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Chapter 1060 Space Elevator, and Unknown Spaceship!

Chapter 1060 Space Elevator, and... Unknown Spaceship!

There is no turning back when you open the bow.

Even if he knew that he might turn into ashes, he skipped the dance, and it was too late to regret it.

Just like the live broadcast concept that A Yi has always conveyed to the water friends-[You can not live, but you can’t live without work], Wang Pan can only bite the bullet and continue to fly down.

While flying, the water friends with relatively solid aerospace skills are still spreading some terrible knowledge:

"Anchor, your falling trajectory is not the same as that of the Austrian skydiver."

"He jumped from the stratosphere at a height of 40 kilometers, basically fell vertically, and landed about 4 and a half minutes later."

"Your altitude is about 400 kilometers, which is 10 times his height. At this altitude and speed, you will not fall vertically to the earth, but will become a human satellite orbiting the earth, lowering your height while turning."

"Normally, the landing process will last for several years, but you have used the escape pod to change the orbital angle before jumping out, so it will be much faster, but how long it will take to float, without orbital data, I am not sure."


Wang Pan's face turned pale as he watched Shui You's words of popular science.

His spacesuit is filled with enough oxygen for more than 6 hours in space.

According to Shuiyou, this time may not even be enough for him to enter the atmosphere!

He is not afraid of death, but...

He is live!

Could it be that for the next 6 hours, he will act as a human satellite, flying in space all the time?

He tried to bargain: "I've been flying like this, and everyone is bored watching it. Why don't we forget it first, let's increase the speed first, and then find a way to skydive?"


"How fun! Don't you wonder how long it takes to enter the atmosphere?"

"Skydiving Marathon! It's fun to listen to!"

"Crazy skydiving time!"

"It's not boring, it's crazy fun, just watching space is enough, just watch the live broadcast of sleep aid!"


The water friends objected in unison.

Wang Pan was speechless.

He really couldn't figure it out: Why would someone need a sleep aid live broadcast in broad daylight?


On the other side, Xu Shenghan also stepped on another pit after leaving the Tiangong space station——

The main orbital engine of the escape pod actually ran out of fuel...

It was only because of a trivial dial malfunction that caused a problem with the display that he ignored it.

And this level of minor faults are not even considered [minor], and they did not appear on the list to be repaired at all-after discovering the problem, he slapped the dial twice, and the fault was automatically repaired.

But because of this, after he adjusted the engine away from the space station with his posture, he was about to run towards the magnificent space station, but found that the plan had been aborted.

——Let’s not talk about going to that distant space station, the international station 100 kilometers away can’t even reach it!

What's even more uncomfortable is that after the second round of fragmentation attacks completely destroyed the Tiangong space station before his eyes, he couldn't even read the file - the automatic file has been saved at the latest progress node.

In other words: he's stuck.

But the good news is: for the game anchor, as long as you are not a real top iron and do not accept any spoilers, then there is no real card progress.

Among the millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, at least hundreds of thousands like to teach the host how to play games...

As long as someone's progress is faster than the anchor, it means that all viewers are faster than the anchor!

So Xu Shenghan quickly understood: the key point is the reverse thrust buffer engine during landing.

When the return capsule lands, the reverse thrust buffer engine will start by itself to decelerate the return capsule.

The only problem is: this engine will only ignite automatically when it is 1 meter above the ground.

To do this, a complex set of operations must be performed to fool the operating system of the escape pod.

As for the specific operation method, of course, it is necessary to find it from the operation manual.

Not only do you have to look for it, you have to think hard!

Of course, without any surprises, it didn't take long for someone in the player community to disclose the operation method.

For his own game experience, Xu Shenghan did not copy directly, but spent a lot of time thinking and "solving problems".

When he finished solving the problem, removed the link module, dismantled the escape module to only his own return module, and successfully ignited the reverse thrust buffer engine, pushing him to the International Space Station, Wang Pan had already circled the earth for a week and a half.

Super Tomato has also died with the space station 13 times, and is starting the 14th time to read the file - he only has more than 7 minutes to repair the key plates and push the Tiangong space station out of orbit.

If it is not completed, the entire Tiangong space station will be hit by a rain of fragments, blowing up into large groups of space junk.

So he has to race against time!

The good news is: efficiency can be improved by optimizing routes and practicing continuously.

Super Tomato also has enough patience to continuously improve proficiency and speed up maintenance.

As for whether it can be done?

He never worried about it from beginning to end.

Those speedrunners took more than a dozen hours to clear the game, and compressed it to two or three hours. There was no reason why he couldn't even optimize a small link!

——In the earliest "League of Assassins", it took a long time for everyone to clear the customs for a week.

Now, half a year later, the [any% (unlimited)] speedrunning world record has reached an outrageous [1 hour and 28 minutes], and there are still many players practicing tirelessly, wanting to continue to compress this time.


