Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 144 I have a bold idea!

Let's talk about the call Xia Yi received.

She didn't feel surprised when she saw Xiao Mei on the caller ID, and got connected without any hassle.

Originally, she had made an appointment with Xiaomei to play together, but now the call was a little late.

Like her, Xiaomei is probably decorating the house in the virtual world.

Xia Yi first started using prosthetics, and went through a difficult mental journey when adapting and rebuilding.

During that period, she joined some related group chats, hoping to gain some support and strength from those who were in the same situation.

During that time, she met many friends who were in similar situations, and Xiaomei was the most special girl among them.

Xia Yi is disabled in her right leg, while Xiao Mei lost her left calf.

Although the experience was similar, Xiaomei was much more optimistic than her!

Although she was several years younger than Xia Yi, she quickly accepted all of this. Every time she talked with Xia Yi, she was full of enthusiasm and always had a warm smile.

When Xia Yi saw Lin You release the virtual reality equipment, when she was excited, the first person she contacted was Xiao Mei.

While crying, she told Xiaomei the good news.

Xiaomei on the other end of the phone is obviously younger than Xia Yi, and she is only 18 years old this year, but like a big sister, she gently comforts Xia Yi who is several years older than her.

Last week, Xiaomei finally snapped up a Mirage. Excitedly, Xia Yi met Xiaomei in the virtual world and completed the pilgrimage in the desert together.

In the end, Xiaomei said with a regretful face: This game is good everywhere, but it's a pity that it's a bit unreal. And I really want to go shopping and play with you.

Xia Yi is in Xiajing, and Xiaomei is in Los Angeles. They have only met twice in real life, and they usually communicate more through the Internet.

Xiao Mei just sighed subconsciously, but Xia Yi's eyes lit up: It's ok! Did I tell you? Last week I went to participate in the closed beta of Yunmeng's new game.

Well, what's the matter? Xiaomei nodded in confusion.

You can go shopping in the new game! Not only can you go shopping, but it also has a lot of fun content! But I can't tell you yet, when the game is released, we can play together!

Although Xiaomei was very curious, she wasn't the kind of character who insisted on getting to the bottom of things. She just said happily, Okay, then we've made a deal.


Xia Yi hung up the phone and logged into the world of League of Assassins.

Xia Yi quickly dug out all the money in the house without taking care of her virtual boyfriend who was taking a shower in the bathroom

——The amount and location of the money was shared by others in the lobby of the Yunmeng Experience Store after the first day of internal testing.

Then she accepted the invitation and went to the world where Xiaomei was.

Much to her surprise: Xiaomei was not alone waiting for her, including Xiaomei, there were already 8 people here.

It looks like there are men and women, young and old.

The youngest boy looked like Xia Yi even wondered if he had reached the game's 16+ grading standard.

And the oldest aunt looks like she may be over 40 years old.

——When it came to League of Assassins, Lin You still didn't open the pinching function. Everyone's avatars come from their own cognition and memory, and there is basically no big deviation in age.

Of course, this perception also makes some slight differences.

After all, even if you look in the mirror, people's perception of themselves will not be completely accurate.

It's like most people feel that their appearance has reached a small peak after taking a bath.

——But apart from being cleaner and more spiritual, nothing has changed.

And that leads to another interesting thing: people who are confident and satisfied with their appearance tend to be prettier in their avatar than they are in real life. And those who have low self-esteem and only focus on physical defects will have more obvious defects.

People who don't care about moles on their face will have lighter moles in the virtual world. For those who are particularly concerned about moles, the color of moles will be darker.

But all of this is very limited, and it's hard to notice if you don't pay special attention.

At least for now, no similar voice has been found on the Internet.

Xiao Mei, who are these people? Xia Yi asked suspiciously.

Everyone is a group of friends! It's just that I haven't played games much before, and I don't know what to do after entering the game. So I want to ask you, a professional, to help and teach everyone! Xiaomei smiled explained.

As soon as Xiaomei mentioned group friends, Xia Yi understood that these people were probably people with some physical disabilities, and they hadn't played games much before.

The device was purchased now because the Mirage would provide an opportunity to regain a sense of wholeness.

She was more than happy to help, but—This game, the multiplayer mode can't push the plot?

Ah? Xiaomei had no idea about this, and she didn't play games much before, Then what should I do?

Xia Yi thought for a while, There is nothing to say about the mission, just follow the mission prompts. If you really don't understand, you can wait a day and watch the live broadcast or video guide of the players who are progressing fast.

Then I'll let everyone go back first? Xiao Mei asked uncertainly.

Xia Yi burst into a big smile: No need! It's rare for everyone to gather together, and it's a group gathering. Let's go, I'll take everyone to the playground!

But before leaving, she asked, Have you brought any money?

The little boy was a little nervous, Do you still have to pay? My pocket money has been used up.

The lady in her 40s smiled gently and said, Don't worry, I'll pay for it for you.

Xia Yi quickly stopped, No, no, it's not cash, it's money from the game.

After she finished speaking, she took out the banknotes she found in the house and motioned for everyone to see: This one!

Everyone took out their pockets and found that there was only a small amount of change in the wallet.

Xia Yi didn't need to look to know that it was not enough to buy tickets to the amusement park.

Because of their experience, the closed beta players know to find money first when they enter the game, but ordinary players don't have this awareness.

Xia Yi originally wanted to tell everyone where to find money, but suddenly, a brilliant idea popped up.

——It’s less than 250 knives just to search for the rental house at the beginning of the game, and you can buy an amusement park ticket. But after entering, all the food and drink will be charged, and she also needs money to go shopping with Xiaomei.

$250 is a drop in the bucket!

If you want to have fun, you must prepare a lot of money!

Since there are already 9 people including her, why not make a big one?

During the two days of the closed beta, after the game ended, everyone got together to chat about the game.

I don't know how Yunmeng chooses players, many people have very clear minds.

One of them had a brain hole, which surprised Xia Yi in particular.

This brain hole is based on a key discovery: the playground seems to be perfectly integrated with the whole city, but it is actually independent of the game world, and its essence is a special copy.

Another basic rule is: when committing a crime in the city, depending on the distance between the crime location and the police station, the NPC police will arrive at the scene within 5 to 10 minutes.

This creates a loophole: if you can buy a ticket to enter the playground within 5 minutes of the robbery. Then the NPC police in the game world will not be able to enter the playground to catch you.

Because players can cross dungeons, but NPC policemen can't - dungeons are another world to NPC policemen.

Xia Yi looked at the group of friends in front of her, a group of old, weak, sick and disabled in a real sense, and announced a bold idea: Let's form a group to rob!

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