Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1139 Space War!

Qiye quickly boarded the elevator and headed to the spaceport with other warriors to answer the call.

The area of ​​the space port far exceeds that of the Ark Space Station, and judging from the scale, it is still expanding.

But it was a pity that Qiye didn't have time to stroll around here. As soon as they got out of the elevator car, they were pulled into the car by the waiting staff and rushed to the berth of the Kunlun at full speed.

The Kunlun was originally undergoing repairs, but the alien fleet arrived suddenly and menacingly. Without knowing the details, all ships were mobilized.

——In humankind’s plan, there is no interstellar war at all, and the existence of interstellar fleets is not to fight against aliens.

There are only thirty-eight warships in the true sense of the word, and now they have all been mobilized.

Not only that, transport ships and support ships are also rapidly assembling weapons and stationing troops in order to pull them out to support the scene.

The entire spaceport has also been mobilized, and all defense measures are in a state of readiness and ready to fire at any time.

The spaceport's own firepower is stronger than all the ships combined.

Although its own fragility has determined that it is completely unsuitable for positional warfare, the command center has made plans to burn the boat.

——When he was unable to carry out an interstellar voyage, an alien fleet suddenly appeared in front of him. This was almost a clear statement to everyone that there was a technological generation gap between himself and the other party.

It is impossible for a commander to join the Space Force who would not even think of this.

Amidst the constant sound of sirens, everyone was running and performing their tasks as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the command center also sent signals to the alien fleet again and again, hoping to establish a communication channel.

But unfortunately, all communication efforts came to nothing in the end.

Not only that, the early warning satellites established in the orbit of Mars were also ruthlessly destroyed by the opponent.

At this point, the only option left is to fight.


The fleet sets off.

Qiye was fully armed, but his face was blank.

The size of the Kunlun ship is not very large compared to the warships of the interstellar era. It is about 300 meters long, which is about the size of an aircraft carrier.

But if an untrained person is thrown into an aircraft carrier, it will take a lot of effort for him to figure out the southeast, northwest, let alone an interstellar battleship.

Qiye ran up and down several floors in the Kunlun before finally successfully finding the gun emplacement located on the side of the ship.

It is said to be a gun position, but it is actually more like a fighter jet equipped with a large electromagnetic gun. It can fly freely around the battleship and adjust the angle under the control of the gunner.

But it can’t be too far, as it will exceed the wireless charging range of the ship.

Co-authored or floating cannon? Qiye couldn't help but complain.

The main thing is that wireless charging is a bit outrageous. It can directly power hundreds or thousands of electromagnetic guns that can fly around. How incredibly powerful is this?

No wonder we can build a space elevator... We are already energy free, right?

Little brother, it seems you are not very lucky.

The bearded Oleg's face that he met on the space elevator suddenly popped up on the console display board.

Also displayed was the location of the bearded man - on the floating cannon next to him.

? Qiye was stunned for a moment, What do you mean?

We encountered a battle with aliens as soon as we came up. Maybe our life will end up in space. This is such bad luck.

If you say so, aren't you just as unlucky as me?

Ton ton ton... Ha! We are different. I am already this age and have trained for most of my life. If I just retire like this, my whole life will be wasted. For me, there is nothing better than dying on the battlefield before retiring. The end!”

...Then you still drink? Aren't you afraid that your hands will be shaking later and your typing will be distorted?

Hahaha. Oleg laughed openly, Always drink all the wine before you die!

If you have any last words, you'd better record them quickly. Oleg advised.

Can't you just expect me to order something good? Qiye was speechless.

Hahaha... Oleg laughed again, Okay, okay, you will definitely be able to go back alive.

Judging from his tone, it was obvious that he didn't believe it at all.

Qiye quickly realized something: Do you know something that I don't know?

Oleg's laughter subsided.

Ton Ton Ton took another sip of wine before saying unhappily: The Victory has lost contact, and most of its crew members have been killed.

Qiye subconsciously looked into the deep space, but of course he couldn't see anything.

Even the direction he was looking at was wrong, Mars was not in that position...

The broadcast sounded, and the Kunlun slowly left the space port and accelerated towards the battleship rendezvous point.

The rendezvous point was still within the Earth-Moon system, and the Kunlun arrived at the rendezvous point in just ten minutes - of course, the rendezvous point was not a real point, but a rather large space, between each ship. Even though they are still tens of thousands of kilometers apart.

It's the space age, and the dense formation tactic has long been abandoned.

