Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1253 Aliens sweep the virtual world! Lin You lost contact! (2-in-1)

Tang Mingyue is not dead yet.

He once again faced a new choice——

Thanks to the players for keeping people under their guns, although countless people were firing at the wave of aliens behind him, they all consciously avoided him who was running at the front, and there were not even many stray bullets.

But when he came to the wall, the place had become a living hell.

The battle line spontaneously formed by the players has long been in chaos. One after another, the aliens tore open the abdominal cavity of the host and came out, attacking everyone around them crazily.

Some players looked at the aliens coming out of their stomachs and screamed in fear; some held down their bulging bellies; some held guns and fired wildly without distinguishing between friend and foe; some players with weak psychological endurance took out their hands. Lei is holding it in his hand waiting to die...

Gunshots, explosions, shouts, hisses, acid splashes mixed together...

All hell breaks loose!

It is obviously unrealistic to want to pass through the isolation gate smoothly at this time.

There were only two choices before Tang Mingyue:

1. Jump out of the car and fight your way out of this battlefield of aliens and humans!

2. Step on the accelerator and rush over!

"I'm sorry, brothers!" Tang Mingyue was heartbroken, holding the handle of the car and about to rush forward.

"Give one, give one, give one!"

"Don't mess around!" The players who were already in a mess suddenly became even more confused and hurriedly tried to escape.

But this place has been turned into a pot of porridge, how can we escape?

Seeing that a young unlucky guy was about to be run over by an all-terrain vehicle, Tang Mingyue suddenly pulled the handlebar, avoiding the unlucky guy and slamming into an alien that rushed towards him. Step on the accelerator, pull out a shotgun and point it at the alien's mouth and fire continuously!

——He still can’t be cruel.

Under the double attack of being crushed by wheels and approaching and firing, the tenacious alien finally lost the strength to struggle and collapsed little by little.

The player who fell to the ground in panic got up from the ground and said thanks: "Thanks."

"No, are you infected?" Tang Mingyue looked around and immediately asked the most critical question.

"No." The player with a childish look on his face checked his status bar again, and then answered Tang Mingyue after making sure there was no problem, "I am a new player."

"New player?" Tang Mingyue blinked, a little unfamiliar with this title.

But he quickly realized: This guy had probably just bought a mirage and had not been in the virtual world for long, so he had not yet adapted to the strange and wild cultural atmosphere of the virtual world.

Thinking of this, the instinct of "taking care of seedlings" immediately came to mind. Tang Mingyue even spoke in a gentler voice: "Do you have weapons? Come on, let's break out of the encirclement!"

Generally speaking, veteran players can cheat in any way they want.

But new players should still take care of them if they can.

Tang Mingyue is a veteran player. Although he is still close to [Honorary Player], in front of new players, he is too fierce!

He stretched out his arms, loaded two shotguns, and fired two shots at the aliens rushing up from both sides.

The strength of the alien body was astonishing, but it could not withstand the impact and was instantly knocked back.

"Follow up!"

The new players followed closely, watching Tang Mingyue show off his power.

After experiencing the influence of shooting games and action games one after another, especially the real introductory martial arts training in "Chang'an", players are actually no longer the players they used to be!

As long as you calm down, even if you haven't specially trained combat skills, you can still exert considerable lethality.

If you have carefully learned the knowledge and skills from the previous games, it will be even more incredible!

Tang Mingyue, a good citizen, could see all directions in the chaotic battlefield and kill all directions when he was in good condition!

Of course, he is walking on a tightrope. He can be very handsome if he doesn't make mistakes, but if he makes a mistake, he will die instantly.

The good news is that the moment he made a mistake while stepping on the tightrope, a giant ax suddenly struck down! The attacking alien was chopped to death on the spot.

Ivan Ivanov: "I'm not infected either, either!"

Tang Mingyue threw down the shotgun, pulled out a shoulder cannon out of thin air in front of the stunned eyes of the new players, blasted the alien with one shot and replied decisively: "Okay, together!"

"Everyone who is not infected with the virus! Get out together!"

"If you are already infected, please don't come! Please!!!"

Tang Mingyue's words were of no use to those who were already infected with the virus.

But the few people who were not infected - whether they had never been to the space city before, or they had just returned from a long voyage, and had not been in the space city for the past three days, in short, they were not infected, at this time they instantly had a backbone and gathered immediately .

With the help of this small organization, they finally passed the separation wall with great difficulty when a large group of aliens rushed up from behind.

