Bright Era

Chapter 587: The big fist is the Lord

The wine barrel easily overwhelmed Sand Pirates' cavalry, and thousands of Sand Pirates were all stupid on the spot. The warriors of the Shatuo tribe of Abu also looked at the wine barrel in horror. This guy with a tall body and a raging flame is not a creature that should appear in the world.

The keg proudly raised the huge warhammer and let out a crazy roar. He glanced at the stiff sand thieves, suddenly dropped his warhammer, grabbed a raised stone pillar beside him, and easily pulled up the stone pillar that was more than eight meters high and two meters thick, as if The child smashed the stone pillar against the sand thief's team like a ball.

With miserable howls, dozens of sand thieves were smashed by the stone pillar, and they were smashed into flesh and blood on the spot.

The stone pillar exploded into countless fragments flew out by the natural magical power of the wine barrel, fist-sized fragments scattered all over, and hundreds of sand thieves within a radius of 100 meters broke their bones. The lucky ones were directly smashed and his head was smashed to death on the spot. The bad luck was smashed hands and feet, smashed the breastbone, one by one lying on the ground, twitching and struggling, and having to taste the pain before he could die.

At this moment, Lin Qi, who was holding the stone, shot. With a flick of his fingers, a ray of white tiger fighting spirit bounced lightly at his fingertips, and the small stones made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, bringing up a wave of white air that was visible to the naked eye, which was more than the arrow excited by a strong crossbow. He struck the sand thieves several times faster.

Lin Qi was still more than a hundred meters away from the battle group, and two to three hundred meters away from the sand thief who was charging at the periphery. The stone sparked by Lin Qi's hand carried a faint white light, and it passed the battlefield in a flash, accurately hitting the brow of Sha Pirate.

The stones infused by the white tiger's fighting spirit were extremely sharp, tearing apart the heads of the sand thief like a blade, and punching a hole the size of a fist in the back of their heads. Lin Qi grabbed more than 30 pebbles. In the blink of an eye, more than 30 sand thieves had their heads broken and fell to the ground.

Before the sand pirates recovered, Lin Qi grabbed a handful of stones on the ground. The harsh screams recurred, and dozens of sand thieves fell to the ground. Then came the third and fourth batches. Not long after, hundreds of sand pirates were killed by the pebbles that Lin Qi ejected.

The sand pirates finally came back to their senses, they let out a sharp howling noise, turned and fled towards the black Gobi Desert.

But they didn't run far, dozens of extremely thin cold lights flashed in the air suddenly, and the sand thief who rushed in the front was suddenly cut off his neck. Blood spurted down the thin gaps in the neck, and the sand thieves fell heavily to the ground. Afterwards, more than a hundred black fireballs the size of water tanks appeared above Sand Pirates out of thin air. These fireballs made a sharp ghost howl. With Arda who didn't know where he was hiding, a low and weird laugh, the huge fireballs whizzed down. Accurately submerged in the most dense group of sand thieves.

Loud noise and fire light covered the Gobi, and large groups of sand thieves were blown to pieces in the fire light. The black flame is like sticky glue attached to the broken arms, and the broken flesh and the sand on the ground are burnt to ashes, and then a thin black smoke is emitted and then dissipated. .

After Alda's magic raged, the number of surviving sand thieves was less than a thousand. They looked at the top of their heads in horror, and Arda slowly emerged from the sky above their heads. Two pairs of huge fleshy wings swayed slowly in the wind behind him, and Alda unscrupulously showed his real demon.

"Fear, despair, hysteria, and then madness! What a powerful negative atmosphere! You are really, great!" Alda swallowed the negative soul breath that was invisible to the naked eye in the air, his power Once again got a wave of crazy growth.

Negative soul power, especially the desperate breath that erupts when the body is destroyed, is the best tonic for demons like Arda and the soul mage. Arda used magic to kill more than a thousand people, and this power is even comparable to his own hard work for more than ten years.

"You humble ants, all kneel down for me!" Arda exclaimed, "Kneel down, you can live! Otherwise, die!"

Bilibili sneaked up from the darkness, and the barrel with the warhammer strode close to the fleeing sand thieves. The remaining nearly a thousand sand thieves glanced at each other, and they slowly dropped their weapons and slowly knelt on the ground. They have been shocked by the brutal massacre and the mighty power shown by Lin Qi and others, and they have lost the courage to continue fighting.

In other words, this is the nature of these nomads. When facing the powerful, they will slavishly flatter each other, and when facing the weak, they will immediately swipe the scimitar to rob the weak. Bullying and fearing hardship, treachery, this is something branded into their bones.

Abu turned his body stiffly, grinning and squeezing a smile at Lin Qiqiang.

Lin Qi patted Abu's shoulder gently, and slowly and gently said in the lingua franca of the nomads of the Continental Bridge: "We are not a big fat sheep, respected Patriarch Abu! In fact, I just want you to lead the way. We only went to the place of the king's account of the Huangsha Khanate. But you seem to have some bad intentions against us, so I feel very sad and wronged!"

