Bright Era

Chapter 566: Donkey strong

"Oh, ha, hoo!"

The Rock Titan standing beside Arthur let out a low cry. With the dull murmur of the low rhythm, the muscles that were about to explode on Rock Titan's body became more and more swelled, and the thin veins and blood vessels of the thumb burst out from under his skin, and masses of ocher magic lines continued from his bronze. The skin gushed out, and dense magic lines covered his body, making his body look particularly hideous.

The Rock Titan who only wore a pair of trousers mumbled: "I am the son of the earth, I am the blood of the earth. If I step on the earth, I will never be defeated! You, do you want to fight the earth?"

Arthur slapped the body of this rock titan triumphantly. This was the number one thug by Arthur's side and the strongest fighter he had recruited over the years. Although the Rock Titans are a foreign race of Odin Icefield, compared to those orcs, the Titans are not so much rejected by the humans.

Perhaps it is because the bloodline of the Titans is indeed relatively noble. Although the Land Island War has been fought so many times, the latest Land Island War lasted for a full 100 years. The Titans caused great casualties to mankind, but The fighters of the Titans are still sought after by the human powers.

This rock titan was worshipped by Arthur with a lot of money. In order to get the allegiance of this rock titan, Arthur took on the life needs of his entire tribe and several dwarves and goblin tribes attached to the name of the titan tribe. Arthur paid his own money and raised nearly 200,000 people, supported by Huafu delicacies, and thus gained the power of the rock Titan, the peak of the saint.

"Go, Qing Yan, twist his wings, break his limbs. Leave his life, but you can destroy his power!"

Arthur was shaking with excitement.

Li is nominally Arthur's elder brother. After all, Arthur married Yin and gave birth to a child. Lu is the younger sister of Yin's compatriot. But Li always took advantage of Arthur. He had always looked down on Arthur, and he only regarded Arthur as a production tool for Gerdas' reincarnation. And Yin also looked down on Arthur. After giving birth to Gerdas, Yin's attitude towards Arthur changed drastically.

Arthur was brooding about all this, but he had no way of knowing the rhythm and tone. Li and Yin are both descendants of the **** of punishment. They have a lofty position in the temple of punishment, and their power is not something Arthur can resist.

But more than six years passed in a flash, and Arthur, with his cleverness, with his attitude of going into the camp, received the support of a part of the powerful elders in the temple of punishment. He got the support of some big forces inside the church, and he got the support of some people in the Gaul Empire.

And Gerdas, his nominal son, this reincarnated demigod also gave Arthur a boost.

With the combined forces of several parties, Arthur is now different from what he used to be. He has enough power to do certain things that he could not do back then. He has enough power to make up for the regrets that year, and has enough qualifications to pursue what he yearned for.

He could not make Gerdas his child, but he could make the little beauty of Yin truly his wife!

And have been cold-eyed towards Arthur, treating him as a tool, a lackey, or even not treating him as the law of the same thing? Arthur wants to avenge him! Arthur has enough reasons to retaliate against him, and he now has enough power to retaliate against him!

With a weird smile, under the protection of several powerful subordinates, Arthur retreated a long way across the two-legged dragon with the strength of the saint. He glanced in Lin Qi's direction, only Yun Xiaojun was stubbornly resisting, and Lin Qi and the others all fell to the ground covered in blood, so Arthur let go of his mind and focused all his attention on Li and Yun Lijun's body.

The law of capture, forcing the sound to return to his arms obediently, this is Arthur's wishful thinking.

Today, there is no shortage of beautiful women around Arthur, but the sound is irreplaceable.

As for Jun Li, this is just a small person. Just as Yun Li looked down on Arthur, a nouveau riche, and Arthur who didn't know what the Archbishop of Dragon meant in the church, he also didn't regard Yun Li as a thing. Capture Yun Lijun alive, and then turn the power of the Killing Skills in his hand into his own power, and Arthur's wishful thinking made a bang.

Accompanied by a low roar, Qing Yan stepped forward in front of Jun Li, and slammed Yun Li with a fist.

Jun Yun Li gave a strange whistle, and he held up his spear with both hands and blocked Qingyan's fist. He was only a saint's mid-level cultivation base. Facing Qingyan, who was the peak strength of the saint, Jun Li didn't have any chance of luck. The sacred spear released a dazzling light, and a looming black snake flickered inside the spear. The strongest power of this spear was aroused by Jun Li.

With a loud bang, Qing Yan broke the spear with a punch.

The Titans have talented supernatural powers, and the Rock Titans are the most powerful race among the Titans today. Qingyan's blow smashed Yun Lijun's spear like a rotten blow, Yun Lijun exhaled on the spot, and then was caught by Qingyan's neck and slammed to the ground.

