Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1162 The gift must be unique enough

Princess Daxia's birthday is of course celebrated according to the traditional calendar.

The little princess Zhu Cixia was born on the first day of April in the Guisi year, which is May 10, 2013 in the Gregorian calendar.

And 18 years later, the first day of April happened to be Xiaoman in the Year of Xinhai, which was May 21, 2031 in the Gregorian calendar.

There are indeed only a few days left.

Lin You didn't just think of this. He had also asked Zhu Cixia before if he wanted to have a Gregorian calendar birthday.

Although the little princess was very excited about moving here 11 days in advance, she firmly rejected the idea.

Since you have received a lot of love and preferential treatment because of your status as a princess since you were a child, you should abide by the rules and regulations that come with this status.

Even if she gives up this identity later, many invisible restrictions will stay with her for a long time.

——For example, she cannot get tattoos or drink alcohol, and the Dionysian life of indulgence, carnival and enjoyment will be insulated from her for the rest of her life.

Fortunately, due to the education and concepts she had received since childhood, many things came naturally to her, and she did not feel that this was a restriction.

But it was also because of her smooth life and lack of everything that she had always had that made it difficult for Lin You to prepare gifts for her.

Zhu Cixia majored in art, so Lin You thought about building an unprecedentedly huge museum in the virtual world and putting in copies of all the famous works of art as a gift.

But he soon discovered that this was a bit strange.

——If this is really done, is this the largest art fraud operation in history? ?

For someone’s coming-of-age ceremony, you give them a fake museum piece?

Netizens can laugh at him forever!

It's not a bad thing, but it's weird to say it.

It would be nice to develop more art museums to provide users with some artistic influence and aesthetic cultivation, but forget it as gifts...

Then he thought again: Should he get her a giant mecha that was unprecedented in scale, super powerful and handsome?

Anyway, the little princess learned to drive.

However, this idea existed even shorter than the previous one...

After that, he thought again: Should he give her something powerful?

For example, the [Ring of Dominance] can take down the Internet in a city in an instant.

This is a new thing he created. It is essentially an electronic virus based on secondary artificial intelligence technology, with multiple gears for adjustment.

In low gear, you can invade, search, and blind.

Mid-range, can usurp permissions and control various smart devices.

At the highest gear, it can have an effect close to that of an EMP bomb, but it is silent and will not leave any traces for tracking.

After Lin You packaged this thing, he specially made it into a ruby ​​ring, which can be activated by pressing the ruby ​​​​ring.

Named——[Ring of Dominance].

It's a bit second-rate, because he was just doing it for fun, and he didn't even test it - because Xiao Meng was here, there was no need for this thing at all.

It's just that when he was studying secondary artificial intelligence, he got some results, so he couldn't help but make it and take a look.

Of course, the [sub-artificial intelligence] technology is complex and sophisticated, and his gains are far more than that.

But this gift is actually a bit strange.

Apart from scaring Zhu Cixia, it would probably be of no use. After all, she had no intention of becoming a hacker...

Anyway, after much deliberation, Lin You didn't have any good ideas.

Finally, he couldn't help but shook the little princess's hand and asked: What is your wish?

Ah? Zhu Cixia was happily taking Lin You shopping, but she didn't expect to hear such a question suddenly.

However, the little princess Bingxue was smart and quickly understood what Lin You was thinking: she was worried about the gift for her coming-of-age ceremony.

The little princess didn’t say anything like giving me whatever I want, or saying I like whatever you give me.

Because that was tantamount to no answer and could not solve Lin You's troubles at all.

So she put her finger on her chin, thought for a while and then replied: I don't have any wishes, but I have something I want very much.

Lin You's eyes immediately lit up: What do you want?

The three brooches you gave me are not enough.

Not enough? Lin You was stunned for a moment.

He originally gave Zhu Cixia three brooches based on [Anti-Attack Technology], namely a small fire dragon, a deer head and an emerald green leaf.

But one of these things is enough, so why isn’t it enough?

Is it broken?

No, how could it be! The little princess shook her head repeatedly, It's not convenient to wear clothes.

Oh, it's a match. Lin You understood.

Yes, it would be nice if there were more styles.

No problem, I'll make some for you when I have time. Lin You agreed.

Yeah. The little princess nodded.

Lin You's expression relaxed.

He knows what to give.

The little princess was also very happy to see Lin You let go of his worries, and happily pulled him forward.

There was a juggler in front.

——That's not an NPC, but a real person performing a show. Players can reward Yunmeng points, which is equivalent to directly giving money.

Zhu Cixia was led by Lin You and became more and more interested in watching the fun...

In the evening, the little princess was invited to start the broadcast again and join in the excitement with Lin You.

Although they are seriously behind other anchors in terms of progress, they still easily reached the top of the popularity list.

At the request of his girlfriend, Lin You stopped fishing and played games with her seriously.

As a result, the speed of the two people immediately increased.

Needless to say, Lin You has broadcast live before. Everyone knows that he is an experienced player, but the level of the little princess is still very surprising.

The previous demo was not very difficult - or basically not difficult at all. In addition, Lin You kept dragging his feet to fish, so no one thought it was a big deal.

But as the difficulty gradually increased, the two people, one cat and one dog, were still on the same level. No matter whether they were dancing or solving puzzles, nothing was difficult for them.

Only then did everyone finally realize——

So the princess is a game master? !

Suddenly, the live broadcast room became more lively...


During the day, Lin You planned to stay up late to do some work after the live broadcast ended and Zhu Cixia left.

But after the live broadcast ended, he saw that it was getting late and couldn't help but lie down.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning the next day that he got up and made a gift for Zhu Cixia.

Of course it’s not as simple as a set of brooches.

That could be done, but it would be somewhat underwhelming as a coming-of-age gift.

The gift he planned to make was much more awesome than that, so he decided to name it——

[External incarnation]!

Doesn't it sound super powerful?

In fact, this is a super sophisticated immersive robot that can be controlled through brain waves to achieve an effect similar to arrival.

His thinking goes like this:

Why does a princess need a brooch?

Because she wanted to go out, but didn't want to be photographed.

So how can we avoid being noticed as much as possible?

——Going out in another body, of course!

Flawless logic!

Let’s do it!

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