Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1002 Carefully Prepared Gift

Super Tomato walked down the city wall, walked straight to the imperial city along the Tianjie Avenue, and started the official strategy tour.

It took him nearly 4 hours to get to this point.

This time, the truth cannot be said to be short.

According to the data from Lin You, the average time for the 3,000 internal beta players to ignite the first earth vein fire is about 3 and a half hours.

Even though it was already night, Qin Songyun anxiously sent Lin You a message——

Boss, is this enough proof? Let's lower the difficulty!

During off-duty hours, he cannot see the real-time game screen of the players, but he can see various statistics.

For example, the number of players online, the number of deaths in BOSS battles, the average time for defeating BOSS, the average time for igniting the fire of the earth veins...etc.

And these were enough to make him anxious.

But Lin You shook his head and replied: This is because the battle logic has completely changed. It will definitely take a while to get used to it at first, and it will be fine after you get used to it.

It's been too long to get used to it, isn't it a little too long? Qin Songyun was uneasy, The difficulty of the next boss is much more difficult than the first one! This one will take 3 hours to fight, and the latter one will take a week?

At the beginning, this is a teaching BOSS. You need to learn a lot of new things, so it is difficult. If you win the teaching BOSS, it means that you have mastered the key skills. The more difficult BOSS will not trouble the player for too long.

Are you sure? Qin Songyun didn't quite believe it.

But Lin You is full of confidence in the players: Sure! Believe in the abilities of the players!

Qin Songyun sighed, put down the phone resignedly, and urged Xiaochun to rest.

Lin You also put down his phone.

But he didn't urge the little princess to go to bed, but continued watching the live broadcast with her with great interest.

At this time, the sitting postures of the three of them also changed a lot——

Xiaomeng, who was originally sitting between the two, was picked up by Lin You and placed on his lap. The little princess was no longer as shy as before, and happily leaned over to hug his arm.

Of course, her main energy is still on the live broadcast screen in front of her, especially the screen of Gravity.

The test scale of Gravity is much smaller than that of Dark Soul. Only 500 people have received invitations for the internal test, but these people are enough for the three main developers present to get some key information.

As everyone's acquaintance, Xia Yi naturally also received the most attention——

The moment she logged into Gravity, her live game was relayed by Xiaomeng.


The moment Xia Yi opened her eyes, she froze in place.

Because the first picture displayed in front of her eyes was a huge tropical cyclone!

This amazing and beautiful tropical cyclone, covering the clear blue Pacific Ocean, is too beautiful to describe.

Unlike Pandora's smuggling, you can only drop rapidly in the stratosphere while taking a quick glance at the boundless forest and sea.

At this moment, Xia Yi was quietly suspended in space, and the water-blue planet in front of her was slowly rotating in front of her eyes.

The huge and beautiful tropical cyclone moved away from the center of her sight at a speed visible to the naked eye. The vast Pacific Ocean transitioned from dark blue to light blue, and the Eastern Pacific island chain slowly drifted into view.

After that, it was Daxia.

The familiar coastline, the three-step terrain raised from east to west... strange and familiar.

Everything is slow.

But Xia Yi's rationality told her again: to see the earth turning at such a speed, her current speed must be amazing!

However, all her senses are telling herself: everything is very slow, very slow.

This subtle sense of contradiction brought her a very wonderful feeling.

Especially, the planet in front of him is still his home planet.

From birth to the present, all the places she has been to, all the people she has met, all relatives and friends, all the knowledge she has learned, all the things she has experienced... everything is on this water-blue planet occur.

And the place where she has lived for more than twenty years is just a spot on the mainland that is too small to see clearly, a small spot that has disappeared from her sight before she has time to think about it.

The shock that this moment brought to her heart was not comparable to Pandora's glimpse at all!

Silently and engrossed in this way, she watched the earth make a full circle in front of her eyes.

It wasn't until the dark land lit up with light, and the city's thousands of lights lit up the mainland, that I finally came to my senses before this miracle created by human civilization.

Then, look around curiously.

She seemed to be on a certain spacecraft - Xia Yi didn't know exactly what it was.

She is not a veteran space enthusiast. When the rocket launches, she will cheer loudly, applaud enthusiastically, and be the kind of person who is proud of it.

But not the kind of person who applauds and can clearly explain what propeller the rocket uses, what fuel it uses, what it transports, and what mission it performs...

Those things are too complicated for Xia Yi.

But even so, she could tell that she was standing on a small platform controlled by a multi-joint robotic arm, inspecting an unknown device... or repairing it?

Also, on top of the head, is a... space shuttle?

Xia Yi finally had a general understanding of the environment she was in.

It was also at this time that it was like a soap bubble was popped, and everything came alive——

In front of you, or above your head, or under your feet—depending on how you stand and how you judge it—the Earth's rotation has slowed down a lot.

The voices of the command center on the ground, the voices of teammates, and... the sound of music began to sound in the earphones?

Xia Yi soon understood that the game had not officially started until now.

——Those sounds were blocked before, and the flight speed of the spacecraft was also accelerated.

This is specially designed by Lin You. It is a bit similar to the opening animation, but the sense of immersion and reality far exceeds the opening animation in the conventional sense.

There will be nothing to disturb the player's first exposure to space and face his home planet.

If the player wants to watch it forever, then he can watch it forever and see forever.

Only when the player has seen enough, wakes up from the state of flow, and begins to observe the surrounding environment, the game process will officially begin.

This is exactly the experience that Lin You really wanted to share with everyone when he sat on [Tianzhou 43] and looked down on the earth from space.

This is a well-prepared gift.

To a large extent, it is precisely for these few minutes of experience that the game Gravity comes into being.

Looking at the shocked eyes of the players, Lin You felt sincerely satisfied, and the little princess also looked at him with eyes full of admiration.

When she experienced it for the first time, she was also in the same ecstasy.

And it was Lin You who took the risk to fly into space, and even almost collapsed in space, before he finally brought it back.

She also knew: After Lin You came back, the [virtual space] used by the space center for astronaut training was upgraded for a round!

Really, there is no way not to worship!

The little princess really wants to grow up soon and marry Lin You, so that she can live with Lin You every day!

Lin You still doesn't know this little girl's heart of tiger and wolf - in his concept, the minimum legal age for a woman to get married is still 20 years old, and Zhu Cixia is just turning 18, which is still early.

But what he didn't know was: to get married in Daxia, one only needs to be an adult.

Regardless of gender.

Thanks for [Cats and Dragon Balls] 5000 point coins reward.

Thanks for the support.

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