Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1046 The Battle on the Eve of the Release Day

Lin You fell back and collapsed on the small sofa, and the virtual map in front of him also disappeared.

[America]'s server, he already has a clue.

There are mainly two ideas-

The first is elections.

The year is 2031, and next year is America's election year.

Because the foundation funded by Lin You has been doing things, sponsoring protests and marches all over the United States, and by the way, also sponsoring a lot of money to all levels of congressmen, the relationship between the opposition party and Yunmeng is actually pretty good.

Of course, on the surface, everyone has no connection.

These congressmen are only concerned with the people's livelihood and listen to the voice of the people, so they speak for the people and demand that the ban on Yunmeng be lifted.

According to the current trend, next year's general election year, most of the government team will usher in a wave of changes.

At that time, Yunmeng's ban will naturally disappear.

This is the way to spend money to solve the problem.

The second idea is about technology.

Once Daxia's graphene chip technology achieves a breakthrough, the global technology and economic fields will usher in major changes.

With the basic technical information, huge investment at the national level, and the comprehensive support of the [Focusing Headband], maybe the chip will come out someday.

At that time, give the opposite party a little hint that lifting the ban should be a matter of piggybacking.

I just don't know which one will come first, the technological breakthrough or the election of America.

But no matter which one comes first, it is a nine out of ten chance to win America.

And once America wins, Canada, the younger brother in the north, will naturally be able to take care of it.

In this way, the only problem is [Persia].

For this country where politics and religion are united, Lin You is really at a loss.

As long as the government is stable, for this, even the development of the country can be put aside, there is really no weakness.

You can't let Da Xia sanction them, can you?

Lin You couldn't think of a way, so he simply sighed lazily, Let it be.

Master, do you want to play? A small pink-haired head suddenly appeared in front of Lin You.

Xiao Meng lay on the back of the sofa, leaned forward, and looked at Lin You who was paralyzed on the sofa.

Lin You raised his hand and pinched Xiao Meng's soft face, Where are you going to play?


Pandora? Did something happen there? Lin You asked with interest.

The players are fighting with the natives! Xiaomeng was in high spirits.

Lin You looked at the time. After the [Hibernation Warehouse] production line was put into operation, the first batch of 30 qualified products produced had been sent to the hospital under strict security protection.

To be on the safe side, Lin You had to show up at the scene.

After this operation is all successful, Lin You doesn't need to go there next time, and Xiaomeng can directly operate it remotely.

Even the intelligent algorithm built directly into the hibernation chamber can be executed fully automatically. After all, as the number of Xiaomeng's operations increases, her data is also becoming more and more abundant.

But it's still early, so it's okay to go and see the excitement.

Let's go! Lin You stood up from the small sofa, and dragged Xiaomeng straight to Pandora.


Pandora, the tree of life.

A well-matched battle is about to start.

The players and the six Na'vi tribes under the tree of life started contact very early.

But because of the language barrier and the lack of similarities in appearance, the fight broke out as soon as they came into contact.

However, the early players arrived here in twos and threes, and the weapons in their hands were relatively outdated—every Na’vi was a natural hunter, and they had bows and arrows, as well as cavalry, and the players were beaten to the ground.

After that, the conflict continued to intensify and the disputes intensified.

Many players try to sneak past the Na'vi settlements and climb directly to the Tree of Life.

But the Na'vi people are obviously much more familiar with their hometown than the players.

Players who try to sneak through are again hit head-on.

Everyone believed that there must be an [Ultimate Challenge] on the tree of life, but everyone was rejected, so the players' emotions became worse and worse, and more and more people gathered.

As the number of players gathered increased, the Na'vi people also realized the danger, and several tribes began to unite.

The scale of the conflict is growing.

In the end, today, when Gravity is about to start beta testing, players invite friends and make appointments, and want to fight to decide the world!

——Otherwise, until tomorrow, everyone will go to space, and the difficulty of pulling people will increase a lot.

Lin You and Xiao Meng ran over to join in the fun at this time.

Lin You took a quick look and found that there were more than 3,000 people in this mirror image. At the same time, there may be tens of thousands of similar mirror images.

As expected of a global operation. Lin You looked around, with hair and faces of various colors, many of them looked like players from Central Asia and Europe.

Many people had obviously never met, and with the help of Yunmeng's real-time translation, they were chatting in full swing.

And the weapons in their hands don't look like they've been upgraded, they still have the most axes and spears...

Before he could continue to study the player's situation, an old man in the crowd suddenly shouted——


Then the densely packed players in the jungle picked up the things in their hands, yelled, and charged while yelling.


Lin You looked at Xiaomeng, and a question mark slowly appeared in his head.

No, what about the conductor? Is it just so reckless?

Xiaomeng first raised the mini spear and yelled Ula~~ before answering Lin You: I don't know, Xiaomeng is a random mirror image.

The corner of Lin You's mouth twitched, being surrounded by the crowd, he could only rush forward together.

But he quickly thought about it: this kind of large-scale jungle warfare is difficult to command, let alone unorganized players.

The best way to command, I'm afraid this is what it is like now, shout Follow me, and then lead the charge...

There seems to be little room for other tactics.

Ever since, a chaotic battle began.

For the sake of the game experience, Lin You didn't fly into the sky to watch the excitement, and he didn't open any cheats for himself. He just followed the crowd all the way and rushed left and right. When he saw blue-skinned players, he fought, and when he saw other players, he joined them.

Both chaotic and exciting.

Holding a small ax and spear, Xiao Meng followed Lin You all the way to cheer.

Basically, when all players see her, they will subconsciously protect this little girl who is obviously not suitable for the battlefield, so the small weapon in her hand is useless at all.

Lin You followed the crowd and rushed left and right. From dawn to dusk, the number of players around him became less and less. When he rushed out of the forest and came to the foot of the tree of life, there were only the last three people around him.

After looking around, he lowered his head and asked Xiaomeng: Did we win?

Xiaomeng shook her head.

The next moment, a Na'vi squad appeared behind them.

It's not the end yet. Xiao Meng grabbed Lin You's arm, But we have to go, we need to go to the hospital for surgery.

Will it take so long to fight a war in the era of cold weapons? Lin You was a little emotional.

He stowed his weapon and prepared to log out.

——Hibernation surgery is a major event, so you must not be late.

Xiaomeng took his hand, and was about to log out with him, but a clear image of flames suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Lin You noticed this detail, squatted down to stare at Xiaomeng's eyes, and found that it seemed to be a burning tree.

What's wrong? He asked Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng opened her mouth slightly, and replied in surprise: Someone... burned the tree of life.

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