Chapter 173 Is this a villain?


“Wow, I’m getting dizzy. I will pay a bonus to the managers who are working hard for my broadcast today.”

-Molar loyalty and loyalty!

-Brother, I’ll give it to you ㅠㅠ

-This is why I can’t stop hyung’s broadcast.

Viewers who were often seen on my shows in the beginning.

Among them, managers were selected by chatting well and interviewing in person.

They were paying quite a lot of money a month, so it was a satisfactory job for them as well, and if the bonus was paid this time, it was almost like an employee of a large corporation.

– They say this is God’s workplace…

– How can I enter heaven?

– You can go back.

-Anni; Don’t say that

The manager of the molar broadcast that everyone wants.

But it wasn’t that easy to get to.

“Now, let’s meet the next prisoner.”

The third of many villain types.

In a way, he wasn’t swearing or swearing, but when the severity gets worse, the villain becomes more dangerous than any other villain.


-brother! Are you going to be an Escape Zomboid today?

-brother! Is it okay to escape today?

– The weather is really nice today, isn’t it an escape?

-It’s my birthday today, can’t you just escape?

Reflection: I’m sorry. I made a big mistake. You don’t have to release the van, but please give me an escape Zomboid.


It was just the OO invincible villain.

Broadcasters who usually aim for a comprehensive game do not just play one game, but alternately broadcast a variety of games, and among them, a villain who continues to recommend games that fit their taste.

When the severity got worse, like the villain I’m watching now, I went looking for the game without taking a day off.

– Is this steamed? LOL

-If you say something like that in the reflection letter, wouldn’t it be better to do it once?

– I’m getting dizzy.

– Zomboid? Who made the Zomboid sound!

As soon as the word Escape Zomboid came out, the concrete appeared in an instant.

“Uh-huh! Everyone stay still! If you move, I can’t guarantee the hostage’s life.”

‘Chochoma’ donated KRW 10000.

[Cowardly taking the Zomboid hostage? I can’t help it. What do you want!]

“Zomboid is still thinking about re-running. Give me a little time!”

‘Chochoma’ donated KRW 10000.

[I accept the negotiation!]

– Hahahaha What is this tiki-taka?

– You’re good at this house’s message.

– This was saved by Donation.- You’ll be a zombie boy soon, right? Until then hold your breath

Anyway, the Zomboid wind has been blowing in Twitch lately.

I was thinking of putting together a party and broadcasting it once.

“What will this friend do?”

It wasn’t that he was a wallaby, but he always came every day and chatted the same way, and he must have ended up being banned from chatting.

Viewers who are a bit cute to be evil and close to villains to ordinary people.

“I will go to the people’s trial.”

It is ambiguous for me to judge, so I have no choice but to leave it up to the viewers.

national trial.

The name is grand, but it is to let the viewers who are watching the broadcast choose whether or not to lift the ban or chat ban.

The outcome is determined by the outcome chosen by the majority.

Of course, there is not really such a system, and it is to use the voting system of Twitch itself, but that was enough.

“Now. Voting has been registered. Do you have anyone who wants to become a lawyer?”

Just voting is no fun, so I appoint a lawyer who will lead the interest and a prosecutor who pays in return.

Two viewers so selected.

“Now, let’s hear the opinion of the prosecutor first.”


[Manager chat window]

-ruler. This villain is a very evil villain by anyone looking at it. because? No matter what game you’re playing, you only want the Escape Zomboid.

– What’s wrong with that? There are many viewers who like Zomboids. Besides, isn’t it the same as making a wall or putting a hunsu on it?

-Is that so? Now, let’s go up to the chat a few months ago.


– What is this interesting thing?

– It’s like a real court trial.

– lol

At the unexpected performance of the viewers in the roles of lawyers and prosecutors, the eyes of the viewers who were watching the scene changed in interest.


-This is a chat from 2 months ago! You can see him shouting a Zomboid right here too. Is this really normal?

– Hmmm. If you like games, I think you can.

– Then, shall we go further back in time? I’m going to submit this chat as key evidence.


The key evidence presented by the viewer in charge of the prosecution.

Viewers who saw the evidence began to gossip.

-Wow. Is this steamed?

– Brother, I’m slowly starting to get scared.

The proof is none other than the chat I had before Escape from Zomboid.

Of course, his chat was the same even then.

-Hyung, I know a really fun game, would you like to try it? Escape from Zomboid!

-Escape from Zomboid Day 18.

His constant chat.

‘Crash’ sponsored 100000 won.

[Ah… Ah… Azkaban!]

In the end, as a result of the national trial, it was decided to go to Azkaban.

That’s not just concrete, it’s radioactively contaminated concrete.

“These villains are very dizzy.”

There is still one last villain left.

