Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 997 Heading towards Luoyang City! (two in one)

Lin You didn't go to work in the company, so it didn't affect Yunmeng's normal operation at all.

Although there was a wave of asking for leave all over the world because of the disclosure of information on [Ultimate Challenge], this wave did not affect Yunmeng.

The craze came quite suddenly.

Originally, the players were not in such a hurry. After all, I don't know how many people went surfing all night, but without exception, they all died in the sea.

Obviously, this is not something that can be done in a day or two, and asking for leave is not very meaningful.

But at around 6:00 a.m. in Daxia time, things took a new turn——

The height and frequency of huge waves began to decrease.

After noticing this problem, Wang Pan, who stayed up all night to broadcast live and formed the fan group [Hell Paratrooper], immediately looked up at the gas giant star and the other three moons in the sky.

In the absence of hurricanes and earthquakes, the sea can whip up huge waves, and it is hard not to think of the influence of these celestial bodies on Pandora's tides.

And now, the tide is weakening.

He then reminded everyone in the fan group: "If you want to challenge death surfing, please do it as soon as possible. Maybe in half a day, the wave height will not meet the standard for the ultimate challenge."

Many players with surfing experience have discovered this sign.

As a result, the news of "the huge wave will recede" quickly spread throughout Pandora.

Then, there is the global craze for asking for leave-even if only one person out of 500 players asks for leave, it is already news at the level of the whole society, not to mention that this wave of upsurge is still happening on a global scale.

After Qin Songyun and Fan Rui arrived at the company, they first felt that the boss was awesome.

This kind of influence, if you want to achieve it through advertising, how much money you need to invest, it is hard to imagine.

But Lin You did it easily, and even didn't even come to the company after he did it, and he didn't seem to care at all.

After blowing a round of rainbow farts in the air, the two began to discuss the business:

What should I do if the secret internal test is leaked?

Although there is no leak of game content, nor is it the subjective leak of invited players, but it seems inappropriate to ignore it completely.

The two pondered for a while, and asked Shen Ping's opinion, and finally canceled the old brother's qualification for the internal test.

This matter is really not bad for him, but continue to keep him for internal testing, who knows if the actual game machine, boss skills, and battle scenes will all be exposed by his girlfriend tomorrow.

Although the screens of the closed beta game cannot be recorded or exported outside, they should not be secretly filmed or recorded, but I can't stand the spoilers!

Previously, "Pokemon" could be drawn on the spot by big painters, and the storefronts in Night City that would involve players' privacy were also spread by word of mouth.

Even looking at the in-store service content described by players in words, it is more imaginative than the actual service content, and the astringency exceeds the standard...

So, forget it.

Disqualification is also the only punishment. After all, it is just being stabbed in the back by a girlfriend, and technically a victim.

After the text message disqualifying the internal test was sent, Qin Songyun and Fan Rui went back to the department for a walk, then Qin Songyun went to Xiaochun's team to volunteer to help, and Fan Rui went offline to find Wu Yu for psychological counseling.

——These two people, as well as the "Dark Soul" development team, are now in a panic. Otherwise, the two team leaders would not have chatted for a long time because of a minor leak.

It was originally scheduled to draw internal test spots on Wednesday and start the internal test on Thursday, but the team was too efficient and the work ended too early, so the spots were all drawn on Tuesday.

Everyone didn't want to be idle, so they applied to Lin You to advance the closed beta.

If it wasn't for Lin You's desire to watch the excitement immediately, they would have started the test this morning.

On the other side, [Xiao Qiuqiu], who was sprayed miserably, released the news again:

[Okay, I was broken up, are you satisfied now? ]

Netizens are not satisfied.

But the unscrupulous self-media were very satisfied, put aside the copywriting they were writing, and directly began to set up templates to condemn cyber violence.

The bustling Internet has provided migrant workers with a lot of spiritual food to help them survive another difficult working day.


Here in Lin You, things are going very smoothly.

He Peng led the staff to the outside of the laboratory on time.

At the same time as they arrived, Lin You just opened the door and walked out of the laboratory, followed by a small electric cart, and Xiao Meng was pushing the cart behind him.

This is not Lin You abusing child labor.

This small cart does not need to be pushed at all, it can follow others by itself, it is Xiaomeng who insists on adding an armrest at the back - the position is still very low, just so that he can reach it.

Watching this scene, He Peng's eyes twitched.

——I have met Lin You more times, and he has also become used to wearing [Bafang Headband] every time he sees Lin You.

Although he felt that the scene in front of him was a bit outrageous, he didn't say much. He nodded and went up with the staff to help load the hibernation warehouse.

