Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1260 The Treatment of the Protagonist of Destiny

The reason why Dr. Dark Star changed his mind was that he saw two special NPCs——

In the screen showing the content of Metropolis, he saw a large number of players gathering together to cover the evacuation of two NPCs at all costs.

Even the scene of using his own body as a shield was performed several times in a row.

This is completely opposite to the attitude elsewhere where people often die with aliens and hundreds of people die without blinking an eye.

The doctor curiously used the authority given to him by Lin You to check the information of these two virtual characters, and found that one of them was named Jenny, the other was named Johnny, and their nicknames were A-Zhen and A-Qiang respectively.

They are the first virtual characters in the digital world. They also participate in the production of an online news program every week and are very popular.

The doctor understood a little, but was still very surprised.

It's not like these virtual characters cannot be resurrected after death. If this is really a fanatical war civilization, they probably won't care about this.

With curiosity, he paid attention to this scene and saw Azhen and Aqiang retreating into the underground shelter of the metropolis, escorted by thousands of players.

The scene inside the shelter even caused bright yellow flames to appear around the doctor's body——

Surrounded by many virtual characters, some seemingly young children were eating, sleeping, and reading in the spacious shelter.

After the players escorted Azhen and Aqiang into the shelter, the awake children ran over to greet them, and the players also began to unload supplies one by one.

Only then did the doctor notice: It seemed that he had not seen a single child avatar before.

It turns out that it’s not that there are no young avatars in this digital world, but that they are being protected?

If virtual child characters will be protected, what about real underage users?

Driven by curiosity, the doctor began to search for relevant information.

It's not difficult.

He soon discovered that users under the age of 16 would not be parasitized by this terrible monster.

If it is a younger user - under 10 years old, even if the alien sees them, it will be as if they have not seen it, and they will just walk around.

Because of the existence of a [dynamic grading system], the monsters in their eyes even look different from adults!

‘Have you even noticed the psychological protection? ’

'In this case……'

The doctor came up with a new idea and began to look for a place like a shelter that was not invaded by aliens.

After searching for it, he actually found it - and there are many places like this!

Minecraft mod sharing platform, almost all mods are safe and sound.

The non-modded game itself and servers developed by underage players are also safe.

Inspired by this, the doctor further discovered that apart from the public area of ​​​​this digital world, there are still many small worlds created by users themselves. Because of the natural isolation from the public world, there is no chaos.

It's just that the permissions Lin You gave him did not allow him to cross the boundaries of the public world and spy on players' personal game worlds, so he was unable to see the real-time footage.

——The permissions Lin You gave him could only take a look at the player's team online world.

This is also the authority that Yunmeng employees can have.

In Lin You's design, the open public world belongs to the public area and requires the lowest permissions to access it.

A world where multiple players are online, but not open to the public, is a semi-public area and requires a higher level of permissions.

As for the player's personal game world, it is a completely private area and cannot be accessed without special authorization.

——In fact, players’ virtual houses also fall into this category, but because most players have embedded their virtual houses into the public world, and the connection with the public world is relatively close, they cannot isolate the “infection” of aliens.

But the doctor didn't dwell on this.

The information he saw in front of him was enough.

Even if such an astonishing and terrible accident occurred in this world when the [Ultimate Authority Person] was not around, the protective measures could still operate well, protecting the young, the isolated, and even virtual characters. This is enough to prove that the [Ultimate Authority Person] the goodwill and prudence of the author].

——Maybe he is still not cautious enough and the protective measures are not perfect enough, but he at least tries hard.


The doctor glanced at Lin You and Xiao Meng who were busy.

‘Perhaps, he just needs some help and an experienced person to check and fill in the gaps for him from another angle to avoid such accidents from happening again. ’

Dr. Dark Star thought so.

An hour and a half later, Lin You finally had his hands free after allocating all the work into categories and detailing it to each group.

——After that, just keep an eye on the progress and provide technical support when necessary.

The first thing to do after freeing up his hands is naturally to deal with the troublesome problem of Dr. Dark Star.

But what he didn't expect was——

As soon as he turned around and before he could speak, Dr. Dark Star spoke first:

Sorry, I may have misunderstood you before.


A big question mark slowly appeared on Lin You's head.

'What happened? ’

‘Why is he apologizing to me? ’

‘Are aliens’ brain circuits so strange? ’

He didn't know the complicated mental process of Dr. Dark Star, so he couldn't understand why the doctor handed him the steps.

He even glanced at Xiaomeng suspiciously.

But Xiaomeng shook his head, not knowing what was going on.

Lin You was confused.

But people have handed me the steps, so it would be impolite not to leave.

So he followed the doctor's lead and talked about the protection measures in the virtual world, as well as his own thoughts on balancing protection and restrictions. He also seriously discussed how to give people the best possible freedom while ensuring the greatest freedom. Need adequate protection from protectors” topic.


While Lin You and Dr. Dark Star, two visitors from another world, were exchanging experiences, the players were still fighting a difficult battle.

The aliens' combat power is astonishing, and the battle line is too long. Players all feel that the battle is difficult.

It was only thanks to the constant flow of new forces returning to the virtual world that the battle front was kept at a stalemate.

They are now relying entirely on their stubbornness not to admit defeat, and the support system that Lin lobbied to come online in three hours to support them.

There are only two exceptions.

One is Cyber ​​Changan, which naturally needs no further mention.

But another place is quite unexpected——


Here, players witnessed the birth of the world of Pandora [Destiny's Daughter]!

[The Flag of Salvation] and the alien army met in the forest and started an all-out war.

After a fierce battle, with limited weapons and supplies, [Flag of Salvation] was at a disadvantage. At the same time, more aliens were born from the corpses. It was a critical moment when the army was about to be scattered and harvested, and the army was defeated... …

The overwhelming shadow suddenly covered the entire battlefield!

The boundless forest shook the tree crowns at the same time, and the rustling sound reached my ears from the distant sky.

The tremors of the earth became stronger and stronger.


The beast tide is coming!

Eva's wrath descends on this battlefield!

The Phantom Dragon flapped its wings and stirred up strong winds, causing both players and aliens to step back and give up their positions.

Only the water splash directly below did not move, pressing against the flying long hair.

Then, the Phantom Dragon slowly landed in the center of the battlefield and lowered its head to Splash, who had just lost his mount.

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