Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1022 Operation to save pen pals!

The game Dark Soul is really suitable for being a fun person.

The whole city is dangerous, full of traps and fork roads, and also full of various insidious mobs, such as backstabbing in blind spots, meeting love at corners, actively stepping on traps and dying with players, leaving only skeletons lying on the ground, only players Passing by will jump up to surprise...

All kinds of routines emerge in endlessly.

This kind of sinister environment is easy to dig a hole at first sight.

Now there are still countless viewers popping up, while absorbing this kind of information from the whole network, while misleading the anchor to be a fun person in the barrage.

The frequency of the anchors stepping on pits and being frightened is too high.

After that, almost the whole network is full of happy people.

So much so that even the sister may be gone, this kind of thing that should have been raged by the players, didn't make much noise for a while.

——Of course, there was also a big reason: no one believed that Yunmeng would do such an outrageous thing.

But the volume of the voice is low, not because no one cares, but because the trend of fun people is too violent.

Those who care are all focused on pushing the main line.

The girl Nishino Chizuru is also a casual player in essence, and she has always been relatively salty when playing difficult games.

But now, in the face of Dark Soul, which is a bit too difficult, she has no idea of ​​salty fish at all, and has been going all out to open up wasteland since its release.

She successfully took down the first boss after 41 deaths, and then ran into the city without stopping, heading straight to the imperial city, looking for clues about her sister's heart.

Her desire to save lives is really urgent!

Because she is not only saving a simple virtual character, but also saving her own pen pal.

She really treats Xinxin like a little sister!

Under Yunmeng's arrangement, from the end of the first chapter of Chang'an, Xinxin will fly pigeons to pass books and write letters to players from time to time, so as to cultivate the emotional connection between players and Xinxin.

However, the vast majority of players finish reading the contents of the letter—at most, they collect the letter after reading it.

But Chizuru Nishino, she is different.

After she received the letter for the first time, she immediately had an idea——

She wrote a letter by herself and kept it with her all the time. When Xinxin sent the letter for the second time, she grabbed the pigeon that delivered the letter, took out Xinxin's letter, and stuffed back the letter she had written.

Qianhe really wanted to try if this carrier pigeon could really return to Xinxin's hands.

According to the operation idea of ​​traditional games, that is definitely not possible.

But Yunmeng under the leadership of Lin You is really different—Qianhe's behavior was captured by the system on the same day and fed back to the development team.

Then, the development team immediately added a free communication module to Xinxin - as the core character of a series of games, Xinxin certainly has a secondary artificial intelligence, and the level is very high!

Communicating with players or something is simply a piece of cake.

So on the second day, Nishino Chizuru received a letter from Xinxin.

After that, the two of them communicated two or three letters every week, which had become a habit of Chizuru.

Until one day, Xinxin suddenly lost contact.

Fortunately, she got the news soon: it was because the third chapter of Chang'an was released.

Qianhe was not only not disappointed, but also a little happy.

Because this shows: in the latest chapter, there are heart and soul scenes!

That's why she left the idle state and entered the main line of the game to cooperate with Yunmeng's plot development.

It's just that she hasn't been happy for long, and she saw it in the trailer released by Metropolis News: Xinxin lost the beating, and she seemed to be seriously injured.

This immediately gave her an ominous premonition.

After that, Qianhe began to think about the game's release soon so that she could help.

And then today, the game is finally released.

She couldn't wait to enter the game, came outside the city of Luoyang, which had turned into a demon realm, touched the [Dragon Yuan Sword] on the chest of the boss, and saw the illusion left by Xinxin.

The ominous premonition was completely fulfilled——

Xinxin left behind her master's sword, and with a seriously injured body, went to make a final fight.

If it fails again this time, I am afraid it will be really difficult to escape!

The only thing Qianhe can count on now is that Yunmeng's development team still has a conscience, and won't really send lunch to Xinxin.

——This kind of thing can only be counted on the development team, because it is well known that Lin You has no conscience.

He can do anything!

After Qianhe tried his best to kill the gatekeeper boss, he finally entered the city and ignited the first earth vein fire under the guidance of the mobs.

Then head straight for the Imperial City without stopping - that's where the battle in the trailer takes place.

After being hacked to death by [Li Guiren] 8 times in a row, she came to her senses—there is no gate behind this boss, so if I can't beat it, can't I go around it?

She took a lot of effort to bypass the boss, then found her way back to Tianjie, and continued on.

Go all the way to the end of Tianjie.

In the past, there were three bridges on the Luoshui River at the end of Tianjie, but now, all the bridges have been destroyed by accidents, and the river has become turbulent.

Qianhe tried to cross the river, but after being drowned three times, he had to give up. He used the purified earth vein fire to teleport back to the city gate, followed the distribution points of the magic fire, and went to the main line arranged by Yunmeng.

That is - go east.

Super Tomato is also following this line.

But Qianhe, who has never participated in the internal test, took this route, which is much more bumpy than Super Tomato.

Falling rocks, rolling logs, dead ends, side roads, elusive ghosts, or mobs gathering together...

She was completely risking her life on the journey—fortunately, Yunmeng was quite a person in terms of game design, and the placement of the Earth Leyline Fire was quite reasonable, so it wasn't too painful to run over the corpse.

After Qianhe threw out twenty lives in a row, he finally encountered a new plot——

A large living person appeared in her sight.

——or rather, a little living person.

Because it was a little girl who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old. Her body was full of strange armor with clockwork and gears, which proved that she was probably still an artificer.

When Qianhe saw her, she was being hunted down by a boss and several mobs, and it seemed that she was about to be caught up.

Qianhe hurriedly rushed to save people.

Then, in less than 20 seconds, he was hammered into a pancake by the mobs.

——She seriously underestimated the strength of the mobs...

Resurrection, resurrection and come again.

Then die.

Chizuru was once again caught in a fierce battle.

In the fourth time of restarting, she finally managed to kill five chasing mobs.

At this moment, the very personable BOSS finally stepped forward.

As always, the big blood red characters introduced the name of this BOSS——

【Ashina Chengqing】

This is also a giant boss, as tall as a half thousand cranes.

However, compared with the two extremely strong bosses before, his figure is much thinner, and he does not have that strong sense of oppression in terms of strength.

And it looks like a disabled person - his right arm is not flesh and blood, but a prosthetic limb made of wood.

This inevitably made Qianhe relax a little bit.

Then, she was taught a truth by the BOSS——

Don't be easily deceived by the appearance of things!

Sorry for being so late.

My teeth and temples didn’t hurt anymore, but my ears started to hurt again... The neuralgia around the ears was painful, and I had to get up and walk for a long time after writing for a while. As a result, my steps far exceeded the number of words I wrote...

Thank you for the reward of [Dreams More than Millennium] 800 points.

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