A villain that’s a little different from the villains I’ve seen so far.

There is a community that officially provides it on Twitch.

When a certain number of viewers was secured, Twitch automatically opened a community, and the streamer’s fans were mainly active there.

Hyeonu was also managing his own community, and among them he made a bulletin board that only the prisoners of Azkaban could use.

A camp for villains who wish to assert their innocence.

The villains imprisoned in the camp could not see other bulletin boards and could only see the text inside the camp, so it was an extreme space, not an environment where people could live.

However, there was one villain who lived in the lowest levels of Azkaban.


Day 32 of Azkaban. It’s cold and lonely here. but i feel sorry

Day 49 of Azkaban. The manager told me that there is room for extenuating circumstances if I write a reflective letter. But I will never write a reflection letter. because? Because I didn’t do anything wrong.


‘Summer’ donated 10000 won.

[Wow. gong I locked them up so that when new prisoners come in, they take over and teach them how to live. Are you really doing that…?]

As one of the villains that Yeoreum directly imprisoned, he had no choice but to write a remorse because he couldn’t chat or watch broadcasts when he was locked up in Azkaban.

But this guy is a vicious villain who didn’t even try to negotiate, let alone a statement of remorse.


Day 132 of Azkaban. I was curious about the articles posted on other bulletin boards. but i can’t see

Day 187 of Azkaban. Completed the 3rd round of the molar nut tube.


“Wow… are you really dizzy?”

This was a villain that even made me dizzy.

“I think it would be good for my broadcast to keep this guy locked up forever.”

It was a brief visit, but I thought it would be good for this friend to be locked up in Azkaban in many ways.

A villain who has become Azkaban itself.

‘kharoonan’ sponsored 100000 won.

[Never call his name!]

When you broadcast, you meet a lot of villains.

It has been so in the past, and it will be so in the future.

“Come on. With this, the villain special will end. Oh, and a word to the future villains.”

The villains who passed by are already imprisoned, so I throw a word to the villains who will appear in the future.

“There are no negotiations with terrorists.”

There is no negotiation with the villain.


The villain special, which started so lightly, was successfully completed.


A broadcast where I met the dizzying villains.

I don’t usually manage them myself, so I never imagined that there would be such serious villains.

If it wasn’t for the managers, the broadcast chat would have been a lawless area.

I found it no exaggeration to say that streamers suffer from panic disorder due to chatting stress.

Of all the villains, he is the most memorable.’Plzzomboid’

Please Zomboid.

On the day of Azkaban’s release, he was nicknamed the Zomboid Villain by viewers.

He was the guy who cried a little void without taking a day off.

Besides, he’d usually give up if he got a chat ban, but it was clear that some Boyd wasn’t giving up.

Because the reflection on the note that sometimes arrives had a message asking me to be a Zomboid.

A reflection letter from the guy who arrived today without fail.

And underneath it, another note was twinkling like a lie.

“Is this going to be like this…?”

The company that made Escape from Zomboid sent me a note after he appeared like a prank from heaven.

I think I liked the fact that I had a lot of publicity through me in the last Wea Still Alive.


[Hello. molar. I am in charge of Escape from Zomboid.]


A real Escape from Zomboid company account with a Twitch certification mark.

“It’s a new event…”

When I read the contents, it was said that they were going to hold an event for Escape from Zomboid this time, and they wanted to hire me.

“Is this a Zomboid Villain?”

An effect created by the Zomboid Villain.

‘The event itself doesn’t seem to be bad…’

no. Rather, it was an interesting event.

The name of the event is none other than ‘Catch the molars’.

The content wasn’t too difficult.

During the event, the game company creates a huge island where many gamers can enter.

And the event where the ultimate goal is to catch me on an island where a lot of people gather.

Thousands or tens of thousands of things could have happened.

However, the game company also made a lot of variables with that in mind.

First of all, there is only one person who can catch me and receive the prize.

Since only one person was given that chance, they will move to check each other and catch me.

Besides that, NPCs on the island.

In other words, it was to be on friendly terms with Scav.

Of course, it was still hostile to the radar, which had good equipment for balance, but that was enough.

Even if you don’t fight the scav, the difficulty of the game will be drastically reduced.

I’m the target of this event, what would happen if I was killed by a zombie or a scav?

It was a huge advantage to be able to play one step ahead of others.

‘Would it be fun?’

It seemed that the game company did a better job than I thought.

“Okay. Let’s try it.”

And thanks to the Zomboid Villain, I was able to participate in a fun event.

Go to the Twitch station, select the nickname of the guy among the many villains, and press release.

“It’s old. It’s a gift.”

And the first comment on the Escape from Zomboid event post that was posted on the station that day was the guy’s comment.

– I will pay the bill that day.

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