During this ten-minute flight, Qiye had been familiar with the various operations of the floating cannon.

I don’t know whether Yunmeng made special simplifications considering the difficulty issue, or because in the game background, big-headed soldiers do not require much professional knowledge. With the help of various automated systems, driving a floating cannon is almost like driving a car. The rudder is easier to use than a helicopter.

As for firing, it is almost fool-proof. Visual sight has long been eliminated. Just stare at the radar and fire.

He thinks he knows it.

Then, a battleship silently exploded in space, turning into a ball of flickering fire.

A pure black giant battleship suddenly jumped out from the dark background of the universe.

The battle begins.

Different from Qiye's imagination, which was a mixture of explosions, instructions, and equipment prompts, the actual battlefield environment was very quiet.

The sound of the space fighter taking off could not reach him, and he could not hear the broadcast sound inside the battleship. The silent explosion of the space fighter was like a fleeting firework, small and silent.

The commands ringing in my ears were calm and restrained, and the prompts from the fire control system were clear and accurate.

Qiye had never experienced such a silent battlefield.

The silence was eerie.

The battle was obviously very fierce. On the dark space curtain, every flickering flame was the loss of a life. Every bursting fireball killed thousands of soldiers.

But all of this was done in silence.

Qiye thought the human fleet was being crushed unilaterally. It wasn't until the Kunlun came close to engaging distance that he discovered that the situation was much more optimistic than he had imagined.

Humans are indeed at a disadvantage, but they are not completely powerless to fight back.

It's just that the opponent's warships and fighter planes are all painted black, and they won't explode even if they are hit. Therefore, the death scene when destroyed is not tragic enough, and it is difficult to see it from too far away.

The biggest trouble is that it is difficult for human identification systems to lock on alien spacecraft. Visual shooting, which was originally eliminated, has to become the main method.

Therefore, the human fleet has been closing the distance at all costs to create opportunities for the fleet behind it.

By the time the Kunlun came into battle, it was already a stage of frantic replacement, and competition to see who had more firepower and thicker armor.

The distance is so close that the floating cannon controlled by Qiye can directly shoot at the opponent's warship! This distance is approximately equivalent to a boarding battle in the Age of Discovery!

Qiye even actually saw some extremely fast assault ships carrying a boatload of armored assault troops rushing towards the opponent's warship!

——Of course, it is seen through the cover command in the headset and the highlighted mark on the operation panel. It is still impossible for the naked eye to find the assault ship on the chaotic battlefield.

The battlefield was in chaos. There were fast-flying fighter planes and assault ships in all directions. One's own naval guns and the other's naval guns were firing wildly at each other.

Qiye himself, who was part of the naval gun system, was firing wildly after receiving the free fire order.

His initial target was the spot where the glimmer of light occasionally emitted from the side of the cold, dark battleship opposite.

Although I can't see clearly what was sprayed out there, what is still spraying out at this time can only be a cannon, right?

Even if it's not a cannon, this kind of place is at least a structural weakness compared to the thick armor!

Boom and it's over!

But what was uncomfortable was that after continuously paralyzing four points, the frequency of attacks he encountered suddenly increased several times, and the high-energy tracks that passed him on the radar were so dense that it was scary.

Qiye immediately reported the incident.

But this did not change his situation. He had to maneuver more frequently, and even used flying cannons to deal with the opponent's space fighters.

Shuttles, fighter planes, and space fighters were fighting together, and fighter planes exploded every minute; two giant ships were firing at each other at close range; Oleg was firing cannons while cursing everything in his native dialect; the artillery communication channel came from time to time. A violent explosion; the equipment was wailing when he maneuvered at a large angle, and the overloaded pressure pressed his body tightly...

By this time, he finally felt a bit of the passion of space war!

In order to make up for the fact that sound cannot be transmitted in space, Yunmeng knows how to play background music in the player's ears, and it is multi-channel - behind the passionate battle music, there is also an ethereal and distant space opera as a background. color.

Experience Laman!

Especially the increasing number of battle results - the number of destroyed structures suspected of being gun muzzles, as well as the several space fighters and large weapons suspected of being torpedoes that were fished out in the chaotic battle situation, made Qiye more and more happy.

But his fruitful results alone cannot really change the situation of the war.

The situation is getting worse.

