Bright Era

Chapter 593: Shrine Virgin

In the sound of'huhu' breaking through the air, thousands of black spheres the size of a human head shot from a great distance. These black **** fell heavily on the grass and puddles beside Lin Qi,'cracking' to pieces. All over the floor. When the night breeze blew, the black ball fell and suddenly blazed with raging flames. Thousands of red flames in a radius of several meters were burning, and the high temperature rolled up, and the flames illuminated the grassland in a radius of ten miles.

Lin Qi blinked his eyes. These black spheres were all round porcelain pots. I didn't know what special fuel was in them. When they hit the air, they burned. When these fuels burn, not only are they extremely hot, but they can also emit high-temperature flames even in water. Even the water in the puddle was evaporated by the flame, which further contributed to the fire.

With a loud bang, hundreds of tall, sturdy, and dark-skinned strong men strode toward this side. These brawny men only wore a pair of animal skin pants and exposed their strong upper body. They were holding huge cymbals, and every few steps they struck the cymbals fiercely, making a loud noise like thunder.

These golden cymbals are obviously magical devices blessed by the magic circle. When the cymbals vibrated suddenly, the light yellow light pattern visible to the naked eye continued to spread around, and countless grass blades were cut off where the ripples swept. , The broken blades of grass flew up, and were shattered by the turbulent sound waves, and turned into a green curtain flying down.

In the raging fire, these big men sullenly rushed to Lin Qi's side, and silently formed a huge circle to surround Lin Qi. Then came the sound of low footsteps. After about a quarter of an hour, at least a thousand warriors in heavy black armor were holding Changge, guarding a huge animal cart and slowly heading here. come.

Seeing the heavy metal armor on these warriors, Lin Qi couldn't help being speechless. The nomads on the mainland produce a variety of livestock. They can dig a large amount of natural sand gold, dog head gold, etc. in the valley, and can mine various precious gems. But the special geographical conditions determine that there are no metal deposits on the Continental Bridge.

Therefore, the armor of the nomads is mainly leather armor, and even the sweaty guards of the major forces have at most light iron armor. However, the armor on these warriors is clearly a thick, super-heavy armor, and all armors are densely covered with magic patterns, shining with a faint magic light pattern, these armors are even the most powerful empire of the Continental Bridge. Baby that is easy to take out to meet people.

But here, these fighters seem to be just a group of ordinary guards.

Especially the animal carts surrounded by these soldiers made Lin Qi amazed. It was a cart dragged by 36-headed white hexagonal yak. ​​The huge base had at least hundreds of wide wheels. On the base was a huge round table with a diameter of more than 20 meters with a thick pavement. The snow-white velvet mattress was surrounded by a curtain of light veil, and only a thin figure lying on it was vaguely visible, and there were more than a dozen maids in Qingyi waiting on the side.

Two huge Azure Sky Storm Eagles flew slowly high in the sky. These two super monsters were obviously adult Storm Eagles. Their body length was over three meters, and their wingspans were ten meters away. Such super monsters are extremely rare. Adults at least have the strength of the holy realm, and they have an IQ not weaker than that of humans. Coupled with their talents and racial abilities, ordinary human holy realms are far from their opponents.

Lin Qi clicked his mouth, and the little harrier eagle swallowed by the donkey was probably the offspring of these two flat-haired beasts. It was fun now.

The brigade slowly walked to the small **** outside the depression. The warriors wearing heavy armor and holding long Ge surrounded the depression, and the huge animal car was dressed in yellow with dignity. Surrounded by the men in sand-colored robes, they walked slowly towards Lin Qi.

The slender figure reclining in the animal car suddenly sighed, "You wounded my maid, do you know what the crime was?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and looked at the animal car with a smile: "The crime of genocide! Of course, I have to kill myself!"

The slender figure who was lying reclining slowly sat up, and through the curtains of several layers of white veil, she stared at Lin Qi firmly: "Unexpectedly, you still understand. Since you are a sensible person, why do you be so confused? What? Why do you want to ruin my perfect plan? Why do you oppose me? Why do you want to hurt my maid?"

After a long sigh, the woman in the animal car groaned helplessly: "I actually don't want to kill people indiscriminately, but why do you have to go against me? You made a mistake and ruined my perfect plan. If you are obedient Just let my maid kill you with the Purple Widow, and I won't hold you accountable anymore."

"It happens that you have to toss so many things, but you have to hurt my maid, and you have to alarm me to deal with this trivial matter personally! Your sin was originally very minor, and you would have to pay for it yourself. That's all, but now you are inexcusable, you have hurt your relatives, you..."

