British Civil Servant

Chapter 348: successful progress

At present, there are not only many, but also quite a few troops stationed abroad by the British Empire, not counting troops stationed in the British-occupied areas of Europe.

At present, when British India has not yet become independent, foreign troops are mainly concentrated in three places. The troops are the Suez Canal, British India and British Malaya, with 80,000, 60,000 and 40,000 troops respectively.

Among them, the 40,000 troops garrisoned in British Malaya were actually part of the 100,000 garrison troops in the former British India. Of course, the United Kingdom also has troops stationed in the Persian Gulf, but compared with the above three places, it can be ignored.

Alan Wilson felt that the garrisons evacuated from British India could be dispersed to Malaya and the Persian Gulf. It is always a good thing to strengthen the presence in the Persian Gulf, and it can avoid being suspected by the Soviet Union, because in the Middle East, the influence of the British Empire only includes Iran, but definitely not limited to Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, and even Saudi Arabia, all share the oil share of British-owned companies. In fact, the situation in Iran is only one of them.

The withdrawal of the British troops stationed in India will definitely not be completely cut off, and the places where the British troops stationed in India are separated must be carefully considered.

The economic development of the British Empire is inseparable from Asia. Without the support of Asian resources, the British Empire will not be able to develop. Britain must master the Suez Canal, the shortest waterway for Britain, at all costs, for its benefit.

Britain wanted the Suez Canal to be controlled by Britain. In this way, the Strait of Gibraltar from the west of the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal from the east of the Mediterranean Sea will be controlled by the United Kingdom, and the Mediterranean Sea will become the inner lake of the United Kingdom.

However, in Alan Wilson's view, the Persian Gulf is also very important, and the situation in Egypt is not completely unresolved.

Aren't there still Copts to take advantage of? There are still ten years before the Suez War, and there are still many ways to remedy it.

He could allow Portugal to bring in pacifists and create a protective layer to protect Goa from infiltration by Hindus. It is also possible for the Copts to create a protective layer on both sides of the Suez Canal.

There is still time to ignore the issue of the Suez Canal for the time being, or whether the Persian Gulf is more important in Alan Wilson's telegram.

The reasonable explanation for London in the telegram is that the Persian Gulf is not far from India. Once the independent India and Pakistan fight, the British troops stationed in the Persian Gulf can quickly play a role.

Besides, there are also Indian communities in the Persian Gulf. British India is the colony with the highest status except for the white dominion. This is definitely not nonsense.

Of course, from the moment of independence of British India, the status of Indians ceased to exist. In the future, only the chickens will be killed. For example, in order to prove to the Copts that the pacifists will be punished after the independence of Egypt, they are Christians. cleaning.

How to prove this? Just saying it is definitely not enough. It needs to be done by the peaceful believers. Then the role of the Indian community in the Middle East will be reflected. It couldn't be better to prove this to the Copts by washing the Indian community with blood.

In terms of provoking contradictions, Alan Wilson has learned the essence of his work experience in British India, saying that the Copts are basically the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians are the oldest people on the African continent and have created a splendid culture. Its birthplace is the middle reaches of the Nile.

The pacifists are descendants of Arabs. Egypt itself is a country of Copts. Now Egypt is not qualified to be called Egypt. It is the Arabs who invaded the country of their descendants of ancient Egyptians. How simple.

Copts account for about one-sixth to one-fifth of Egypt's population. Although it is not like the British Indian peacekeepers occupy more than a quarter of the total population, they definitely have the conditions for partition. If the British India's work can be a useful experience for the British Empire, and since British India can be divided, so can Egypt.

I don't know if any British people in history thought about this, but it doesn't matter, Alan Wilson thought about it, not only thought it, but also said it in the telegram.

If the rule in Egypt cannot be maintained, then it is natural to follow the example of the partition experience of British India.

Separate the banks of the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt.

The current population of Egypt is 16 million. As far as the lives of Egyptians living along the Nile River are concerned, it is very convenient to count them. Even if Alan Wilson has left out, there are currently 20 million people in Egypt.

There are also three or four million Copts. It is definitely easier to keep three or four million Copts in the Suez Canal than to keep Egyptians.

After independence, the Copts must face the hostility of the Egyptians, so the British army can take advantage of the situation and not leave.

Although this is a bit wishful thinking, if you start working in this direction from now on, you may not be able to succeed. The first precondition is that once British India becomes independent, India and Pakistan should fight to make peace in the Middle East. Christians bloodshed the Indian community.