But that doesn't mean they're safe.

On the other side of the separation wall, there are also aliens emerging from the player's body, killing like crazy.

There was gunfire, explosions and chaos everywhere, and all they could do was keep running.

Then, Tang Mingyue saw an outrageous situation——

A tall, burly, but extremely ugly Predator is struggling to fight against the aliens.

Fully mature aliens and Predators are almost the same, but now running in the space city are all rapidly spawned aliens that are not fully developed, and the Predator can barely resist them.

But when they saw Tang Mingyue and the others, the Predator immediately turned around and roared at Tang Mingyue and the others.

‘What did you do on horseback? ! ’

Tang Mingyue didn't understand the language of the Predator, but he easily understood the meaning of the Predator.

Because he also wants to complain!

"How do I know when I'm riding a horse?! It's not my fault!" Tang Mingyue was unhappy.

But he was still unhappy, so he still sent out an invitation: "Do you want to come together?"

After speaking, he also looked at the other "pure players" around him: "I have a plan."

[Gather the power of all players and NPCs who are still "clean", first establish a stronghold, then eliminate the aliens one by one, and retake the space city! ]

This is Tang Mingyue's plan.

Perfect logic and clear organization.

The only problem was: he had misjudged the scale of the disaster.

——Until now, he thought that the [alien disaster] was just a problem in the space city, and the situation was still controllable.

But in fact, the situation has long been out of control!


Players who died in the virtual house were forced to engage in a 1V1 real-person battle with aliens in their own homes after being resurrected, and their mentality was about to collapse.

Even if they die again, after resurrection, they will only see two aliens!

In addition to escaping offline, you can only log in and go to other worlds.

But is the other world safe?

of course not!

A group of panicked refugees suddenly appeared in the peaceful Metropolitan Square.

They looked horrified, but no one cared.

But two minutes later, they suddenly started screaming, and when terrifying monsters crawled out of their stomachs, no one could ignore them!

Monsters rushed towards the crowd, causing huge screams on the spot.

——Everyone is just here for shopping and leisure. Can you imagine that the city center will suddenly be invaded by aliens? !

Players are fine.

Although the casual players were a little frightened, there were also many hardcore players who immediately took out their weapons and organized a counterattack to cover the evacuation of the casual players.

But NPC is different!

Apart from running wildly and screaming, there is no other reaction at all - the simple exceptions are Night City and Cyber ​​Chang'an. The NPCs in these two places have bad tempers. Although many NPCs are frightened, there are also more NPCs on the spot. Get the guy and start doing it!

——Yes, the crisis of alien invasion does not only occur in Metropolis.

In Night City, in the underground bathhouse of the Red Circle Club, aliens are hunting crazily from bathhouse to bathhouse, and the bathhouses are dyed red with blood;

In Chang'an City, in the Chanding Temple filled with incense, warrior monks lined up in front of the Main Hall, but in the blink of an eye they were knocked down by a surging alien force, and their blood spattered the temple;

In the divine capital, outside Ziwei City, white alien shapes rise and fall in the Luoshui River;

In the virtual Xia Jing, in the bustling commercial street, aliens are on all fours, chasing fashionably dressed men and women;

In virtual Berlin, on the lawn in front of the Reichstag, NPC guards and German players are fighting aliens;

In virtual Paris, traffic is almost paralyzed, and aliens swagger through the Arc de Triomphe;

In virtual New York, aliens are rampant at the crossroads of the world. In the super prison building, prisoners, prison guards and aliens are setting off a wave of riots;

Even in the boundless wilderness of [Earth OL], aliens flashed from time to time, running and screaming!

There are hundreds of thousands of players in the space city, but it doesn't mean that there are only hundreds of thousands of players who have been recruited.

Hundreds of thousands of people are just the number that one mirror can accommodate.

In three days, there were at least a million players online and offline in Space City! Even if only one-fifth of the people are recruited - the actual proportion is far higher than this number, there are still 200,000 people!

The most terrifying thing is: not all of these 200,000 people stay in the space city—they have been scattered across various maps and games from the beginning.

The players who later escaped from the space city were just a signal to start the fire.

The real bomb has been planted long ago!

As soon as the ignition signal arrives, it explodes simultaneously and sweeps the entire virtual world!

From the perspective of the NPCs, this is simply a catastrophe that sweeps the entire multiverse at the same time!