It seemed that the woman also felt that Lin Qi was really sinful, and she really didn't bother to waste her saliva on Lin Qi.

With a light sigh, the woman clapped her hands. The maid in the animal cart immediately walked out of the four people. They separated the curtain, walked slowly out of the animal cart, and walked to the four women who were knocked out by Lin Qi. They carefully supported them and brought them back. Animal car.

Lin Qi smiled, really too defiant. The woman in this inexplicable animal cart, one of the three saints of the Desert Temple, really thought she could control everything here? Listen to her, her flawless plan? Such a crude script to kill the father and seize power, also called a perfect plan?

The arrogance and narcissism in the words will not be mentioned. Lin Qi is standing here. The four women who were knocked out by him are his prisoners. He, the winner, has not spoken yet. This woman has already sent someone to Lin Qi. Take Qi's captives away? This is too far from treating Lin Qi as the same thing.

So Lin Qi is also a holy realm. Facing a holy realm, even those archbishops with eyes on the heavenly cover of the church will politely and cautiously talk to a holy realm on an equal footing, right?

The man from the big empire in the East said that the Western Continent was a barren land, and that all the people in the Western Continent were barbarians. However, when facing the nomads of the Continental Bridge, the people of the Western Mainland have a great psychological advantage. All the people of the Western Continent consider themselves nobles, while the nomads of the Continental Bridge are all hillbillies and paupers. !

Lin Qi is not a mean person, but certain traditional thinking in the Western mainland will still affect him-a saint in a ruined temple in a remote country, unexpectedly has such a big spectrum! This really gave Lin Qi an urge to break something to vent!

So Lin Qi took the shot. He moved a step sideways and rushed to the four maids who were supporting his companions. He raised his right palm and slapped it four consecutive times. The crisp slap in the face made everyone stiff. The big men holding cymbals and the warriors in heavy armor all around looked at Lin Qi in amazement, like a mud-carved wooden sculpture, stiff and unable to move.

"You~~~" The saint on the animal cart screamed sharply like a pheasant stabbed.

The four maids who supported their comatose companions vomited blood and big teeth, rolled their eyes and flew up lightly. After rotating in the air for three to five weeks, they fell heavily to the ground. The eight maids piled up under Lin Qi's feet. Lin Qi slowly raised his right foot and slowly stepped on the head of the top maid.

Spreading his hand gently, Lin Qi smiled and looked at the animal cart: "Actually, my father kept telling me that I want to be a gentleman. But unfortunately, I just left a damned place—in that place, Even a woman can easily destroy your body and your soul. Therefore, I think I am still a gentleman, but I will not show mercy to women!"

Reaching out and patted the face of the girl who was stamped on her head, Lin Qi whispered, "Listen to you, and what some of your lackeys say, every time you want me to commit suicide, every time you want to kill my race. Then I will Here, I’m standing here! Suicide is impossible!"

Lin Qi smiled strangely at the trembling saint in the animal car: "I can't commit suicide, my people, probably you don't have the power to destroy them, so I'm very curious about what you are going to do next. .kill me?"

With a soft sound of ‘om’, Lin Qi pulled out a Viper's straight blade. Even though the blade of the pitch-black blade was illuminated by thousands of flames around it, there was still no reflection. Lin Qi gently placed the blade on the scalp of a maid, and gently pushed it casually, and a strand of blue silk floated gently.

‘Hhhhhhhhh’, a blazing gust of wind gushed out from the animal car, and the curtain hanging around the animal car suddenly ignited a raging fire, and then the whole animal car burned. The two storm eagles in the sky screamed sharply, and they suddenly hovered a thousand meters above Lin Qi's head and stood still, their sharp eyes fixed on Lin Qi's body.

The howling of the wind suddenly intensified, and the bodies of the two storm eagles were surrounded by blue gusts rushing rapidly.

The saint of the desert temple, dressed in a red robe and covered with red veil, slowly walked out of the fire. She stared at Lin Qi coldly, and walked step by step to a place less than ten meters away from Lin Qi.

"With the God of Desert as a witness, you, who are stupid and humble, and your stupid tribe will all be punished by the gods!"

The saint's body trembled violently, and her eyes turned crimson. It was obvious that she was irritated by Lin Qi.

Lin Qi smiled humbly. He was about to speak when he heard heavy footsteps in the distance.

The naked keg carrying the warhammer, strode towards this side. Lin Qi suddenly smiled, the barrel came, and Arda and Bilibili must have arrived.

This is the case with the guards brought by this saint. There are more than a thousand people, and Lin Qi is confident to annihilate them all!

Lin Qi, the man carrying the scapegoat, is ready! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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