The main work was a group of plainclothes men who came with him, and he and Lin You just watched from the sidelines.

When Lin You gave the graphene chip technical documents, he explained that he did not intend to make the hibernation chamber available too soon, but requested that the graphene chip be manufactured first, and then consider the popularization of hibernation chamber technology.

Now, he packed up the hibernation warehouse and waited outside. He had no intention of taking anyone to the laboratory to see how the hibernation warehouse was produced. His attitude was already very obvious.

He Peng had already been mentally prepared. He didn't even bring other technicians with him this time, but threw them all in the hospital and waited.

After that, it is to get on the car, go to the hospital, unload the equipment, and transport it to the ward.

Under He Peng's deliberate arrangement, the hibernation chamber was under the watchful eyes of him and Lin You throughout the whole process, demonstrating their respect for Lin You's opinions with actions.

Regarding the selection of patients, Lin You also completely followed Lin You's request and chose a veteran with outstanding military exploits who is now lying on a hospital bed because of liver cancer.

When he arrived at the ward, there was no need for Lin You to communicate with the patient or his family. He Peng and the others had already done all the preliminary preparations.

The hibernation chamber was sent to a special operating room. Doctors and nurses sent the patient into the hibernation chamber and connected them to the life support system of the hibernation chamber. Then the nurse left, while the doctor took two steps back, ready to witness a miracle.

Outside the operating room, through the glass, He Peng and three technicians with a high level of secrecy were also nervously and expectantly waiting for Lin You to perform a miracle.


Lin You also started to retreat.

Two steps, three steps, four steps...

He Peng watched him dumbfounded as he pushed open the door of the operating room and came out of the operating room.

" did you come out?" He Peng was very nervous, "Did you forget something?"

"No." Lin You looked at He Peng, and said a little strangely, "Didn't I say that? It's not me who practiced medicine illegally, but Xiaomeng. Have you forgotten?"

"?!" He Peng was completely startled, "Aren't you kidding me!?"

"Of course not." Lin You shook his head, looking into the operating room through the glass.

Beside the hibernation cabin, Xiaomeng, wearing a pink dress, stepped on a stool that appeared at her feet at some point, and raised a chainsaw that was almost as big as her body.

"?!!" He Peng looked at the chainsaw in shock, "Hibernation I need a chainsaw?"

Lin You laughed speechlessly, "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, Xiao Meng is joking with you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Meng pulled the rope hard, and the next moment, the huge roar of the chainsaw rang in the ears of Lin You and He Peng!

He Peng's eyes even became a little frightened, he turned to look at Lin You: "Are you sure, this is a joke?"

"I'm sure." Lin You nodded calmly.

Xiaomeng seemed to be responding to what he said, and also seemed to be tired of playing, and threw away the chainsaw in his hand.

But before He Peng could heave a sigh of relief, she leaned down again and took out a hammer and chisel!

Then, she struck like a thunderbolt, a bolt of lightning burst out from the chisel, and struck the hibernation chamber in an instant!

The entire hibernation chamber, including the patients inside, was crackled by electricity, and there was even a gorgeous special effect of lightning around the body.

He Peng was completely paralyzed. He shook his hands and couldn't say a word.

And Lin You has already figured out what's going on: "It seems that before the little guy took revenge, you said that she practiced medicine illegally."

"???" He Peng was even more confused.

When did I say that?

Isn't that what you said? !

The hibernation operation, which was "exciting" for He Peng and confusing for the on-site doctors and other researchers, soon ended smoothly.

Not to mention the exaggerated visual performance in He Peng's eyes - he had thought about taking off the headband, but he was worried that this amazingly capable little girl would be as narrow-minded and vengeful as Lin You, so he had to bite the bullet and watch the whole scene.

In the eyes of others, as soon as Lin You left, the hibernation chamber closed the lid slowly.

Then some kind of gas was released, the patient fell asleep quickly, and then at the position of the patient's neck, it seemed that some equipment was activated.

But during the whole process, they couldn't see anything at all.

Then, Lin You pushed open the door of the operating room and announced that the patient had successfully hibernated.

Everyone's expressions were quite the same: question marks all over their faces.

The doctor hurriedly looked at the patient's physiological data displayed on the transparent hatch cover, while He Peng and other researchers surrounded the hibernation cabin in a daze, looking at the sleeping face inside.

Lin You was not in a hurry to leave. He and Xiaomeng waited for a while, and when the veteran woke up and sat up again from the hibernation cabin, he explained his current situation to him——

At this moment, you who are out of your body and appearing in reality are created by codes to carry your virtual body of consciousness.

