Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1006 Trailer Released!

Hearing what Ah Qiang imitated the words of the people who eat melons, the players' mood was a little delicate.

This is especially true for A Yi.

You beat yourself to death, and died more than ten or twenty times in one night, and you co-authored it to be watched by a bunch of NPCs, right?

Although I know, most of this thing is caused by the Yunmeng program team... No! It must be Lin You who has done such a thing with players' mentality!

He really wanted to condemn Lin You.

But his message was rejected by Lin You...

It's hard!

Lin You had predicted the players' reactions in advance.

Normally, the players would definitely not want to let themselves be the gossip of the NPCs. In this way, the intensity of Pandora's battles would likely be reduced a lot.

——After all, after fighting and killing for a day and a night, under mutual interference, not many people successfully completed the hunt.

If there is still rationality, it is time to wake up to some extent and stop this war.

Of course, if the intensity of Pandora's battle doesn't decrease tonight, then he will really send out field reporters to get the players' mentality right!

Anyway, it's not the first time he's engaged in player mentality, and he doesn't have any psychological burden to do it.

Ah Zhen pushed Ah Qiang, who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and concluded:

The news about Pandora has come to an end for the time being.

There will be updated progress in the follow-up, and we will report to you as soon as possible.

Next, the last piece of news for this week.

The fortuneteller of Metropolis, the astrologer of Night City, and the master of Yi Xue in Chang'an City saw a vision at the same time, and issued a prophecy: [Gods will change].

Now, we will rebroadcast this phantom for the audience. Adventurers can decide whether to go to Luoyang, the capital of God, to deal with this change based on the content of the phantom.

As soon as Ah Zhen said this, the players were immediately distracted, and all of them became excited.

Obviously, this is the new game whose information was leaked two days ago!

Yunmeng thinks that everything has been leaked anyway, so why not just break the jar and make it public?

Everyone was very excited.

Ayi was also very excited.

A small part of the reason is: he has a lot of unclear points about the plot of the third chapter of Chang'an-Dark Soul.

Although he has little progress, his questions are many!

Now that Yunmeng is taking the initiative to disclose the game information, it would be great if he could answer some of his questions.

Of course, the main reason is: he can't wait, he wants to see other players suffer!

I'm really not a strong party or a game master, but I'm still a skilled old player, and the game level must be in the middle and upper reaches.

I've been abused so badly, wouldn't it be worse for other players?

It's difficult for everyone!

In his malicious smile, the screen went dark for a brief moment, and when it lit up again, it became the trailer of Dark Soul——

The first picture is looking down from the sky, overlooking the panorama of Luoyang, the capital of God.

Black and red magic smoke and miasma erupted from Ziwei Palace!

The pillar of smoke rose straight into the sky, and the magic fire spread along the veins of the earth to spread throughout the city!

The people in the city fled in all directions, howling, because once they were overtaken by the magic fire and miasma, they would be sucked out of their blood and turned into coke, and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye, becoming a corpse.

Some soldiers were fighting with other soldiers, and the gates of the city were slowly closing.

The miasma soon enveloped the whole city, and everyone began to mutate in the magic fire and miasma. The scorched bodies of the soldiers were distorted and deformed.

In the Ziwei Palace, An Lushan, which was severely injured and had evil tentacles growing from its wounds, has been completely transformed by the magic fire.

The strange thing is: his original plump body, not only did not grow bigger, but shrunk a lot, his big belly disappeared, and he became tall and heroic.

The black-red miasma wrapped around his body and spread out behind his back like flags waving in all directions.

The blood vessels on the exposed palms and neck turned bright red and black, and the liquid miasma flowing inside was as bright as lava!

The one-legged bronze lance, which is more than ten feet long and weighs one hundred and thirty-eight catties, is held in his hand, which is daunting.

But as soon as the camera turned, a girl stood in front of him.

That's the younger sister of 180 million players around the world—although one fifth of them haven't seen her in the game yet...

Xinxin stood in front of the demonized An Lushan, and slowly drew out her master's sword.

The silver flame burst out suddenly!

The next moment, the silver figure and the red figure collided together!

The violent impact visible to the naked eye shook the resplendent and resplendent palace until it couldn't stop shaking.

Next is a battle of gods with full special effects!

Players who didn't know it were excited and fascinated.

I thought Chang'an developed to the third chapter, and the combat power began to expand, and I could finally advance from [Martial Arts] to [Cultivation of Immortals].

But the players who participated in the closed beta were full of weirdness and just wanted to vomit blood——Why is my sister so strong and invincible? Cutting those miscellaneous soldiers is like chopping melons and vegetables. Can hack me to death?

Is this reasonable?

In the end, both Xinxin and An Lushan lost, and both were seriously injured.

But in the end, Yunmeng didn't show it to the players, but as soon as the camera turned around, he joined the climaxing music and entered the BOSS display——

A fierce general galloping wildly on Tianjie Avenue;

A fat man with a huge gourd on his back, drinking and breathing fire;

Limbs on the ground, with a knife in its mouth, a distorted human figure running and rushing like a wild beast;

Wearing a black robe, a mysterious leader worshiped by a group of heretics;

The most prestigious oiran in the Eastern Capital, even if she is demonized, her beautiful face will not be damaged, and even more charming;

A burly giant taller than the imperial city walls;

A chicken that swells to the height of a two-and-a-half-story restaurant...


The sound of the music gradually decreased, and the screen also went black.

But just when everyone thought the trailer was over, the sound of running water suddenly sounded in their ears.

And then, in the darkness—a pair of scarlet animal pupils opened!

!!! Ah Yi's eyes widened suddenly, What is it?

Unfortunately, before he could see clearly, the screen suddenly switched back to the studio.

This is the end of this issue of Metropolis News, thank you for watching.

Thanks for watching.

Ah Zhen and Ah Qiang bid farewell to the audience.

On the screen, the cast and crew list began to scroll.

Ah Zhen also got up and left her seat, walked to Ah Qiang, and started to dig into his pockets without saying a word, looking for the stolen money he obtained by soliciting sponsorship without permission.

Ah Qiang did not run away, but laughed and hugged Ah Zhen in his arms.

Then he took out a pair of delicate earrings from his pocket and handed them to Ah Zhen.

A Zhen, who was still struggling, suddenly stopped, looked at the earrings in surprise, then immediately looked away, staring at A Qiang's face again endlessly, the two looked at each other affectionately, and the two faces became more and more get closer...


At the critical moment, a blunt cough outside the camera interrupted the two of them.

Only then did Ah Zhen realize that the show hadn't ended completely, she struggled out of Ah Qiang's arms in a panic, and looked at the camera in horror.

In the next second, there was a click, and all the pictures disappeared.

This issue of Metropolis News is completely over.

But the carnival of the players has only just begun. (end of this chapter)

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