In the sound of ‘click’, Yun Lijun didn’t know how many bones he had broken, he was thrown into a faint on the spot. More than a dozen soldiers rushed forward and tied Jun Yun Li firmly with special shackles. Arthur let out a triumphant laughter, Yun Lijun got his hands, and the killer training camp in the Principality of Montenegro was also his hands.

Will it be possible to kill the hand? Such a powerful force will one day be used.

The golden wings behind Li flickered, and he wanted to fly through the air. However, several Black Sun priests suspended in the high air opened their hands, and a dignified black divine light enveloped the void, and a sacred object shaped like a large net turned into countless black smoke and shot out in all directions. The void was imprisoned, and the power he possessed after the blessing of the **** of punishment summoned by the law could not fly. Li's body fell heavily to the ground, and then Qing Yan stepped over to Li in one step.

Both feet steadily stepped on the ground, and the huge natural elements of the earth rushed into Qingyan's body. Qingyan was blessed by the power of the earth, and his power was strengthened hundreds of times. He exhaled and shook his fists, his heavy fists slammed into Li like a falling star.

Just now Arthur ordered him to capture the law, but Qingyan is the existence of the pinnacle of the saint after all, he is much smarter than the younger generations in the clan who can only use brute force. Before he attacked Li, he immediately defeated Jun Li, who was holding a holy weapon that might threaten him!

At the moment, his choice is undoubtedly the right one. Yun Lijun’s fiasco made Lu Xin jealous and want to escape, but faced with the blockade of the six Black Sun priests, plus the top sacred artifact secretly passed down by the Black Sun Temple. Ri Tianmu's imprisonment, it is impossible for Li to escape, and he can display 70% of his fighting power at most, how can he be Qingyan's opponent?

"The descendants of the earth are invincible, surrender obediently!"

The Qingyan hammer hit Li's back, and the golden light wings on Li's back firmly protected his body. Amid the huge roar, the wings of light were smashed into golden light, and countless golden feathers fell off one after another, turning into golden light spots and scattered around randomly.

Li had a sullen face to guard against death. He knelt on one knee, no matter how violently Qingyan bombarded him, his expression remained the same. Long golden hair fluttered above his head, and from time to time tints of golden light were sucked into his hair.

The Black Sun priest in the high air made him unable to fly and escape. The Black Sun Sky Screen even cut off the possibility of Rhythm's use of all kinds of god-defying techniques. Relying only on the strength of his own body, he could not be Qingyan's opponent at all.

The golden wings trembled crazily, and the heavy blow made Li's body a pain.

Arthur showed a smug smile. He squinted his eyes and stared at Li, proudly reprimanding him loudly: "Liu, you took your group of lackeys to tour the mainland. If you didn’t travel alone today, I I can’t do anything to you at all. But you made a mistake, you made a mistake, my brother, you really made a mistake!"

Li's face remained the same.

What Arthur said, he certainly understands that he travels around the Western Continent to kill heretics. There is always a 10,000-strong disciplinary knights around him to accept dispatch, and there are also a group of elite church guards accompanying him. But this time Li just ‘worked out private’ at the invitation of Jun Li, he didn’t want to use the power of the punishment knights at all.

With his head down, Qing Yan's heavy blows were stubbornly endured, and Li's face became heavier as he felt the gradual dissipation of the huge divine power in his body.

At the foot of the hill, the tattered donkey's body suddenly twitched. The golden divine sword pierced through the eyebrows and reached the base of the tail, such a miserable wound is slowly healing. The blood flowing out of the donkey's body was seeping from the ground drop by drop, and the blood slowly flowed back into the donkey's body like a living thing. The wound on his body was healing slowly, and his stagnant heart suddenly beat.

" dare to let your uncle suffer the horror of death again!"

"It's so **** uncomfortable...just the same as when it was dug out by the muscles of the tiger clan..."

A black donkey skin was rapidly emerging from the donkey's **** body, and shiny black hair was also emerging from under the skin. The donkey took a deep breath, and swallowed the natural element power within the radius in one breath. His dead gray eyes moved suddenly, and with this breath, the godless eyes gradually became dark and shiny, regaining their spirituality.

"It's so miserable. I have been punished by the power of punishment. The little power that I have so easily stored over the years is not left at all!"

The broken neck bone revolved, and the donkey's neck grew and recovered. The broken bones on his body were pieced together one by one, and an extremely evil force enveloped his body. A faint black flame spurted from the donkey's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and let out a gloomy sneer.

"Grandson, you better pray that you have enough big breasted girls in your family, otherwise I will destroy your entire family!"

"No, even if your family are all big breasted girls, I will ruin your family!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for it. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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