Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1058 How can a game designer be fun?

The steering wheel is obviously out of the question.

Gravity plays with reality.

There are a large number of equipment in this game, all of which have fairly detailed instructions.

When the players saw these instructions, they just felt broken.

But the knowledgeable people, especially the practitioners in the field of aerospace, are all about to drop their jaws in shock.

The reason is simple: many devices here, even yesterday, still need to be kept secret.

But now, in a game, not only did it appear grandiosely, but even an instruction manual was given!

In order to facilitate the maintenance of players, there are often detailed structural diagrams in the manual—although it is not a complete structural diagram, it is more than half complete!

Unbelievably generous.

Some people even couldn't help asking online: Can these things really be made public? Has Lin You obtained permission?

Lin You's fans—yes, Lin You does have fans, responded: It's none of your business to worry, maybe Lin You forced these things on himself?

Netizens really can't refute these outrageous answers.

Because everyone knows that Lin You is outrageous, but they don't know how outrageous he is.

It is naturally difficult to refute a person who cannot figure out the upper limit.

But this is negative news after all. The operation team of Gravity still stood up and explained that all the things that appeared were either not classified or had been approved.

The Xiajing Astronaut Training Center also confirmed this in the comment section.

If it was in the past, it really had to be kept secret. After all, although there are some differences in the technical level of the several aerospace powers, they are not far apart on the whole.

Therefore, it is inevitable to keep a high degree of secrecy and compare pennies and pennies.

But with the full rollout of the [Focus on the Headband], even without Lin You, the development of many scientific research fields began to advance by leaps and bounds like a rocket, and various new technologies and breakthroughs ushered in a blowout.

——It is just a breakthrough in some sensitive areas, and it will not be announced to the public with great fanfare.

As the most competitive field in the world, the aerospace field has experienced rapid technological breakthroughs.

These semi-public things in Gravity have actually become somewhat behind, can be made public level.

After the game is released, these patents will be released, and some technologies that can be used by the people will also be distributed.

And this is all in exchange for Lin You brushing his face.


Of course not for the player's mentality.

He just hopes to improve the scientific literacy of the players.

It's all for aerospace education!

As for the players who are racing against time, they are eagerly flipping through the manual, learning about equipment maintenance and escape pod driving...

That is also impossible!


Xu Shenghan anxiously flipped through the manual in the vibrating escape cabin, looking for the operation method, while Wang Pan was also busy flipping through the manual.

But his goal is different from Xu Shenghan——

When he approached the Tiangong space station, the audience became excited instantly.

Because before the game was released, he made a bold statement, saying that he would try [True Space Skydiving], skip all the storylines, and directly airborne the earth to speed through Gravity!

But at the beginning of the game, the satellite debris came too fast. Before he could figure out whether there was a parachute on the space shuttle, he was taken home by the debris.

Although I learned later that the space shuttle has a parachute, it has been destroyed by fragments and cannot be removed.

In addition to Zhuang Xu's constant urging, Wang Pan could only follow to the Tiangong Space Station.

Now that I saw the huge parachute, the teammates who were in the way didn't know where they had gone. The [Space Skydiving] plan was finally ready and had to be launched!

So as soon as Wang Pan entered the space station, he began to troubleshoot urgently.

The water friends wanted to see him skydiving very much, so no one made trouble, and immediately reminded him of the fire hazard with a bold message.

Wang Pan was the first to solve the line failure—not to repair the line, but to unplug the line directly...

After that, he began to flip through the manual, thinking about how to use the parachute.

The parachute of the escape capsule is too big, and it has been unfolded and wrapped around the space station, so it is very troublesome to recycle it.

Not to mention that the countdown on the watch keeps going, and the second round of fragmentation attacks is imminent, and the time is very tight.

But it is not an easy thing to want to live a big life!

Wang Pan ruled out the fire hazard, and after reviewing the maintenance manual for parachute failure, he decisively changed into a space suit, changed the air valve and left the cabin again to repair the parachute.

For other players, the important things are the space station and the escape pod.

But for Wang Pan, both the space station and the escape capsule can be given up, but the parachute must be kept!

As for whether he can succeed after jumping off, whether the game will die...

None of that matters!


On the other hand, Super Tomato is also racing against time for maintenance.

But his purpose is different from that of Wang Pan and Xu Shenghan.

Wang Pan only needs a parachute, Xu Shenghan only needs an escape pod, and he——

Want it all!

He plans to solve most of the emergency failures before the second wave of fragment attacks, and then start the 12 orbital engines, 38 attitude control engines, and 6 Hall electric thrust engines of [Tiangong Space Station], and push the orbit of the space station to the ground in one go. Far, completely get rid of the threat of fragments!

back to Earth?

I already have a space station, what a fart!

Of course, Super Tomato has a lot of knowledge about space. He knows very well that although space travel is different from that in the atmosphere, in theory it is possible to fly an astonishingly long distance with very little fuel, but he wants to engage in interplanetary voyages. , is still not realistic.

What's more, whether Yunmeng has actually made a distant planet or not needs to be questioned.

—Let’s not talk about Mars, whether the nearest moon has an entity or not has to be discussed separately.

But at the same time, Super Tomato also remembers one thing -

The first batch of players who landed on Dinosaur Island had caught Lin You to make a temporary use of his feet, modeling and building the game scene on the spot.

According to his temper, if a player can really land on the moon—even if he gets close enough, Lin You might get out of bed in the middle of the night in a hurry to build the moon on the spot!

Therefore, the space station must be saved!

Even if there is not enough fuel, they can only crash on the moon in the end, as long as it can make Lin You feel angry, then he will make a lot of money!

Of course, it is very, very difficult to do this.

One premise is: Gravity does not simply construct a low-earth orbit of the earth, but also has a complete earth-moon gravitational system.

In this way, players can rely on accurate orbit calculation and engine operation to push the space station to the correct orbit, and then rely on the gravitational effect of the earth and the moon to slowly approach the moon.

Super Tomato has already thought about it, as long as the space station can be kept, it will immediately find a master to verify the existence of the Earth-Moon gravitational system.

If it exists, there is nothing to say.

Just ask the great god to calculate the orbit and start the expedition.

If it doesn't exist, then make a public video to explain to the players the loopholes in the game design of Gravity - the gravity system is abnormal!

He dared to bet that as long as this video is released, there is a 90% chance that Lin You will change the game immediately, and Blast Liver will also make a normal gravitational system.

After all, Gravity is a game he developed himself!

How boring is it to just play games? Super Tomato explained his thoughts to the audience while twisting the screws.

If you want to play, play with Lin You! (End of this chapter)

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