Slowly approaching Abu's face, Lin Qi said word by word: "You treat us like a big fat sheep and want to rob us, and finally sell us into slaves, er, deeply hurt my self-esteem! So, dear Patriarch Abu, you must give us some compensation!"

Both of Abu's legs were trembling, and he could easily solve thousands of fierce sand thieves. The power shown by Lin Qi and others made Abu extremely terrified. What made him even more desperate was that Lin Qi could understand the lingua franca of the nomadic tribe of the Continental Bridge? And it seemed that he was more proficient in speaking than Abu, and there were a lot of Continental Bridge slang in it, making him more like a pure nomad than Abu.

Desperate, Abu did not know how Lin Qi would deal with them. Thinking that he actually wanted to take Lin Qi and the others to the tribe and looting them all, Abu had the urge to pull out the scimitar and kill the intermediary agent of the Iron Cliff Fortress. That **** bastard, he killed himself, he told himself that Lin Qi was a big fat sheep!

But in the blink of an eye, the Big Sheep became a prehistoric dragon, which is too deceptive!

The scimitar in his hand fell to the ground with a sound of'Dang Cang', and Abu knelt heavily on his knees. He touched his forehead heavily on the sandy ground in front of Lin Qi's feet: "Noble strong man, please forgive our sins. We. We are willing to make compensation for offending you. Our Shatuo tribe is willing to donate 20,000 large animals and two hundred beautiful virgins, as well as one thousand catties of sand and one thousand jewels. I hope these meager gifts can be exchanged for yours. Tolerance and mercy!"

Looking up poorly, Abu's face was already covered with tears. At this time, he looked like a horrible old man who had nothing to support, and he couldn't see the cruelty and ruthlessness of when he personally severely injured his own son. Abu stammered: "Our Shatuo tribe is just a small tribe, we really can't come up with more apologizes!"

Lin Qi clicked his lips. Twenty thousand large animals are good things, and they can also be used as food reserves if they are thrown into the ring of the world.

A thousand catties of sand and a thousand gems are also very good things. Although this wealth is only a fraction of Lin Qi's current wealth, Jinshan Yinshan is piled up one by one, and Lin Qi will never let go of any opportunity to earn money.

Is it the two hundred beautiful virgins? Lin Qi didn't react to them at all.

With a light cough, Lin Qi squatted down and smiled at the crying Abu face to face: "Sands and gems, prepare more, those beauties, I'm not interested!"

Abu laughed immediately. He looked at Lin Qi with a flattering smile and said, "You are not interested in beautiful women. What about such a strong and handsome boy? Oh, we are a poor tribe with a thousand catties of sand and a thousand gems. This is Our limit is reached! How about two hundred handsome boys?"

Lin Qi's face became gloomy, and he hit the ground with a punch. The white tiger's fighting spirit whizzed out, turning into countless white cold lights and blasted into the ground. With a loud ‘hum’, the ground tens of meters in a radius collapsed, and Lin Qi and Abu fell to the ground at the same time. Lin Qi's fist destroyed the surrounding stratum structure, and the ground with a radius of tens of meters sank to a depth of seven or eight meters.

The gray-headed and gray-faced Abu looked at this huge hole in horror. He calculated his own strength. Maybe he would have to work hard for a quarter of an hour to make such a big hole in the ground, right?

Abu took a deep breath, and then showed an extremely bright smile: "One hundred thousand catties of sand and five thousand jewels of various colors, respectable strong man, these sands are obtained by our Shatuo tribe in the ditch. , It’s really not worth anything. As for these gems, they were also excavated in the valley, and they are not worth much. As long as you can forgive our sins, we can..."

With a flick of Lin Qi's finger, a white light shot out from the tip of the finger. With a sound of ‘chuck’, the ground was cut open with a smooth ditch several tens of meters long and Michel. The White Tiger's fighting spirit is extremely sharp, and wherever the fighting spirit passes, no matter it is sand or rock, it is cut smoothly, without even a single burr.

Abu's body trembled violently. He glanced at the ditch in horror. Of course he knew how condensed strength it took to carve such a mark on the ground. He swallowed and spit, and then howled hoarsely: "Five hundred thousand catties of sand, 35,000 pieces of gems of various colors, noble and strong, this is my grandfather, my father and myself who have worked hard for hundreds of years. The wealth that I have saved, I... I long for your forgiveness!"

Lin Qi stood up in satisfaction and slapped his hands vigorously.

"The old man said that he doesn't need to reason with these nomads. The one with the big fist is the master. That's true!"

He kicked Abu somersault, and Lin Qi coldly snorted, "Don't play tricks, or I will slaughter you Shatuo tribe!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start ( ) Vote for recommended votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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