Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1117. Pinch your wife yourself? You may have!

What's wrong?

A Yi looked at the dense question marks in the live broadcast room in confusion.

It's also possible that when we entered the game, my wife was not pregnant yet, and then she became pregnant as the player entered and the game plot progressed. It's also very reasonable! It's not like we can't live a married life in the virtual world.

Why, haven't you heard of [couple contract]?

I've heard of it... the house manager replied, but I didn't expect you to be so heartless that you wouldn't even let NPCs go.

? This time, Ah Yi was a little confused.

What nonsense are you talking about? Have you never been attracted to any virtual wife?

Huh? The house manager was speechless.

Obviously, he was also tempted.

This is not news at all. In this day and age, who doesn’t have a virtual wife or husband that can match XP?

Tang Mingyue and Nishino Chizuru are both addicted to online virtual wives.

Tang Mingyue successfully reached the favorability requirement a few days ago and went on a date with Alita. Nishino Chizuru also bought a second house in Chang'an to accommodate her harem girls.

The house manager was speechless.

But he soon realized that A Yi seemed to have a different concept——

I do have a virtual girl that I'm attracted to, but it's my heart that's attracted to me, not my penis!

You really want the NPC to get pregnant directly! Is this the same??!!

Only heartbeat? A Yi shook his head in disbelief, I really give you a chance, don't you want to?

You really don't want to, do you?

Do you think you have pure love? You have a treacherous heart but no courage!

I even look down on you!

A Yi's verbal output made the house manager silent again.

He began to reflect: Is he abnormal, or is Ah Yi abnormal?

During his reflection, friends in the live broadcast room were already chatting eagerly about A Yi’s bold idea:

What a great idea! I've been unhappy watching those people showing off their affection in the virtual world for a long time!

I think it's unlikely. If the system for players and NPCs to get married and have children is opened, it might have a huge impact on the actual fertility rate.

It's really impossible to be completely open, but with a single game, it's completely possible, right? The virtual world doesn't allow players to change their appearance, but in Terraria you can even change your gender! This single game allows players to get married and have children , very reasonable!”

I hope I won't lie down on the bed, and the subtitles will flash in front of my eyes: [You spent a passionate and happy night]. When you open your eyes again, it will be dawn, and my wife will suffer from morning sickness.


No matter what, it's good to have a wife, and the plot is not like Cuckold League and Quick Wife which can only be watched but not touched. The only problem is: it doesn't suit my aesthetics. If it can Just pinch them yourself.”

A Yi read out the last barrage and nodded in sympathy.

With Yunmeng's accumulated aesthetic and technical skills, the appearance of the couple in the trailer is certainly not bad.

The carefully tuned tough-guy husband and mixed-race blonde wife have achieved an excellent level without affecting the atmosphere of the plot.

But in order to adapt to the terrifying and desperate atmosphere of the game itself, it is obviously impossible to have a handsome boy and a slender and gentle big-breasted girl appear as a couple.

——That's the style of a meat-and-potatoes horror movie, not the style of A Quiet Place.

Except for players who happen to be good at this, for the vast majority of regular XP players, it's somewhat different.

After thinking for a while, Ayi blinked and asked, How about we try to make a joint wish and see if Yunmeng can let us pinch our wives or husbands?

In order to win the support of as many people as possible, he skillfully drew the female water friends into his camp.

Water friends love to join in the fun. When A Yi mentioned this, the live broadcast room immediately responded with a chorus of agreement.

Okay! A Yi nodded vigorously, Then let's split up! I'll go find an acquaintance, and you can also ask other anchors.

Ayi directly opened the friend list and clicked on a name to dial without thinking:

Xiao Ye Ye...

Shut up! Yelang's voice sounded.

Oh, Xiaoyeye, don't be so heartless. Last night we were...

Beep. Yelang hung up the communication.

How heartless. We were making wine together in the space city last night. A Yi complained and dialed over again.

Don't hang up yet! Ah Bin, let's get down to business.

While Ayi was contacting the anchor friends, fans were also running around in various live broadcast rooms, connecting with other anchors and friends.

Many similar posts quickly appeared on social networks and gaming forums.

Pinching people was a standard feature of many games in the past, but in the virtual world, this link was often skipped by Yunmeng.

This is deeply missed by many players.

So seeing the petitions from players nowadays, many people joined in and shouted a few times together.

All these sounds added up, and soon they became quite loud.

The staff on the A Quiet Place development team were a little confused.

They thought about many things, but they never thought that players would make such a bizarre request.

Yu Gu asked Lin You for instructions whether to ignore these petitions or respond to the players.

Lin You waved his hand at him, turned around and sent a response message:

[Taking into account the strong voices of players, Yunmeng will enable the face pinching function for the first time in the game A Quiet Place!

Players will be able to customize the image of the couple in the game according to their own aesthetics and preferences.

Considering that this is a new feature, players are asked to wait patiently for feature development.

But don’t worry, this feature will definitely be available earlier than the release date, leaving enough time for everyone to take advantage of it. ]

As soon as the response came out, the player circle immediately became excited!

Lin You once again proved that Yunmeng is indeed willing to listen to players' voices!

Yes! Even if it is a function that has never been available before, as long as players need it, they will immediately agree to develop it, and they are even willing to work overtime to get it online before the release date!

Is this Yunmeng's technical ability?

It's obviously the employees' passion!

He really made me cry to death!

The player circle is in a New Year atmosphere.

But in the virtual office of the A Quiet Place development team, the employees were full of questions.

Do you really want to... develop this feature? one person asked.

Yu Gu sighed, We don't need to, the boss said he will take care of it.

The employees who did not have to work overtime did not breathe a sigh of relief when they heard this sentence, and their brows were still furrowed together.

Not only them, but also in Ivan Ivanov’s live broadcast room.

After reading Lin You's announcement, Ivan looked at the water friends in the live broadcast room who were wildly praising Lin You and Yunmeng, and eagerly discussing their favorite wives and husbands. Their expressions were also very strange.

Unlike him, Ah Yi and the water friends who had not participated in the closed beta had already started popping champagne.

While they opened the champagne, they looked forward to Yunmeng quickly mastering this new feature, so that they would have more time to create a perfect themselves and a perfect wife/husband.

Lin You, who had spent some leisurely time, once again showed amazing work efficiency.

There was no room for players to guess. This function was quickly launched early the next morning.

There is no need to pre-order A Quiet Place, as long as you are a Yunmeng user, you can use this feature for free!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone!

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