Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 264 Welcome to Night City!

Seeing Xia Yi's team diamond trophies one after another, the other players were envious, and their hearts were sour.

However, there are also about 200 players. While feeling sour in their hearts, they also have uncontrollable expectations.

And this hope was soon fulfilled——

The strike of the Metropolitan Police Department also brought bad consequences for itself. The hostess Jenny's face was serious, but there was a hint of gloating in her tone.

More than two hundred new residents of the Metropolitan Metropolis saw the brutal looting of the Metropolitan Bank. They couldn't restrain the impulse of justice in their hearts. They rushed into the Metropolitan Police Station, armed themselves to the teeth, and drove away a heavy gunship helicopter from the police station. , rushed to the brigade bank, and successfully stopped the robbers.

Players watching the live broadcast, especially the stopped robbers - members of Xia Yi's team, have question marks in their heads:

Before we got to the gate of the bank, they were already driving the helicopter and started playing bombing, right?

The barrage is also outrageous:

Good guy! Can you still do this?

Robbing a police station should be more serious than robbing a bank, right?

The timing is totally wrong! They obviously robbed the police station first, and Xia Yi and the others robbed the bank later!

Is this the narrative art of media? Learn more!

The hostess, Ah Zhen, has saved a lot of money in the bank, right? Such a big resentment.


But the music and the light are there again.

The Super Tomato team members also got their own diamond trophies, shining brightly.

The achievement name engraved on the base is also outrageous - [Partner of Justice]!

The players watching all this from the sidelines were more full of old troughs than they were envious and didn't know how to vomit.

Even robbing a police station can become a partner of justice...

Highlight one outrageous!

But this is not the most outrageous achievement, the most outrageous is the next one--

The brilliance of human nature is often reflected between life and death. Even if they are in a fierce gun battle and may be shot at any time, some people are unwilling to hurt others. Not only are they unwilling to hurt others, they even try their best to rescue the wounded. Such a hero, to express the highest respect.

The host's words made the players a little confused.

Splash was also confused at first.

Until she was surrounded by a burst of soft music and gentle white light, a trophy with a unique shape appeared in front of her——

It was a pistol with the barrel tied into a knot.

——This is a sculpture presented to the United Nations by Luxembourg, which was spoofed by Lin You. Its original intention is to prohibit killing and call for peace. There is no such thing as the United Nations in this world. Lin You took out this sculpture purely because he was impressed.

Also engraved on the base of the trophy is the name of the achievement - [Gun of Mercy].

This trophy can only be obtained if the player does not kill any opponent during the game, saves players who are in a near-death state more than 16 times, and successfully advances to the final day of the final day.

Get special effects after use: An angel halo lasts for 8 seconds appears on the head.

It even comes with a medal that looks like the Nightingale Medal...

After reading the introductory text of the trophy clearly, Shui Hua felt ashamed and angry.

Without waiting for the people around her to ask questions, she immediately took back the achievement trophy and turned it into a symbol on the achievement panel, and made up her mind: Never show it to others!

What a shame!

Who wants to be a good person in a gunfight? !

She really wants to kill her opponent, okay?

But all the bullets in the shuttle were fired, and she couldn't hit him alive or dead, what could she do? !

She is also very desperate, okay! !

In the end, no one comforted her, and she was ridiculed by Yunmeng. This feud has grown!

Sooner or later, I will find a chance to return it! Shui Hua cheered herself up in her heart.

As for the people around him who kept asking questions, Shuihua's reaction was: Suddenly remembered that there is still a set of papers that I haven't finished, and I have to hand in class tomorrow, so I'm going offline first!

After finishing speaking, he directly used the offline escape.

But such an outrageous achievement is impossible to hide, especially when there are 13 people who have won this achievement trophy.

Before the end of the Metropolis News special, this achievement trophy was posted online by players, bringing joy to countless players.

After broadcasting a lot of event-related information from the perspective of the aborigines, the two hosts, this special program, also ushered in the end.

But at the end of the show, the male host was very serious and broadcast a piece of news with a serious face:

Next to the metropolis, there is a bustling and chaotic city.

Because its crime rate has been at the top of the country for ten consecutive years, it is even called the capital of crime in private.

Many years ago, for the safety of the residents of the metropolis, the town council blocked traffic in the two cities after discussion.

On the surging river, the Hongmen Bridge has not been opened to traffic for several years.

The picture came to the edge of the city, and a red bridge spanned the two banks.

But the bridge was empty, there was no car, only running water rushing silently under the bridge.

But this separation is not indefinite.

In recent months, the metropolis has ushered in countless new residents with tough style and full of martial virtues.

The city council judged that the criminals in the neighboring city no longer pose a threat to the metropolis, and will hold a council in the near future to discuss the possibility of reopening traffic and communicating with the two cities.

The screen returned to the studio again, and the two hosts said the concluding remarks at the same time; The Metropolitan News special program ends here, thank you for watching.

This strange piece of news immediately aroused the player's curiosity:


What do you mean? New city? New map?


It can't be a new game, can it?


The players were both puzzled and shocked by this piece of news, and they all speculated about what was going on.

But they immediately found a problem: Why is the video not over yet? Isn't the Met News over?

As soon as I thought of this, the pitch-black picture changed again.

Dynamic trumpet, melodious bass, brisk drumbeat, accompanied by cheerful music, a line of words appeared in the center of the screen in a dancing manner:

Night City

The Naked City

Here, Lin You deliberately played a trick. Originally, the English translation of Night City was the literal translation of Night City.

But Lin You didn't translate it literally, but moved the translation of The Naked City (literal translation: naked city) from The City That Never Sleeps.

——He can assure his own conscience that this is purely for fun, and it is definitely not because he saw a bunch of strippers and dancers that Fan Rui made out of his feelings.

The picture lights up, moving from the high altitude of the bustling commercial street of the metropolis to the edge, passing the Red Gate Bridge that appeared in the news before, and arriving in another city.

This place is completely different from the order of the metropolis!

Under the night, the lights are bright.

The strong light pollution makes the night radiant, and the music becomes more jumpy and cheerful.

Convertible cars whizzing by on the street, neon lights on both sides of the street all night, musical fountains with flickering lights...

The guests in the tavern, the band playing hard in the corner of the bar, the high-spirited gamblers in the luxury casino, the swimsuit party in the swimming pool of the villa, the sweaty DJ in the nightclub, the men and women who wantonly twist their bodies on the dance floor...

On the stage in the distance, the figure of the dancer throwing pieces of clothing disappeared in a flash...

Music, drinking, racing, dancing, singing all night long!

Every detail of this film is interpreting the life philosophy of this city——

Drunk and dreamy!


In the soft reverberation after the climax of the music, a beautiful woman appeared in the camera.

She was wearing a gorgeous long dress studded with gold sequins, with extremely high slits, revealing her slender white thighs. She walked slowly to the front of the stage, stood in front of a standing microphone, and smiled coquettishly at the camera .

Say to all players:

Welcome to Night City!

The screen instantly turned black, leaving only a line of large characters in the center:

Welcome to Night City!

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