Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1015 It's time for the meeting of cats and cats!

Build an imaginary city from nothing, with not much to refer to.

This is undoubtedly a very difficult thing.

On this basis, it is necessary to achieve high technology, low living and at the same time skillfully integrate the temperament of Daxia's traditional culture, the difficulty is rolling up.

This is also why the construction time of this city far exceeded the average time Yunmeng needed to build a city in the past.

Even so, this [Cyber ​​Chang'an] is still a semi-finished product until now, and even the virtual characters have not been added, and there are only various robots patrolling the streets.

The good news: there is no rush for this project just yet.

This is the last chapter arranged by Lin You for the Chang'an series, and it is also the final work of this stage.

So [the sci-fi game department] strives for excellence.

Not only would Lin You not rush them, but he would take time from time to time to check on the progress and help solve some problems.

Sometimes he would meet Ye Xiaohe here.

Like now this time—

Boss? You're here!

Well, why are you here again? Asking for help again?

Yes. Ye Xiaohe didn't shy away from it at all.

Is it still a question of level design? Lin You asked again.

Yes... Speaking of this, Ye Xiaohe felt a little uncomfortable.

Because this is not the first time.

After all, she was a monk halfway through, so asking her to make a film for publicity was a matter of hand.

In the past six months, adhering to the career pursuit of do what you do and love what you do, she also has a wealth of theoretical and practical experience in taking care of cats and dogs.

But as long as you make games... It's really hard to make it fast.

Even after a few months with the top development team in the industry of Chang'an, I did learn a lot, but it is indeed a bit difficult to lead a team to develop games independently so quickly.

Although Yunmeng's development tools are very powerful, technology alone is not enough to make a fun game.

Especially Ye Xiaohe couldn't help but compare it with Yunmeng's previous game during the design process...

After all, she also knew that no matter how she led the development of this game, it was impossible for players to ignore her strong Yunmeng blood.

She didn't dare to mess up Yunmeng's golden signboard.

This made her extremely demanding of herself, and she would not hesitate to stop and polish any point that she was not satisfied with, or even overturn it and redo it.

This greatly affected the development progress of the game.

But it also allowed her to grow at an extremely fast speed in all aspects of game production.

Although she can't be the top in any link for the time being, she is already a rare all-rounder with quite comprehensive ability development.

Lin You is very optimistic about her future.

Ye Xiaohe still doesn't know that her impression in Lin You's mind has changed from a mascot and Captain Cat to a worker with great future and unlimited potential. Seriously described to Lin You the predicament he encountered:

With the help of the bosses in the science fiction department, most of the problems are not difficult to solve, but it is difficult for me to find a balance in terms of the difficulty of the level.

It's too difficult, I'm afraid it won't work, it will frustrate casual players, and the audience of the game itself is mainly cat slaves and casual players.

But it's too simple, let alone the weak and mentally retarded, the gameplay is too poor, it can easily become a walking simulator, and the fun and sense of accomplishment will be greatly reduced.

[Dynamic Difficulty] is a high-difficulty technology, not to mention the difficulty, it is naturally difficult to use in level puzzle solving-not to mention the dynamic difficulty, I am a little bit unsure about setting [Normal] and [Difficult] good……

Ye Xiaohe was so worried that she knocked on her head.

Lin You thought for a while, and he was fine, so he said to Ye Xiaohe, Why don't you show us?

Okay! Ye Xiaohe's eyes lit up immediately.

——In the eyes of most Yunmeng employees, the boss Lin You is similar to a wishing machine.

Ye Xiaohe unceremoniously took Lin You to [Maomao World] - the name of the game has not yet been decided, this is the name of the development world.

The original development framework of this cat game was based entirely on Chang'an. Ye Xiaohe also planned to let cats and cats have fun in Chang'an City, interact with humans from the perspective of animals, peek into the big secrets of destroying people, and then take advantage of the situation to solve puzzles, Adventure, and finally become a cat hero.

But later she discovered: such restrictions are too great.

The development team stuffed too many characters and branches into the city of Chang'an, and if they continued to stuff it in, they had a lot of worries and were very troublesome.

The level design is also very affected, and it is not easy to create radically.

Finally, under Lin You's suggestion, she left Chang'an now and came to Chang'an in the future, developing her own game in this land with fewer restrictions and greater possibilities.

So the current [Maomao World] is also a future style.

The level design is also more free and three-dimensional.

——Aren’t the tall buildings with dozens of floors three-dimensional? !

Ye Xiaohe took the lead, Lin You, Xiao Meng, and the interested Zhu Cixia turned into cats one after another, walking, jumping, and experiencing puzzle-solving levels in this deserted future city.

Some places haven't been designed yet, and Ye Xiaohe still needs to use words to describe them.

After several people experienced several levels in a row, [Black Cat · Lin You] stopped and asked Ye Xiaohe: The core gameplay of the level you designed is [puzzle solving] + [parkour], right?

Yes! [Sanhua·Ye Xiaohe] nodded repeatedly.

[Parkour], the difficulty is easy to adjust, so your trouble should be mainly [puzzle solving]. [Black Cat·Lin You] said while pushing [Fat Orange·Xiaomeng] away .

——Xiao Meng rarely has the experience of being bigger than Lin You, and always wants to come over and pick him up.

[Muppet·Zhu Cixia] on the side dragged [Fat Ju·Xiaomeng] with difficulty, not letting her disturb Lin You.

[Black Cat·Lin You] looked at the environment of this level again, and asked suddenly: Are you interested in adding a dog to the game?

Huh? [Sanhua·Ye Xiaohe] froze for a moment, Dog? Will this affect the difficulty?

Yes, add two modes.

Lin You explained his thoughts to Ye Xiaohe in detail:

“[Two cats together], two cats and cats that are flexible and can fly over walls should be able to significantly reduce the difficulty, as [simple mode].”

“[Single cat mode] is the [classic mode] you are designing now. You can give full play to your creativity. If players can’t make it through, they can also ask for help so that they won’t get stuck.”

“[Cat and Dog Walking Together], one player plays the cat and the other plays the dog—or the dog is played by the system, so that the social fear player and the lone wolf player can’t find friends. Cats can fly over walls, but dogs can’t, Cats are needed to provide help to pass the level, which can significantly increase the difficulty of passing the level for cat players, which is of course [difficult mode].”

Of course, you can also make bolder changes, such as adding unique abilities to the dog, such as [tracking], [carrying], [destruction] and other abilities, completely turning this mode into two players Working together, overcoming difficult [two-player games].


Lin You explained his thoughts one by one to Ye Xiaohe in a smooth way.

As Ye Xiaohe listened to Lin You's description, the more she listened, the more excited she became.

She was trapped within the original framework, and she couldn't find the complicated balance even after hard thinking and meditation, but Lin You jumped out of the framework after just a few laps, giving a brain-opening but full of fun, which can be used for the game. A great color-adding solution!

Of course, this also puts forward higher requirements for the design of the game.

But Ye Xiaohe is not afraid of challenges!

Boss, you are amazing!

Sanhua jumped excitedly and jumped towards the black cat.

But he was cut off halfway by a fat orange with an astonishing size, pressed on the table and rubbed hard!

And the puppet cat who scratched Fat Orange's paw just now, leaned over unhurriedly, and gently rubbed its head against the black cat's neck. (end of this chapter)

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