When Super Tomato was tirelessly improving the maintenance technology of the space station, Xu Shenghan was brought close to the International Space Station by the reentry capsule.

——He really wanted to go to that distant space station, but the return capsule could only be ignited once. With his level, it was really impossible to propel the return capsule into the correct orbit with just one ignition, and slowly merge with the space station.

He can only try to see if he can drive the International Space Station there.

The answer is no.

After seeing the International Space Station up close, he immediately got the answer in his mind.

The reason is simple-he saw the wake caused by the extreme speed of the aircraft on the cabin of the International Space Station.

Theoretically, there is no atmosphere in the space where the spacecraft is located, so it is impossible to cause wakes, let alone such obvious wakes-even the solar panels are vibrating violently and may be stripped by the airflow at any time.

This can only show one thing: the orbital altitude of the International Space Station has been greatly reduced and has entered the upper atmosphere!

Even if it is only a very thin atmosphere, at a speed close to 8 kilometers per second, it will produce severe friction and resistance to the spacecraft.

That is to say: he must hurry!

Slow down, and the International Space Station will fall into the atmosphere and turn into a ball of fire!

But when Xu Shenghan realized this, he had already passed the space station...

Reload the file.

The return capsule was out of control, so he could only slam the hatch open at a critical moment, and along with the airflow in the cabin, was "spit" out by the return capsule and flew to the space station.

But this kind of operation is undoubtedly very rough.

It was only a small error in timing judgment that caused him to pass by the space station again.

Continue to read files.

The third time, it hit the space station and was ejected.

For the fourth time, before opening the hatch, he finally noticed the can of fire extinguisher in the corner that he brought into the return capsule when he escaped from the Tiangong space station fire.

He held the fire extinguisher decisively and was "spit" to the International Space Station together.

With the reverse thrust provided by the fire extinguisher, he can finally adjust his trajectory in space.

But even so, he managed to grab a metal ladder on the shell of the International Space Station after four more failed attempts.

Then, through the thick space suit, he felt the "strong wind".

At the beginning of the design of the space station, the issue of "wind resistance" was not considered, which resulted in it not enjoying any aerodynamic assistance at all when it entered the atmosphere.

Solar panels, signal towers, hatches, ladders, the edge of the shell...all the protruding things pull out slender wakes in the thin atmosphere, which looks very spectacular.

But if you want to move in this environment, it is too difficult!

Xu Shenghan didn't dare to delay for a second, he quickly searched for the air valve to enter the space station, and rushed there at risk.

——Slow down for a while, I'm afraid he will be unable to move an inch.

After another six file readings, he successfully entered the interior of the International Space Station.

As soon as he came in, he found that it was quite different from the Tiangong space station - it was obviously more chaotic, and the various signs and instructions were not in a single language.

When passing through the orbital module, not only did he find different national flags hanging in different cabins, he even found a bottle of vodka in the Russian cabin!

Another time, Xu Shenghan would be happy to explore this space station.

But now, time is ticking!

He quickly rushed into the escape capsule of the Soyuz, and the rest of the matter was simple. He had already done the same operation once in the escape capsule of Tiangong——

Step 1: Fasten your seat belt!

The second step: separate the cabin, separate yourself from the red coffin of the International Space Station, which is about to turn into a ball of fire.

Step Three: Pray.

However, Xu Shenghan only prayed for the "blessing of the machine soul" that came from Lin You, and lay down on the porthole, wanting to enjoy the scene of the disintegration of the International Space Station in the upper atmosphere.

He did see—

The International Space Station disintegrated on its own during the rapid movement, and burned rapidly under the violent friction of the atmosphere, turning into balls of fire.

Even the temperature of his own landing module began to rise rapidly!

"At this time, people on the ground raised their heads, and they should be able to see a grand meteorite rain?"

Xu Shenghan said subconsciously.


The capsule was hit by a piece of debris and shook violently, reminding him that it wasn't over yet.

But Xu Shenghan didn't react at all, he just froze in place.

Because after the return capsule was hit, the angle of the porthole changed, and the scenery outside the window naturally changed accordingly.

Then, Xu Shenghan saw something incredible——

A slender and straight pillar rises from the earth, penetrates the clouds in an extremely counter-intuitive gesture, and goes straight to the sky!

Xu Shenghan leaned close to the porthole and tried to look up.

But he couldn't see the end of the creation until he was blocked by the edge of the porthole!

This incredible creation extends from the ground to space! ? ?

"That... what is it?" Xu Shenghan was dumbfounded.

This is already astonishing enough, but Yunmeng still doesn't think it's enough——

The densely packed aircraft suddenly pulled a long white wake and broke into the earth's atmosphere!

Some of them fell towards the earth quickly without slowing down.

And the other part changed their flight trajectory at the same time, rushing towards——

That miraculous, heaven-reaching creation!

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