easily!

With a smile pretending to be graceful, Arthur slowly landed on the flying dragon. He nodded softly to Lil: "Liu, long time no see! It seems that you have found a big deal? Can I mix it up? Eating alone is not gentle enough. After all, we are relatives. You are not even a little bit. Give me no benefits, right?"

Li's face became ugly. He stared at Arthur, then suddenly sneered.

"Among my followers, is there someone with you?"

"Arthur, you are getting more and more courageous. You dare to explore my whereabouts. What do you want to do?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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