Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1132. Is this the original meaning of Secret War?

Fortunately, they are not here to deliver food.

The first time I encountered a monster in the forest, these weapons worked surprisingly well!

The old weapons did not look powerful enough, but the monsters were surprisingly fragile - they were also made of flesh and blood.

Of course, these monsters are cruel, bloody, ugly, and disgusting at the same time. They jump up and down in the forest, are faster than cheetahs, and are more flexible than apes. Their combat power cannot be underestimated.

Although the captain fired the flare immediately, the effect of the old-fashioned flare was somewhat unsatisfactory. Dark red light shrouded the sky over the forest, and blood-red monsters rushed in, as if the door to hell had been opened.

Fortunately, Qiye's first shot successfully hit the head of a monster and penetrated it with one shot!

The monster fell to the ground instantly.

This gave Qiye great confidence.

Of course, he later switched to a Bobosha submachine gun.

Because the monster has already started charging.

To deal with monsters moving at high speed, strafing is better!

The distance between their position and the monster was less than a hundred meters, with tall and thick Siberian cedars standing in the middle. Within a few seconds, the monster rushed in front of them!

In these few seconds, the experienced warriors had killed more than a dozen ferocious monsters.

But after the monster rushed into the queue, the battle instantly became cruel——

Just by changing the magazine, a teammate's neck was cut open by a flying monster, and the entire head slipped from the neck, leaving only the last bit of flesh intact.

And all this happened right in front of Qiye's eyes!

The tragic scene and the blood that covered most of his chest made him tremble in shock. He took three steps back on the spot and almost tripped over the wooden stake under his feet.

He has never seen such bloody and cruel scenes in the virtual world! !

But the next second, he couldn't care less about the distraction, because the monster had already jumped on his face!

Da da da da da da...

He reflexively raised his submachine gun and poured out his anger and bullets at the demon in front of him.

It wasn't until he emptied the entire magazine that he calmed down a little.

The killing eased the fear and discomfort in the mind.

Qiye wiped away the monster blood splashed on his face, kicked away the remains that had been shot into a sieve, and then...

Reload and continue!

The terrifying monster shuttles and leaps through the hail of bullets, rushing towards everyone without fear of death.

This is a scene that can give ordinary people a lifetime of nightmares.

But every soldier in the team is a well-trained veteran. Even if a monster breaks through the defense line and rushes in front of him, he will not be afraid at all.

Even if one arm is bitten off by a monster, he will roar and fight back with the other arm!

Qiye wasn't sure how long the battle lasted.

Because he died many times, and each time his death became more tragic.

——All kinds of severed hands and feet, the chest was split open, and a large piece of the body was chewed off...


When he was hit in the face by a train cannon in Battlefield, it had never been so tragic!

When he finally persisted until the battle was over, he unexpectedly discovered——

Not only did they win, but they only lost three men.

It's not that Qiye doesn't care about his teammates. It's true that he has died several times in such a brutal battle. It's hard to imagine that his teammates can survive so much.

Even a tough guy with a torn face, on a cold Siberian night, relied on his teammates to bend a rough-looking pin, and sewed the split face back with one stitch, and then he could lie next to the campfire that night and Comrades sang together.

Highlight a ruggedness and tenacity.

Teammates who died in battle were buried on the spot.

The monsters killed were piled into a pile and burned.

What's incredible is that when the monster burned, it actually released an amazing amount of heat. Under the bright yellow flames, there was a blue flame!

That means that the burning of these monsters releases a high temperature of nearly 3,000 degrees!

It would be a pity if this thing is not used to generate electricity.

Qiye and his teammates were warming themselves by the fire while complaining.

After searching the surrounding environment, they found a place that looked like a cult altar, where they also found the bodies and documents of the secret police.

The captain even scraped open the bark and found that even the surrounding trees had changed - a bright yellow light flickered in the trunks, like flowing lava.

They speculated that this was where the monster first appeared.

That night, Qiye went to the captain to get more information, and successfully triggered a memory image.

In the image, he saw a bloody and evil sacrificial ceremony. Monsters crawled out of the ground one after another, killing those who summoned them.

Then before he could think more, he saw a flare rising from the forest in the distance.

It was another team, fighting a monster.

Obviously, there are more monsters in this forest than the ones they encountered.

The battle is far from over.

But the captain shook his head at him.

Qiye understood the captain's reaction, because it was too late to rush over now.

Afterwards, they reported their findings and received a new task: riding hardy Yakut horses and carrying boxes of explosives to blow up an abandoned mine.

According to intelligence compiled by multiple investigation teams, it has become a monster's lair.

The process of exploring the lair and planting the bomb was not smooth.

However, with Qiye's Return Technique, they successfully installed the explosives and ran back to the defensive line before the monsters surrounded them.

——Not only that, Qiye also risked his own life and left the main line, explored the depths of the mine, and found some weird metal remains that looked like alien creations.

If he hadn't really been unable to go deeper, he would have wanted to dig deeper...


The captain pressed the detonator, and the explosives in the abandoned mine exploded.

The engineers' calculations were accurate, and the mine's exit collapsed, with rubble rolling down.

The monsters that were pouring out of the mine were submerged by the falling rocks and smashed into pools of bloody mud.

Qiye breathed a sigh of relief.

Then sucked it back in again.

The earth collapsed before his eyes.

The entire mine—not just the exit, but all the areas covered by the mine—collapsed.

A catastrophic chain reaction caused a landslide of staggering scale!

Smoke and dust were everywhere.

Then...endless monsters emerged from the smoke and dust!

The atmosphere at the scene froze for a moment.

Should we run away? Qiye asked.

No, horses can't run as fast as these monsters. We can't escape.

The captain shook his head, turned around and began to direct the soldiers to adjust their positions, lay out explosives and firepower points.

Qiye waited for the captain to finish assigning tasks, only to realize that he had nothing to do with him.

Just as he was about to ask, he found his teammate leading a horse in front of him, and the captain also walked over: As long as we slow down the monster's advancement, you have hope of survival.

? Qiye was stunned for a moment, I should stay and fight.

No, you need to leave here! Rush back as quickly as possible and report the coordinates here to your superiors.

Qiye looked back and found that the monster had rushed closer.

If you stay, you will definitely die.

But every comrade-in-arms held their guns tightly and watched calmly as the monster rushed over. No one raised any objections or even looked back at him.

Qiye felt inexplicably ashamed.

From entering the game to now, he has experienced a lot with these people in the vast Siberian snowfields. They have fought together, camped together, and chatted together. They have become quite familiar with them.

But now, without any communication, everyone has acquiesced in letting him live, seemingly just because... he is the youngest?

At this moment, Qiye suddenly understood: why this chapter is called [Secret War].

Because he will be the only survivor.

After reporting to the superiors, this place will most likely be blown into pieces, and everything will be buried in the dust of history.

This will be a secret war that no one knows about.

And he will be the only remaining witness and witness.

As long as he mounts his horse and gallops all the way back to a safe place, this chapter will come to an end, and he can experience the last chapter.

The final chapter that is so exciting just by looking at the name——

[Rebirth of flesh and blood]

But Qiye only hesitated for a few seconds before rejecting the preferential treatment:

Let someone else go and let me stay.

All of you combined have less experience than I do with dying in battle!

No one knows death better than me!

Since in many previous chapters, Yunmeng has left the choice of how to end to the players, then... what about this chapter?

Is it possible that you can pass the level if you stay alive, and you can also pass the level if you stay?

Qiye decided to take a gamble!

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