Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1221 The Rich Old Man’s Global Auction!

Seemingly sensing the hesitation of the second boss, the subordinate who asked the question suggested:

“Why not ask the all-powerful boss?”

Why bother the boss with this?

Fan Rui was reluctant.

First do some evaluation work, put together various examples, look at the scope of impact, and then look at the opinions of players.

Don't worry, we still have time.

Even if you really want to ask your boss for advice, you must first be fully prepared.

Fan Rui led his employees to start work.

Lin You on the other side didn't know about this yet. After seeing off Qin Songyun and Xiaochun who were returning to their hometown, he suddenly thought of another thing -

It seemed that the rich people who had supported the [World Mobile Ball Competition] could take the opportunity to return their favor.

Anyway, [hibernation technology] will be made public in a few days, so why not tell them the news now.

By the way, give those rich old men a little technological shock.

By the way, those overseas wealthy people who buy mechas can also notify them and treat them as feedback from major customers.

In China, [hibernation warehouses] must be medical equipment at the beginning, and every step must be taken steadily.

But overseas, you don’t need to be so cautious.

To a certain extent, it can also be said that Lin You owns the overseas franchise of hibernating warehouses.

Naturally, why not do a small sociological experiment to test what kind of impact hibernation technology will have on society under the rules of marketization?

Anyway, hibernation technology is also used to provide cover for the [Digital Life] project in a certain sense. Naturally, the bigger the technology, the better.

No matter how popular it is in Daxia, it is better to release some quotas for overseas countries and let them take action.

Participating in person is definitely easier to fall into than watching from afar.

In this way, the next attempt of [digital life] can be a little more secure in terms of confidentiality.

As soon as he said it, Lin You immediately told his personal assistant, the little princess Zhu Cixia, what he thought.

For the little princess, this was no problem and she quickly wrote the email.

However, after Lin You finished reading it, he asked her to revise it: The writing is very good, but one important point is missing.

The little princess was a little confused: What's the point?

As Lin You's bedfellow + personal secretary, Lin You basically avoids her in everything he does. He even asked her to sit by and listen to his communication with He Peng yesterday. Therefore, she already knows a lot about hibernation technology, and she really can't think of anything on her own. Missed something.

Lin You smiled and said, You are limited in your thinking by our own plan.

These rich people are most afraid of death, and they are all in good health. Your temptation to save lives from terminal illnesses is very limited.

What they really care about is how to stay young and how to live longer.

So what you should focus on is not terminal illness, but 'freezing the body's state, stopping the body's aging, and extending the physiological life span'.

Although we know that hibernation is not an absolute cessation and will be of little help to people who end their lives normally, most of them are still far away from their end of life, so the life-extending effect is uncompromising.

And life extension is what really drives them crazy.

Are you planning to... release some places? Zhu Cixia immediately thought of what Lin You planned to do.

Lin You nodded, There are so many rich old men who have so much money and no place to spend it. I think it is my responsibility to help them redistribute it.


Zhu Cixia was speechless and silently modified the email.

In less than 10 minutes, the modification of the email was completed. Lin You nodded to confirm. Xiao Meng grabbed it and threw it away before sending it.

This time, a total of 116 emails were sent.

It's not that Lin You only has the email addresses of so many wealthy people, it's that only these people have contributed to the [World Mobile Ball Competition] or placed mecha orders at [Titan Manufacturing].

This actually doesn't affect anything.

So many emails were sent at the same time, some of which were from the company's email addresses, so it was impossible to keep this matter secret.

This is indeed the case -

More than half of the people who received the email finished reading it within an hour of Xiaomeng sending it and responded quickly.

After that, more than 40 people responded, and the reply was completed within the next two hours.

Considering that these people are distributed all over the world, and many of them have completely opposite time differences, this efficiency is amazing.

But what was even more shocking was that Xiao Meng told Lin You the next morning: Master, we have received a lot of emails.

Lin You and Zhu Cixia then opened their mailboxes to check.

Lying in the recipient list were not only the remaining ten replies among the 116 emails, but also more than 200 emails from people with whom Lin You had communicated but had not been notified by Lin You, and more than 500 emails from Lin You. An email from someone you don’t know at all and have never communicated with.

Without exception, these people are either rich or wealthy - or both.

The purpose of their letters is exactly the same: to ask if they can learn more about hibernation technology, such as the specific effects, safety, risks, etc. of this technology, and more importantly - how to obtain the use of this technology. Qualifications for new technologies.

Lin You was not in a hurry to reply, because emails were still coming one after another.

This didn't surprise him.

The world's richest people may account for a very small proportion of the total population, but in absolute terms, they are far more than many people feel.

At least there are definitely not as few people as Qianlaihao.

Probably the topic of life extension is indeed a hot topic among the wealthy circles. By the afternoon, [hibernation technology] has been completely spread among the wealthy and upper-class circles, and it is no longer a secret for a few people.

If the media group hadn't been in the hands of these people, [hibernation technology] would have made headlines in the Western media.

However, the qualified and well-connected big media were ordered not to speak nonsense, and the small media who dared to speak nonsense had no channels to learn about this matter. This resulted in the news only being circulated among the Western elites and not being exposed to the public. In front of you.

However, this intentional information gap is destined to be broken.

Because Lin You's style of doing things has always been to go big!

Since there is an opportunity to gather so many rich people together, wouldn't it be a pity that everyone can't meet each other and create a fuss?

Lin You has everything planned.

The first step: Hold a virtual meeting first, and he will personally come forward to explain the specifics of hibernation technology to these rich old men and rich old ladies, and dispel their doubts.

Step two: In the next two days, Daxia will confirm the pilot hospital, and more successful cases will appear to further dispel their scruples. By the way, they will also add some tempting desserts of restoring youth in the virtual world to maximize their appeal. stimulate their desire.

After that, it’s the final big scene——

Global Auction!

Want to live longer?

Want to relive your youth again?

Then come and bid!

Using my name as a guarantee, I promise you longer life and youth!

And the price is just a trivial amount of money.

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