I don’t know if the opponent’s battleship shell is made of biological material or memory metal. In short, it seems to have some kind of self-restoring properties. In this ruthless exchange of fire, more and more sections of the Kunlun were damaged due to air tightness, and had to be dropped. Airlock, give up those partitions.

The soldiers are brave enough. Even if they have been abandoned, as long as they are not thrown into the universe immediately, they can still fight with the help of emergency protective suits to ensure that the firepower level does not drop off a cliff.

But as time goes by, the equipment that is encouraged to operate will eventually reach its limit, and a large number of sub-areas will shut down at the same time - in fact, these sub-areas have been destroyed long ago, and it is only the tenacity of the soldiers that has delayed this time until now.

The Kunlun was at a disadvantage in terms of firepower, so the space fighter received less fire cover, suffered higher battle losses, and then its firepower dropped again...

The vicious cycle is accelerating.

The Kunlun is heading towards defeat step by step.

This vicious cycle is almost impossible to break unless other warships come to help, or the commandos that storm the enemy ship can disrupt it from within.

However, the Kunlun is at a disadvantage in head-to-head close combat. Will other warships be able to support friendly forces?

Can the commando warriors, who are completely unfamiliar with the enemy ship, break through numerous obstacles, accurately find the opponent's key locations such as engines, energy sources, ammunition depots or bridges and destroy them?

This is a gamble on luck.

And when you bet on luck, you will lose nine times out of ten.

Therefore, another voice sounded in Qiye's ears, this time it was a general announcement to all units:

Everyone, the time has come to fulfill our oath.

Many people's voices sounded at the same time: Swear to the death to defend our homeland!

Maybe none of us can survive, maybe we are destined to have dinner together in hell, but before that, at least we must bring our enemies to the table!

All officers and men obey orders——


The Kunlun will clear the way for you.

Kunlun, turn! Crash the enemy ship at full speed!

The battleship slowly turned, the reactor output full power, and the engine roared. The Kunlun turned around and rushed towards the enemy ship without hesitation.

This widens the firepower gap between it and enemy ships.

But at this time, this difference no longer matters.

The Kunlun quickly rushed towards the enemy ship. By the time the enemy ship realized the Kunlun's intentions, it was already too late to retreat.

The Kunlun faced fierce gunfire and ran into the side of the enemy ship.

Both battleships suffered heavy damage at the same time.

Qiye witnessed this spectacular scene from an excellent perspective——

Although the Kunlun is riddled with holes and nearly a broken body, its own weight is an unstoppable mass weapon, a shell beyond imagination!

The enemy ship was instantly opened with a huge hole.

Then a violent explosion occurred on the Kunlun's flattened bridge. This explosion not only severely damaged the Kunlun, but also severely damaged the enemy ship - a big hole was directly blasted in the side of the enemy ship!

The warriors on board the Kunlun who had been well prepared poured out from the rear section in full gear and rushed into the enemy ship.

The human fighter planes, commandos, and even gunners outside also rushed towards the big hole at the same time, taking advantage of the enemy's panic moment to rush into the enemy ship.

At this point, the Kunlun was destroyed.

No matter what their previous positions were, the soldiers who broke the cauldron were now transformed into commandos, fearlessly rushing into enemy ships and starting a fight.

The moment Qiye rushed into the enemy ship and jumped out of the floating cannon, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Where that sense of familiarity came from, he couldn't quite tell.

Unfortunately, the battle situation was changing rapidly and there was no time for him to think slowly. He could only rush forward with his teammates. In the process, he successfully reunited with the bearded Oleg and charged together to kill the enemy.

The firearms in his hands are so powerful that even aliens wearing armor can blow them up with one shot.

Of course, the same goes for aliens hitting them.

Moreover, playing away games, the advantage brought by their sudden attack was quickly wiped out, and they began to be attacked from all sides.

Even if the soldiers risk their lives, the situation becomes increasingly unfavorable.

The pressure on Qiye was increasing, and the crisis of death was getting closer and closer. His eyebrows and temples were pounding.

If Oleg hadn't resisted attacks for him again and again, he would have died suddenly.

But Oleg's commando special armor, which he didn't know where to get, was reaching its limit. Maybe one more shot and death would come.

That decisive shot will come soon——

A jet-black alien bullet passed through the crowd, passed through Oleg's armpit, and pointed directly at Qiye's eyebrows.

Then, it stopped there.

An invisible hand held the bullet.

I almost didn't catch up. I did some fine-tuning and correction of typos before sending it out. If you mind, you can refresh it. I'm sorry.

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