Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1126 The incredible media, the invisible monster

Chaos occurred in every corner of the farm at the same time, making Xia Yi feel that the whole world was a traitor.

Even Xia Yi was stunned for a moment when she saw a monster, and her head turned towards each sound source in turn. The dinner bells ringing from all directions at the same time obviously caused a trace of confusion and hesitation in it.

But soon, Xia Yi couldn't care about these things anymore.

——She and Chizuru were also attacked, and the monster rushed towards them quickly.

It was difficult for them to play silent confrontation with the monster, because the location where they were was already on fire and they had to move immediately.

She and Qianzhe could only run along the white sand path.

After a while, the monster lost patience and ran to chase others. Xia Yi discovered that the largest cornfield on the farm was burning.

This is definitely not done by Daxia people. Xia Yi sighed subconsciously.

Even Daxia people who have never worked in agriculture will not burn crops for no reason.

The fire and smoke swore that the situation in this game was completely out of control.

The thrilling silent game that Xia Yi expected did not exist at all.

The mere existence of the traitor destroyed everyone's trust. Fights (gunshots) broke out at key winning points, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

Then use a fire that burns everything to cleanse the ground, and directly hit GG in one wave.

1 hour?

20 minutes were not used!

After the game, Xia Yi's face was full of depression.

“The gaming experience is extremely poor!!”

How on earth did these people get through the first chapter??

Xia Yi was puzzled.

She didn't believe that everyone in the room was really a traitor, so it was very possible that there were some normal players who impulsively ignored the threat of monster hunting and fought for weapons and each other in such a big way that the situation was completely out of control.

The fans in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but sigh:

I didn't expect that, Xia Yi, you would also become a top player one day.

The anchor doesn't seem to realize that completing the first chapter does not require the whole family to survive.

I've seen several anchors who got through it by holding on to the NPC's lap. They did everything themselves and caused trouble. Only one or two out of ten people like Xia Yi and Qianhe figured out the principles in advance and took the initiative to fight back.

So, Miss Quail is also very strong.

It's definitely better than A Yi who had a whim to pop the monster's anus and was kicked from the back.

Forget about that lunatic...

After some popular science among water friends, Xia Yi later realized that the ending she and Qianhe played was not the most common ending.

The most common ending is actually that the father sacrifices himself to protect the two children from escaping. Finally, in the surveillance basement, the mother shoots to death the monster whose flaw was exposed due to the hearing aid.

There are also some players who are even more miserable, and have an ending where their entire family is almost dead, leaving only themselves and their babies alive.

She and Chizuru actually had a perfect ending without dying!

Xia Yi's mood immediately changed from gloomy to sunny, and she quickly went to bed while taking advantage of her good mood.

——If we play another survival mode, I’m afraid this good mood will be gone again.

The next morning, Xia Yi lay on the bed and hesitated for a while whether to browse the forum and peek into the fan base.

These things were basically her daily routine before.

After all, he is a professional game anchor!

But now that A Quiet Place has only been released for the second day, if you do this, you will probably be spoiled.

And once it is spoiled, not only will it affect your gaming experience, but the live broadcast effect will also be affected.

But the habit of playing with your phone first when you wake up every day cannot be changed.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Yi decided to make a compromise - go check out the developments of various game media.

The game media at this time will basically focus on the game experience, gameplay, and player dynamics. They will not spoil the specific content. Even if spoilers are necessary, they will be explained in advance.

In this way, Xia Yi convinced herself and happily took out her mobile phone.

【Game Frontline】:

[A Quiet Place, seven chapters, seven stories, seven kinds of monsters, seven terrifying experiences! ]

[Player Tribe]:

[In A Quiet Place, Yunmeng shows a new possibility of the game-minimum intervention, maximum freedom! ]

【Gaming Universe】:

[The most powerful age reversal algorithm so far! Takes people back to their childhood! ]


[Couples and couples return to the state of teenagers and children online, and behave excessively intimately. Is this a normal couple's interest, or is it a vulgar and unhealthy direction? ]


Xia Yi looked at the fourth title, and a series of question marks immediately appeared in her head.

What's the meaning?

A couple who signed a couple contract turned into children together in A Quiet Place, and then... touched each other? ? ? ?

Can't? ? ? ?

Although after the [Couple Contract] is concluded, the limits of contact between lovers will be greatly relaxed - although the non-private space cannot be overdone, as long as there are no outsiders, many intimate behaviors are still allowed.

But in the two-player online game in the first chapter of A Quiet Place, the youngest player will be less than 10 years old!

Xia Yi's world view was greatly challenged.

But there was another voice in her heart telling her: It's not impossible.

There are hundreds of millions of users in the virtual world, all over the world, and any kind of person may appear.

And... even if a couple did do this, they would definitely not tell outsiders about this... private love. How did you [9gamers] know about it?

Could it be that……

No, there’s no need to say it!

The editor who wrote this article definitely wants to do something similar, or has even done something similar! !

Good guy, the thief calls for the thief to catch the thief, right!?

Let me see where this media is?

Xia Yi clicked on the homepage of this media to view detailed information.

Then, she discovered a piece of key information——

Well... Izumo's media...

Things suddenly seemed to make sense...

But it's reasonable, but thinking about it is still a bit... goosebumps.


Xia Yi shuddered, quickly threw away the phone in her hand, changed clothes and got up.


At this time, players who played the game all night long were still struggling in the second chapter, while those who were successful had successfully unlocked the third chapter.

But here, it has reached its limit.

——If they don’t log off, they will be kicked off the line by the anti-addiction system.

Information about the second chapter also began to appear in the forum.

The monsters that appear in the second chapter [Not to be Gazed at] are even more outrageous than the monsters hunted by Xun Sheng - as soon as humans see such monsters, they will lose their minds and commit suicide one after another.

So the main line of the story is that everyone blindfolds their eyes and goes through the dangerous monster activity area to live in a safer place.

It sounds simple, but it's a little complicated to play.

Because it is difficult for players to actually act blindfolded throughout the entire process.

Even though the development team has carefully set up various landmark objects for guidance, it also gives players a kind of super-power-like perception - [Supersensory Vision].

Nearby humans will appear as hazy white mist, and when they are about to hit an obstacle, the obstacle will also appear as a black outline.

But even so, most players can't help but pull up the blindfold from time to time, take a few glances at the surrounding environment, and then quickly pull it down.

However, the development team is very scheming and always leaves a blank road before exciting scenes, so that players can't help but pull up the blindfold.

The big scene of [hundred people collectively committing suicide by jumping into a waterfall] suddenly appeared and deeply shocked the young hearts of the players.

By the way, it has also maxed out all short video platforms.

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