Aliens crawl out of the human body, kill humans, and inject them into embryos, which then give birth to new aliens... The number of aliens is growing like a snowball, and the scale of disasters is increasing exponentially!

Just two hours later, it affected almost every corner of the virtual world.

Light users have gone offline to avoid this irresistible crisis of annihilation.

A large number of complaints and confused voices appeared on social networks. The four words "Alien Disaster" finished the list in just one hour and topped the trending list!

——Not only was Lingxi ranked No. 1 in hot searches, but [Alien Disaster] also topped the list in major overseas Internet communities in a very short period of time!

As more and more players escape offline, related discussions continue to rise!

In addition to the voices of complaints and confusion, the voices calling for Yunmeng to give an explanation also became more and more intense.

If it were any other game company, everyone would have been in trouble.

But because it was Yunmeng, the players' voices were inevitably filled with confusion and uncertainty.

Because no one is sure whether this is some kind of disgusting system bug or a big event deliberately created by Yunmeng.

——Although this kind of large-scale event is too outrageous to look like, Yunmeng is originally an outrageous company led by an outrageous boss, so it is not completely impossible to carry out such outrageous activities.

But Yunmeng's movements this time were somewhat slow, and he didn't make any sound.

In this case, light users can only turn their attention back to the virtual world.


In the virtual world, core players are still struggling!

——They found that after they died once, they would return to purity from the "infected mother". As long as they were not injected into the embryo again, there would be no risk of being parasitized, so they quickly organized themselves to try to fight against this crisis.

Especially [Honorary Players], the online proportion is astonishingly high!

Even players who had received the title of [Honorary Player] for casual games, most of them went online without hesitation to fight against this sudden crisis.

No matter what they were doing before, all the major game anchors urgently went online at this time, calling on their fans and water friends to also go online.

Many anchors who had fallen asleep due to jet lag were also woken up at this time.

Whether it's for the limelight, for attention, or simply driven by a sense of responsibility, everyone joins this chaos one by one.

In the official forum, [Mobilization Posts], [Recruitment Posts], and [Cruelty Messages] written in various languages ​​have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, calling for more new troops to join this majestic rescue operation.

[Flag of Salvation], which has the word "salvation" in its name, also welcomed their spiritual totem - water splash, re-established the original organizational structure, and once again participated in the vigorous battle of salvation.

This strong wave even encouraged many players who had fled to return to the game world and join the battlefield.

The calls for resistance grew louder and louder.

But success is easier said than done.

The process of players logging off is also the process of leaving their bodies behind - most of them were chased in the face by aliens before they finally saw the reality and were forced to log off.

If you force a breakaway during a battle, you will inevitably leave corpses behind.

So the number of aliens keeps increasing +1+1+1...

Even though players have been offline on a large scale, the exponential increase in the scale of the aliens has not stopped——

Players can go offline, but NPCs cannot!

How many NPCs are there in the virtual world?

No one has counted the players because there are too many! Yunmeng's development team often adds new NPCs whenever there is nothing to do.

Now, these NPCs have all become a hotbed for alien hatching!

——Except for Cyber ​​Changan, the NPC combat power there is really outrageous. There are also a large number of unmanned combat units and advanced intelligent AI assistance. Not to mention the super strong resistance, even if many people and NPCs are dead, they will be covered in iron-clad righteousness. The body cannot be used to hatch new aliens.

But even if it is as strong as Cyber ​​Changan, it is only evenly matched and creates a tug of war, let alone other battlefields.

Defeated steadily!

Just to establish strongholds in the fallen maps, a large number of corpses were left behind, and as the number of players in the stronghold increased, more alien armies were attracted to attack!

The hastily assembled defense line is in danger!

Players in the virtual world fight tenaciously.

Real-world gamers are speaking out.

They are asking: Where is Yunmeng? Where is Lin You?

Your virtual world is almost turning into a nest of aliens, do you really want to ignore it? !

Qin Songyun, Fan Rui, Qiao Nanyu, Shen Ping, Ye Xiaohe...etc., etc., the Yunmeng staff's views on this issue of players are:

good question!

Where is Lin You?

They also want to ask this question!

As soon as the problem arose, they contacted Lin You urgently.

Experience tells them: You may not be able to contact your boss if nothing happens, but if something big happens, you will definitely be able to contact them!

But this time, the experience failed.

At this juncture——

Lin You, lost contact.

The card was reviewed again, maybe because of the virtual place name? I'm not sure either, I'm very confused.

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