You cannot walk freely in reality, but must rely on the computing power provided by the hibernation chamber and the mirage host to maintain your existence. The environment in your eyes is also generated by the monitoring screen provided by the LAN.

Of course, this limitation is huge - Lin You has an idea to solve it, but he doesn't have the conditions to realize it yet.

The good news: Patients also have a second option — access to a virtual world.

The colorful and ever-expanding virtual world can greatly alleviate his psychological problems that may be caused by the limited range of activities in reality.

After leaving the ward, Lin You was pestered by He Peng again, asking him if he could turn this hospital—or other buildings or complexes of buildings—into a place where [hibernators] can freely An environment for mobility, accessibility and communication for ordinary people.

Lin You's answer is simple: Yes.

In fact, today's Yunmeng headquarters is already such an environment!

He Peng thoughtfully sent Lin You away from the hospital without a signboard, and then went back to gather with doctors and researchers to communicate with patients in more detail.

This is something that has been agreed before the hibernation personnel are determined.


Lin You sat in the back of the car and rubbed Lu Xiaomeng's face as punishment for her mischief.

——In fact, Lin You was not angry, he just wanted to find a reason to rub her soft face.

There was a traffic jam on the road for a long time, and it took a long time to eat.

By the time Lin You returned home from the remote hospital with advanced equipment, it was already evening.

After washing up, he lay down contentedly, logged into the virtual world, and came to the familiar small sofa.

Xiaomeng and Zhu Cixia were already sitting there waiting for him.

But the little princess doesn't have such bad tastes as him, she cares more about "Gravity".

This is the largest game developed by her, Lin You, and Xiao Meng as the main force. Now that it is finally going to be tested, it is naturally very concerned.

Although Lin You also cared, but in comparison, he still prefers to watch familiar anchors being tortured.

Xiaomeng squeezed between the two of them, holding their arms from left to right, happily getting ready to watch the live broadcast.

Of course, this is a live broadcast limited to the three of them.

——The selected anchors have already asked for leave in advance, and explained to the fans that today will be broadcast in advance and will not be broadcast tonight.

The fans already knew about the confidentiality of the closed beta, so they naturally knew why these anchors were taking leave. They had been teasing them for a day, trying to induce them to share more news about the new game.

But all are very cautious.

Especially for those people who Lin You opened the back door, they would think before almost saying every word, for fear of betraying Lin You's trust.

Super Tomato and Ah Yi even downloaded the broadcast ahead of schedule at 5:00 pm. After eating early, they went to the public map of Chang’an City to continue purchasing [Evil Breaking] props and making special bullets for the upcoming test.

At 6:30 in the evening, carrier pigeons flew across the sky of Chang'an City, and landed on the shoulders of players qualified for the closed beta of "Dark Soul".

Super Tomato and Ah Yi took down the letter and began to read the letter from their sister.

The content of the letter is not surprising——

The younger sister heard that An Lushan "turned into a demon" in Chang'an, and after fleeing, she set off a rebellion, and the offensive was like a wave. Now she is entrenched in the capital of the gods, and the demonic aura is overwhelming, turning the entire Luoyang city into a realm of darkness.

All the people in the city were attacked by evil energy and turned into evil spirits.

In order to prevent the domain of darkness from continuing to expand and the world to suffer, she has already taken her master's sword and headed to Luoyang to suppress the demons with the determination to die.

Finally, his sister enjoined him not to approach the city.

If she fails, flee to the Western Regions to avoid disaster.

While Super Tomato and A Yi were reading the letter, Xia Yi, who was staying in the game lobby of "Animal Party", did not wait for any changes, but received a notification from the system reminding her that the closed beta had started.

Xia Yi returned to the virtual house with some disappointment, and opened the login interface to find new options.

Soon, she saw new options under the category of "Chang'an":

【Dark Soul】(Chang'an)

This is what she expected.

But under "Animal Party", there is no "Animal Party 2".

This made her a little confused.

"Where is my Animal Party 2?"

Xia Yi didn't believe in evil, and went through all the login lists again, but in the end she still couldn't find "Animal Party 2".

However, another new option was discovered——



"Gravity? Gravity? A brand new game?!"

In a very short period of time, Xia Yi changed from doubt to surprise, and from surprise to excitement!

Without the slightest hesitation, she rushed into this completely unknown new game with a look of excitement.

At the same time, Super Tomato and A Yi also read the letter from their sister, and then went straight to Luoyang City without saying a word!

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