Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1239 10 progress!

Virtual office, Mirage 3.0, installment payment, second-hand host, global lifting...

Under the superposition of various factors, both the total number of users in the virtual world and the average daily number of online users have shown a significant climbing curve.

Correspondingly, Xiaomeng's decryption efficiency has naturally increased steadily.

But before that, the decrypted things were the same as before, all fragments that could not be deciphered.

The efficiency of mining is indeed much higher, but what is dug out is waste ore.

This is somewhat discouraging.

But now, the situation has finally changed - Xiaomeng has dug up something big!

Lin You immediately became excited.

He quickly came to the space carrier with Xiao Meng, and reappeared the brilliant sun that emitted countless data light strips.

Here. Xiao Meng stretched out her little hand, grabbed a ribbon turned into light, and gestured to Lin You.

Lin You looked over and instantly understood what Xiao Meng meant——

Most of the other data ribbons are very slender and look thicker than a hair, but the one held in Xiao Meng's hand looks like a soft ribbon, and its size alone is more than a hundred times that of other data!

This is definitely a big guy!


The decryption has not been successful yet? Lin You was stunned.

Not yet. Xiaomeng smiled sheepishly, and while pulling the ribbon out like a tug of war, she complained, This is too big!

Lin You didn't go up to help pull him.

Because Xiaomeng's movements are only visual expressions, like loading bars, what she is really doing is to use a large amount of players' fuzzy computing power to decrypt this huge data blob.

Lin You switched to the world of data and tried to analyze this big thing.

But it's hard.

Because he found that this big thing was hugely different from the previous fragments - it seemed to be wrapped in a layer of something.

Is this layer of protection?

Or is it because of the use of a special folding hand that allows it to be compressed several times in a row, making it more difficult to uncover the secret while ensuring its integrity?

Lin You is difficult to determine.

But the importance of this big guy is unquestionable.

——Even through layers of protection, Lin You saw something out of the ordinary.

His current brain's sensitivity to data when operating at full capacity has become almost inhuman. He can completely feel the relationship between this big guy and data wreckage, artificial intelligence, digital life and hibernation in the performance of data. All have some structural similarities.

There are even some intelligent life traits that are only shown in Xiao Meng!

Of course, this is the least.

Lin You judged based on intuition that the technical level of this big guy - or to put it more middle-level, the position on the road to digital ascension should be above that of conventional artificial intelligence. But under the hibernator.

But the amount of data he carries far exceeds that of the hibernator, and even far exceeds the digital life that Lin You has seen so far!

Lin You looked at this somewhat contradictory big guy and had a strong premonition in his heart:

This big guy... shouldn't be able to communicate, right?

No matter how you look at it, this big guy is much stronger than the secondary artificial intelligence!

If he could really communicate, he would be able to answer many of Lin You's questions - neither technology nor dreams could come from nothingness. He really wanted to know what was going on.

Thinking of this, Lin You immediately had strong expectations!

However, he did not urge Xiao Meng. Instead, he walked over and picked up Xiao Meng, who was tug-of-war with Hei Xiu Hei Xiu and the light belt. Okay, okay, don't tire you, let's encourage the players.

Okay! Xiaomeng raised her hands in agreement.

This was not a sudden thought of Lin You. When planning the world mission [Return to the Starry Sky], he arranged Easter eggs to stimulate players' enthusiasm.

Now it's just a matter of adjusting the order to arouse the players' enthusiasm more thoroughly.

Ever since, at 7:21 the next morning, at the moment when the 10 billion demand progress bar for [Return to the Starry Sky] was filled to 10%, a promotional video was unlocked——

On the two huge screens where players accepted the [Return to the Starry Sky] mission, all missions disappeared instantly, a progress bar appeared in the center of the screen, and then was quickly pushed to 10%.

Then, the progress bar disappeared, leaving only two dark screens.

The players on the liver mission had to stop and gather under the huge display screen, looking at the dark screen with confusion.

Then, long music sounded slowly.

An emerald green planet quickly zoomed in on the dark screen.


The scene suddenly burst into cheers.

Players did not expect that there would be Easter eggs when the progress reached 10%, and they were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Especially players who stayed up all night because they didn't have to go to work or go to school on Sundays immediately woke up!

Many people even couldn't help shouting out their guesses——

monster hunter!!

It's not surprising that they think so. After all, there are still many players fighting on the other side of the rift, and this game is also the only game in Yunmeng that has not released a promotional video.

It's the right time to announce it at this time.

But they guessed wrong.

After the camera zoomed in, what appeared was not all kinds of strange and huge beasts, but—

A huge cliff with infinite vastness and grandeur.

Against the backdrop of this infinitely majestic cliff, a spaceship that can travel across the stars is as small as a fly.

Now, the spacecraft is dragging its smoking tail, drawing a long trail in the air, diagonally heading towards the cliff.


The camera suddenly zoomed in, and the spacecraft hit a solid cliff. Smoke and dust flew everywhere, and debris and iron pieces flew everywhere.

When everything calmed down, they saw that the front half of a shuttle-shaped spaceship was embedded in the stone wall, unable to move.


The distorted hatch was blown open, and several astronauts wearing full spacesuits walked out. They stood on the edge of the spacecraft, looking at the misty and bottomless abyss below, pointing to the sky and cursing in despair.

But in the next shot, they calmed down, organized their equipment, and operated a portable excavator to dig into the wall to build a temporary shelter.

In the next shot, an astronaut is holding a natural blue cube crystal in a dark cave and shouting to his teammates in surprise.

After that, there is a diamond-shaped crystal mine that shines with pure golden light.

More and more minerals are piling up, the damage to the spacecraft is being repaired bit by bit, and everything is developing for the better.

But immediately, huge spider monsters emerged from the night. They crawled on the vertical cliffs and attacked the survivors!

There were gunshots, crashes, weird hissing sounds, and the twisted whine of the spacecraft shell in the darkness...

At dawn the next day, the spacecraft became more damaged and there were two fewer astronauts.

As a result, the astronauts began to strengthen the weapons and defenses of the spacecraft, but more and more monsters emerged and became stronger, and the intensity of the battle continued to rise!

The last battle scene was full of fire!

But the film did not show the result of this battle, but instead released the name of the game——

Wall of Life!

Finally, there is the usual flash of pictures - the pyramids growing outward from the giant wall, the primitive settlements left among the vines and trees, the huge but decaying mechanical creations, and the technological crystallization deep in the giant wall that transcends the times...

And the final release date——

[The day we return to the starry sky, meet the magnificent wall! ]

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