Bright Era

Chapter 582: Arthur's scheming

On the outskirts of Berrely, by a small quiet lake, an ancient oak forest is surrounded by an ancient castle.

The castle is heavily guarded, and you can see thousands of heavy-armored soldiers parading around. In the oak forest outside the castle, a few weird shadows flashed from time to time. This was a patrol post arranged by the owner of the castle outside. It was full of skillful and experienced scouts and assassins.

In a huge beast stall behind the castle, several parts of the green dragon king with ulcerated and inflamed skin were lying on the ground panting, roaring in anger from time to time. The ulcerated skin on his body was frozen to death by the cold. After the wound was thawed, this vital skin began to rot and deteriorate. Although a lot of secret medicine had been applied, it still could not alleviate the deterioration of the wound.

To heal the wounds hit by this forbidden curse magic, one can only rely on high-level magic. But obviously, there is no high-level clergy to treat him at this moment, and the Green Dragon King can only lie in the animal pen cursingly, relying on his strong vitality to hold on.

In a gorgeously furnished suite at the heart of the castle, naked Arthur was lying on the ground and twitching silently. His face was distorted, the corners of his eyes were split due to muscle twitching, and blood dripped from the corners of his eyes. The joints of his body were twisted in the opposite direction, and his meridians were becoming tighter and tighter in his muscles. His bones rubbed against each other and made a crisp sound, his body seemed to be beaten and beaten in the hands of an invisible giant, as if to hammer him into a puddle of mud.

The indescribable pain made Arthur want to die, but his sanity remained sober. He almost fell into a coma several times, but he woke up from the pain. Sticky and colorful cold sweat constantly oozes from his pores, the luxurious pure white wool carpet is covered with fishy cold sweat, and the air is full of a fishy smell peculiar to poisonous insects.

Arthur's smooth and white skin was densely covered with colorful spots. The rest of his body was fine, except for the fist-sized spots around his lower abdomen that wriggled under his skin like a living thing. Every time this group of spots wriggled, there were more colored spots on Arthur's body, and the pain Arthur suffered became more intense.

Looking up at the sky desperately, Arthur's spasm groaned like a drowned puppy.

This indescribable pain awakened Arthur’s unbearable memory-more than six years ago, when Blackbeard cut off Arthur’s hands and feet, when Sha Xin smiled and used hundreds of strange poisonous insects in Asia The mixed insect poison was implanted in Se's body, and Arthur felt the intense pain that life is better than death but cannot die.

Hundreds of weird insect poisons from unknown foreign land were mixed together. This mixed toxin penetrated into Arthur's muscles, penetrated into his bone marrow, and even merged with his soul. Such terrible toxins, unless Arthur himself possesses strong enough power to destroy them, external force will not be able to help him dispel the terrible poison hidden in his body.

Arthur at that time, every day, every hour, every minute, every second was like being in hell, always suffering terrible torture. This is Black Beard's revenge against him, and this is Black Beard's revenge against Lin Qi being thrown into the Black Abyss God Prison.

Arthur wanted Lin Qi to fall into despair in the Black Abyss God Prison, and Blackbeard directly let Arthur understand what despair is.

Fortunately, Arthur was the nominal father of Gerdas. Fortunately, Gerdas, the demigod, was still worried about such a tiny bit of blood relationship. Therefore, the Temple of Punishment came forward and spent an extremely high price. Finally, the Temple of Life, the Temple of Souls and the Great Sanctuary of several other temples were moved, using extremely precious magical medicine including the original liquid of the Tree of Life, and finally let Ya The stick of Se was restored to human appearance.

Not only that, the Temple of Punishment also begged grandpa to tell grandma and invited dozens of elders of the Doomsday Elders group. Together, they forced the mixed insects that could not be removed from Arthur's body into a ball, and hid it in Arthur's. In the lower abdomen.

This saves Arthur from the hell-like torture that Arthur suffers every day, and Arthur also gets great benefits-the poisonous insects that Sand Heart injected into Arthur's body are extremely strong and extremely terrifying. , After the mixed insect poison was condensed into a ball in Arthur's lower abdomen, it became a thing similar to the magic core of Warcraft, condensed into a fist-sized crystal.

With the help of this highly poisonous crystal, Arthur cultivated his fighting spirit for a long time and reached the level of a half-step holy realm in a very short time. Moreover, Arthur's vindictive spirit also brought on the ever-changing poisonous attributes, every hit was strange and unusual, and the lethality was extremely amazing.

