Bright Era

Chapter 579: Attentive

The big hand that hit his head was so imposing that Lin Qi didn't have time to think about it. He blasted the huge handprint with his best punch.

There was a loud noise, and Lin Quanquan trembled. He staggered back several steps, only to feel the numbness of his right arm, and he almost couldn't feel the existence of his arm. The big hand was also smashed by Lin Qi with a punch, but Lin Qi did his best to hit a punch, and the black-robed man just waved his hand lightly, showing how big the difference in strength between the two is.

Lin Qi didn't say a word and took out the magic ball stored in another spatial ring-this was the only one of the two magic **** he grabbed from Xiong Wanjin. He shook his hand and smashed the magic ball towards the black-robed man, then jumped up and grabbed Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili, and ran towards the east at the fastest speed.

Arda gave a long scream, and two pairs of huge meaty wings came out from behind him. He grabbed the wine barrel that hadn't recovered, and slapped the huge meaty wings and flew eastward with Lin Qi. The two of them had just rushed out several tens of meters, and there was a terrible wind whistling sound from behind. Lin Qi turned around in a hurry, just to see a group of blue-black gusts spreading out in all directions.

Not even the donkey is too nonsense. They gritted their teeth and fled to the east in embarrassment.

Lin Qi asked Yun Xiao Jun to bring Yun Li back, which really involved Yun Jun's energy-obviously, as the highest power holder of the Acacia family, he could not let his two sons kill each other, and could not indulge himself. The relationship between offspring and grandchildren is broken. No matter who is right or wrong, he must stay in the family and handle the matter properly before he can take action.

Although Lin Qi's possessions are as rich as the enemy's country, foreign wealth is foreign wealth after all, and the stability of his family is the most important thing.

So Jun Yun sent his own descendants, and the black-robed man called Brother Yun Xiaojun his uncle, obviously he was the fourth generation descendant of the Acacia family. But this does not mean that his strength is not strong, because the black robe man is likely to be hundreds of years older than his uncle.

And the Yunlong clan will always spring up many genius level monsters. Hundreds of years of training are enough to make the black-robed man become a freak with amazing strength and extremely mature mentality.

Just now, when the black-robed man struck out with one move, Lin Qi knew he was invincible, so he immediately fled with all his strength. He threw the magic ball just to hinder the opponent's pursuit, and did not expect to do anything to the opponent. The black-robed man is not as strong as Jun Yun, but for Lin Qi and others today, he is already outrageous!

The power of the Saint Master level is definitely the powerhouse of the Saint Master level!

Moreover, they took advantage of the opportunity of the Void Eye to attack Lin Qi, and when Lin Qi had to release the magic circle to resist the power of the void, they destroyed the magic circle just right. They shrewdly cut off the most powerful hole card in Lin Qi's hand. Before Lin Qi cast a new magic circle, Lin Qi and their power alone could not pose any threat to them.

The hurricane erupted by the magic ball raged for a full quarter of an hour, and the ground within a radius was scraped into floating dust. As the smoke dissipated, the black-robed man squatting on the ground in a ball slowly stood up. He pursed his mouth and smiled weirdly, the black robe man murmured: "If you let you escape from my hand, it would be really ridiculous."

Two other middle-aged men in black robes emerged from the air. They looked at the gray-headed and gray-faced black-robed man, and at the same time they showed mocking smiles: "Brother, you are fighting for first place in everything, this time Being bombarded by the Forbidden Curse, but interesting?"

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded to the two newcomers: "It's interesting, this magic ball is very powerful, but I have the ancestor's holy wind protector, this little wind can't hurt me. But you two must be careful, in case you are injured in the hands of that kid, as your eldest brother, I am not easy to confess in front of the ancestors!"

The three men in black robes glanced at each other, and fierce flames burst into their eyes at the same time.

The black-robed man who first gave Lin Qi a blow was Yun Haitian, the eldest son of the fourth generation of the Acacia family, and the two later black-robed men, who were close cousins ​​of Yun Haitian, ranked No. 4 in the fourth generation. The second and third Yunhaifeng and Yunhaitao. The three of them are over a thousand years old, and they are all strong men above the middle rank of the sage master. Yun Jun sent them to hunt down Lin Qi and his party, obviously he valued them extremely, and at the same time they were not without the intention of taking school examinations.

With the sound of light footsteps, eighteen dark elves wearing light black soft armor and holding long bows quickly walked over.

These elves bowed to the three of Yun Haitian, and the leader of the elves asked gently: "Three adults, shall we not catch up?"