Instigating the hostility of the pacifists to the Indians, killing the Indians and respecting the Copts, while sending a telegram, Alan Wilson himself felt that any prime minister was a figure, and he was the most suitable person to lead the British Empire.

"I knew you were here?" The telegraph room door was pushed open, and Pamela Mountbatten's head came in, with an expression I didn't expect, "Where to send the telegram?"

"London, Whitehall!" Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief to calm down his frightened heart. He didn't stop, and continued to fend for himself. Pamela Mountbatten unconditionally believed in this man's explanation.

Because she has seen that there is a lot of content on the paper in front of Ellen Wilson. This is the man. Once there is something important, Telegram can't wait to send a book.

With this preparation, Pamela Mountbatten came in directly, sat and waited for Alan Wilson to finish the work.

a long time! Alan Wilson stretched, let out a long breath to relieve fatigue, and then tilted his head.

Pamela Mountbatten understood and said directly, "I talked with my mother about the matter between us. She asked me if I should get engaged here or back in London?"

"Can I stay in London this month?" Alan Wilson frowned, now it's almost the time when the fog can show his style best.

He is in a hurry! Pamela Mountbatten was so happy in her heart that she even stopped talking, "Are you so impatient, you want to settle things here."

In good conscience, Alan Wilson really doesn't mean this, he just thinks that the air in London is really bad.

However, seeing Pamela Mountbatten's brows raised with joy, he had the ability to stab a needle before he threw himself down on one knee, grabbed the girl's little hand affectionately, rubbed his face and said, "I can't wait for a moment... "

"Originally, my parents wanted to go out for a walk like us, but now I'm busy again." Pamela Mountbatten felt a little embarrassed, "Then I'll discuss it with my parents and get engaged at the Governor's Palace."

As long as others are not entertaining the Mountbatons, the Mountbattens are entertaining others. This statement is by no means exaggerated.

After knowing that the matter in British India would not be resolved in a short time, Mountbatten had already thought about it. In the ten months from the beginning of the year to the present, the expenses of the Governor's Palace have skyrocketed. According to incomplete statistics, the guests who attended Mountbatten's luncheon The number of people was about 5,000, and there were 6,000 people attending the banquet at the Governor's Palace.

This does not include the staff of the Governor's Palace, it is entirely the guests of India who come to the Governor's Palace.

When Sir Barron and Alan Wilson presided, I thought they were too much. Now that I look at the civil servants, I will be happy. I really let go. The aristocratic class is so much higher than the civil servants that I don't know where it is.

Not counting the luncheon and dinner, 20,000 people visited the Governor's Palace, because Mountbatten stipulates that the Governor's Palace will hold two garden parties a week, and a luncheon with no less than 30 people every other day. Host a large dinner party. Simply put, it is a week full of schedules, either a luncheon or a dinner.

In addition, he also claimed that the door of the Governor's Palace is open to people from all walks of life in India who have never entered the Governor's Palace. Currently, there have been 15,000 people from all walks of life in India who have visited the Governor's Palace.

In this performance of the Governor, both Sir Barron and Alan Wilson have an The two are actually very simple.

In the afternoon, Governor Mountbatten's limited free time, Alan Wilson pretended to be very cramped to sit in front of the Governor and his wife. Today happened to be the time for a luncheon, which meant that there was no activity in the evening.

After being stabbed by his wife Edwina Ashley, Mountbatten coughed softly and said, "Alan, I have already talked about your relationship with Pamela, and your relationship has been very stable along the way. , My mood is quite complicated, but I also express my best wishes, you can feel it the most, and Pamela loves you very much."

"I can feel and appreciate this love that God has given me in my heart." Alan Wilson opened his mouth to show his loyalty. Although he is an atheist, who knows if he doesn't say it?

"Things have come to this point, then an engagement ceremony will be held." Edwina Ashley said with a smile, "Me and Louis also made a relationship in New Delhi. It seems that our family and British India still have a relationship. It's a coincidence."

"I have no opinion at all." Alan Wilson looked excited, like a pig eagerly wanting to cuddle cabbage.

This appearance made Governor Mountbatten feel very tired, and he completely ignored the fact that he was also in British India, calling Edwina Ashley out of the country, and was succeeded by him in an unfamiliar place.

People are such double standards, Alan Wilson can't do this, he can do it by Mountbatten, okay!

Alan Wilson has finally passed a level today, and finally made progress with the heart of progress. Then came the day to discuss the engagement, and the invited guests.

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