But Arthur was captured alive by Lin Qi. Lin Qi didn't know that there was such a time bomb in Arthur's body. He brazenly fed a potion used by the abyss ghost to torture the captives to Arthur. This potion, which occurred 24 times a day, for an hour each time, was like a fuse, which outrageously detonated the poisonous crystals in Arthur's lower abdomen, causing the huge poison contained in the crystals to burst out completely. .

Arthur's body suddenly jumped up like a carp out of the water. His muscles were twitching, and his body was beating violently, hitting the ground uncontrollably, making a snapping sound.

Accompanied by horrified calls, more than a dozen beautiful maids rushed in from outside the room. A maid hurriedly reached out to support Arthur's body, but as soon as her hand touched the thick and colorful cold sweat on Arthur's skin, her palm suddenly became pitch black. Accompanied by a miserable howl, the maid Qiqiao fell to the ground bleeding, the corpse quickly turned black and corrupt, and in the blink of an eye it became a foul-smelling poisonous corpse.

The maids fled in horror. They ran far away, looking at Arthur who was convulsing indiscriminately on the ground at a loss.

Arthur looked at the maid who had fallen to the ground in pain. This was the woman he loved the most in the past two years, and the woman who understood his mind best. Arthur had the heart to take good care of her and promote her father to be a little nobleman.

But now, she was actually poisoned by the poison gas released from her body on the spot.

"Bear, tiger, leopard!" Arthur made a strange noise in his throat. He vomited a mouthful of blood, and suddenly let out a hoarse cry: "Liu! I won't let you go! What you did to me I will give you everything back! I will give you back!"

The horrible cry of "Aw Aw", Arthur didn't know where a wave of evil came from. He grinned and began to reduce the poison of the crazy riot in his body, and barely restrained them together. Arthur's skin was covered with a faint cyan, which looked like the color of a dark elf mixed blood.

The toxic crystals in the lower abdomen air pockets recondensed, but unlike the stable crystals before, this crystal became irritable, releasing poisonous gas constantly. Arthur himself estimated that this crystal would explode from time to time, causing him unspeakable pain from time to time.

"I will let you know what pain is, and I will let you know what despair is!"

Arthur howled hoarsely. He remembered the conversation between Li and Lin Qi. He had developed a deep hatred of Li and Lin Qi's pseudonym bear. Especially Li. For so many years, Li’s contempt for him, the ignorance of him, and the use of him. All these have been combined. After Lin Qi’s processing and fermentation, it has become the breath of the legendary abyssal dragon, making Arthur His heart almost melted into a pool of poisonous water.


The maids huddled in the corner and shivered. No one dared to approach Arthur at this time.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a pale golden robe with a solemn and majestic face walked in quickly. He took a deep breath, frowned and shook his head. The air was full of the smell of poisonous insects, and the rotting smell of the poisonous corpse was not very pleasing to the eye. Especially the roar of Arthur's nose and tears made the smell in the room extra messy.

With a heavy snort, the middle-aged man handed Arthur a light golden scroll.

"The news just came from the Temple of Punishment! The search and rescue team found Lord Lu, but his soul was severely damaged. Ideally, it would take more than a year to wake up. Lord Lu's bodyguard was wiped out by a group of abyssal creatures. The great temples in the Void Temple have seen it with their own eyes."

Arthur looked at the man in the golden robe coldly: "What do you want to explain?"

The man in the golden robe squinted his eyes and shook his head gently: "I didn't want to say anything. The opinions of the elders are very clear. All of this is self-directed and acted upon! The hatred of the abyss creatures against the church cannot be reconciled, and a group of abyss creatures slaughtered. More than two thousand punishment knights and punishment priests were recruited, but Master Li was just unconscious. This is Master Li's biggest failure!"

Arthur laughed, and he nodded slowly: "Yes, I think so too. In other words, the elders should think that Li is likely to collude with the abyss creature?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "It is impossible for the gods to collude with the creatures of the abyss, just as it is impossible for water and fire to merge into one. But Lord Li cannot collude with the creatures of the abyss, and the chief elder of the Xiong family is very likely to do so. .and so..."

Arthur looked at the middle-aged man coldly: "So what? Don't hesitate!"

The middle-aged man smiled gently: "So any action the elders support you, no matter what you want to do, you will get the absolute support of the elders! In short, just let it go, no matter how much power you can seize the temple of punishment. , These powers are all yours! The elders are willing to support you to get Lord Yin, but the elders... they will not come out publicly!"

Arthur smiled coldly: "In other words, I am the elders of the non-God race against the sharp swords who punish the gods of the temple?"

The middle-aged man laughed but didn't say anything, and many things would be boring if they were put through.

Arthur nodded slowly: "Then, let me make this sharp knife. I will be very happy to drive the high gods into the abyss!" (To be continued. If you like this work , You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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