Yun Haitian looked at the two cousins, then looked up at the sky, a weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It could have been caught up, but because of our two uncles so tortured, it's not easy to be in the western mainland. Let's do it! The maximum monitoring range of the Void Eye... It seems that there is no effect after three thousand miles away from the Western Continent, right?"

Yun Haifeng and Yun Haitao laughed restrained at the same time, and they nodded at the same time. The three looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time with the hypocritical taste of heroes cherishing heroes.

Yun Haitao said disdainfully: "The ancestors spoiled them, but they are really outrageous. Although they are high in generation, I still have to say that they did a poor job in this matter! They just need to send someone to stare at this kid and his party. , When we arrive, we can easily kill them and scavenge all the treasures."

Yun Haifeng sighed lightly: "But it's fine now. The Void Eyes don't know if they are still watching them. The group of people in the Void Temple sees that we have benefited. It is always uncomfortable to be shared by others. !"

Yun Haitian smiled and gave a concluding report: "Then, we will **** them to leave the Western Continent, **** them to the mainland bridge three thousand miles, and then we do what we should do. As for the three of us who can get What's in them depends on their own ability?"

The three brothers laughed loudly, and then each took six dark elves away. The three people went in different directions, and there was a faint feeling of parting ways.

Lin Qi ran all the way carrying Xiong Wanjin and Bilibili, and a big mountain soaring into the cloud like a screen was faintly seen ahead. This is the highest peak of the Eastern Boundary Mountain in the Western Continent, "Iron Cliff Mountain". The largest war fort on the Iron Cliff Defense Line, the "Iron Cliff War Fort", was built on the eastern **** of the Iron Cliff Mountain.

This is the main road of transportation between the East and the West. The nomadic tribes of the Continental Bridge must pass through this vicinity if they want to enter the Western Continent. Nearly a hundred large and small countries in the Eastern Plains of the Western Continent sent soldiers to station here in turn. The number of soldiers stationed here has reached an astonishing 200,000!

This is also the most powerful military fortress in the entire Western Continent except for the Norman Castle. It is also the largest land commercial checkpoint in the Western Continent. The nomads on the mainland bridge want to transport their livestock and various specialties into it. Anyone who sells on the Western mainland must pay a large amount of commercial tax here.

There are all kinds of people from the western continent, businessmen, fugitives, gangsters, bandits, and all kinds of strange people can be seen here. At the same time, this place is also full of fierce herders from nomadic tribes. At the same time, because it is a battle fort under the joint governance of various countries, there are basically no rules at all.

There is only one basic rule here-the one with the big fist is the uncle, and the one with the hard-point is the emperor!

If your fist is big enough, the knife is hard, you can gather a large number of people at the same time, and you have enough money to spend, then you are the emperor here! Here you can do whatever you want, even the emperors of those great empires may not have you to enjoy!

When Lin Qi and others came to the vicinity of the Iron Cliff Fortress, they happened to see a colorfully dressed nomad driving tens of thousands of animals through the checkpoint. Several tax officers stood near the checkpoint, their eyes glowing and counting the number of animals passing by, and from time to time they argued with the nomads about what price a certain animal should be taxed at.

Perhaps it was something that was not dealt with in a word. A nomad suddenly pulled out a horned knife and stabbed a tax official in the thigh.

A high-pitched horn sounded nearby, and hundreds of soldiers rushed out like wolves, holding guns and smashing the herder to the ground. After a turmoil, the tax official jumped out to indicate that the matter can be resolved peacefully.

Those herders were fined 500 animals for medical expenses as tax officials, and then everything returned to calm, and even the herders who had wounded people with knives were released. Seeing the herdsman's angrily cursing looks, it seems that everyone is accustomed to this kind of thing, and it doesn't take much of it.

This battle fort reminded Lin Qi of the chaotic Black Abyss Market, and it really made him feel endless!

At this moment, the donkey lying on Xiong Wanjin's shoulders said: "Hey, boy, the grandson of the Yun family is not at ease!"

With a soft cough, the donkey raised his head proudly: "Based on my life experience and experience, that kid must be waiting for us to leave the Western Continent! Hey, we were stared at by the Void Eye, although it is Bad things, but also good things, now this is our amulet!"

Lin Qi's eyes lit up, and he looked at the donkey knowingly. Yes, the Acacia family wants to eat alone, it is impossible for them to let the people in the Void Temple know what they have! So they will wait for Lin Qi and others to leave the surveillance range of the Void Eye before they do anything!

The only question now is, how to take advantage of the current situation?

Not only do you have to avoid the pursuit of Jun Yun's filial sons and grandchildren, but more importantly, you must not let the old monster Yun Jun come to the door.

Lin Qi was silent for a while, he nodded, and strode towards the Iron Cliff Fortress. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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