Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 178 Opening a store in the virtual world?

On Thursday, Lin You started a busy day.

He first thought of the release arrangement of Light Yu, and logged in to the virtual studio on time after 9 o'clock to briefly discuss with everyone.

Considering the extremely high popularity of League of Assassins, everyone unanimously agreed to delay the release for one week, and release a trailer first this week.

By the way, I also decided on the idea of ​​the trailer—to take a look at the popularity of Journeyman.

It has only been half a month since the full platform version of this game was released, and after a batch of mirages are released every week, millions of new players will enter the world of Journeyman.

With the combination of these multiple factors, although Journeyman can't catch up with the masterpiece League of Assassins in terms of popularity, it is actually more terrifying than League of Assassins in terms of the number of players.

Since the heat is so high, don't rub it for nothing!

However, Lin You didn't plan to take care of these things. While he was busy these days, the staff in the studio didn't really take time off.

New employees are constantly being recruited, and everyone is helping new employees master the development tools as soon as possible and adapt to the new work rhythm and corporate culture.

— That is, during working hours, complete your tasks.

Otherwise, when it’s off-duty time, you won’t be able to find anyone to help you when everyone is fishing, skiing, or blind date.

Even you yourself are not allowed to work overtime, and you can only pile it into tomorrow's work, which will be very troublesome.

Although the boss won't embarrass you because of this, all of these new employees are the kind with extremely strong comprehensive abilities, and the corresponding self-esteem is also very strong. If they become a shortcoming of the team and slow down the overall work, they themselves cannot accept it.

So the studio has been in full swing.

Without the player's knowledge, the Continental Hotel, which is used to train newcomers in the studio, has updated more than 30 new tasks.

Not only new employees are practicing, many old employees have nothing to do, and they will also add some interesting ideas here.

With this group of employees who are full of energy and have nowhere to vent, he can just take one last look at trivial things like trailers.

Then Lin You assigned a new task - to collect data, to make an issue of Assassin's Weekly, and to publish it together on Friday.

To put it simply, it is to collect some interesting, large-scale, or crazy player big data and show it to the players to increase the popularity of the game and the players' sense of belonging.

At this point, the meeting ended, and Lin You didn't continue to talk about more thoughts.

——He is changing his mind. Before, due to inertia, he always releases games on Saturdays, which is not convenient for everyone to rest. After that, he decided to try his best to complete the tasks on Fridays.

In this way, not only the employee is relaxed, but also he is in trouble, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

After the task was assigned, Lin You breathed a sigh of relief. When he was about to go offline, Qin Songyun stopped him: Wait a minute.

What's wrong?

The tomato that Super Tomato sent you has arrived at the studio, shall I send it to your home?

??? Lin You looked at Qin Songyun in confusion, Several tomatoes, don't you just cut and eat them?

Super Tomato specially wrote a description, saying that this is a plateau tomato that has just been harvested. It is planted on a plateau at an altitude of 3,500 meters. It takes eight or nine months to mature, and only one crop can be harvested a year. It is known as the best sandy tomato. , It is usually difficult to buy.

Qin Songyun recalled what was written on the card sent along with Tomato, while repeating to Lin You, Is it better for us to just eat the kindness that someone gave you?

That's it, okay, I'll ask someone to pick it up, and send a dynamic thank you by the way.

After hanging up the phone, Lin You found Yue Pengju and asked him to help him go to the studio to pick up his things. The security conditions of this community are enough for Yue Pengju to leave with peace of mind, besides, the security team is watching.

After finally finishing these chores at work, Lin You, taking advantage of his smooth thinking and still hot state, came to the large neural modem in the middle of the living room again, wanting to race against time to get this big guy out as soon as possible.

But things always find him: within half an hour, the phone rang again.

Lin You looked at the name Luo Hengye on the caller ID, and was a little confused for a while: Who is this?

Oh, lawyer. He hurriedly picked up the phone. There were a lot of things going on recently, and he almost forgot about this one.

Hello? Lawyer Luo, what's the matter?

Mr. Lin, the three accused companies have all contacted me and expressed their hope for private mediation. Two of them also expressed their hope to meet with you for communication.

I don't have time to deal with them. If I can accept the mediation conditions, I can mediate. If I don't want to accept them, I can go to court. Lin You felt very impatient.

Feeling Lin You's toughness, Luo Hengye stopped talking, Understood. After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lin You didn't take it to heart at all.

He didn't hire a lawyer to seek justice or anything. His purpose was pure, to disgust them.

If you are convinced, you will apologize and lose money, if you are not convinced, you will go to court to play.

Let me waste precious research and development time, sit down with you guys who have no limit, and discuss how to mediate?

Do you deserve it?

Do I care about your compensation?


After sorting out his mood, Lin You concentrated again and tried to devote himself to the research.

But less than half an hour later, the phone rang again!

Xiaomeng, turn off the phone for me! Lin You was really a little annoyed, Even if the sky is about to collapse, we'll talk about it tomorrow! I don't believe it, the earth won't turn around without me!

Okay! Xiaomeng turned off the annoying mobile phone without saying a word.

The room finally became quiet, and Lin You devoted himself to the production of the large neural modem contentedly.

On the other end of the phone, in Yunmeng's office, Qin Songyun looked at the hung up phone with a dazed expression.

He looked up at the brand party who was sitting across from him with an expectant face, and bravely dialed the number again.

Beep—sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off, please try again later.

Qin Songyun raised his head again, looked at the brand party who came to the door, and blinked, feeling a little difficult.

Sorry, our boss has important things to do, so it's not convenient to answer the phone now.

Qin Songyun could only say this. As for whether Lin You was really busy, or if he was sleeping, watching movies and playing games, no one knew.

There is no way, although Lin You has been extremely busy, but he is not busy with the work of the studio.

When appearing in front of the studio staff, he always looks like a salted fish, can sit but not stand, can lie down but not sit, and whenever he catches the opportunity, he always wants to take a vacation with everyone.

In the eyes of Qin Songyun and everyone else, it is really a magical salted fish, although it may be one of the smartest salted fish in the world.

Sitting opposite was the general manager of the marketing department of Nanzhi, one of the top clothing brands in China.

Ordinarily, people of Yunmeng's level should be responsible for the reception, but the problem is that Yunmeng was flattened to the extreme by Lin You.

Throughout the world, there is no company with a market value of more than 10 billion, with a staff composition as simple as Yunmeng.

In the end, Qin Songyun, an all-rounder, could only be allowed to receive them. As a result, the cooperation intention proposed by the opposite party did not make Qin Songyun complete—they hoped to open some stores in the virtual world of League of Assassins and replace the virtual clothes in the game. shop.

Qin Songyun originally thought that such a big-name clothing brand as Nanzhi probably came up with a joint name or two.

Although Nanzhi is taken from Nineteen Ancient Poems, the sentence Huma follows the north wind, and the bird's nest is Nanzhi sounds very traditional.

But that's not the case at all.

While inheriting the traditional aesthetics, they are also constantly pushing out the traditional aesthetics and combining them with the latest elements. The clothes they produce often take into account the traditional aesthetics and the convenience of modern design, which can be described as both traditional and modern. modern.

The products they designed and their aesthetic achievements have always been unmatched by all domestic counterparts.

Combining with trendy elements, there are precedents for making joint clothes, but their vision is extremely picky.

Combining with the game, there is no precedent before.

So Qin Songyun thought that they wanted to make a joint model with Journeyman, after all, the temperament of the two seems to be the most compatible.

Can you open a clothing store in the virtual world?

Qin Songyun had to say that this was a bit beyond his experience.

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