Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 325 The Rehabilitation Program

Not long after he first came to this world, Lin You was cautious, even he was reluctant to speak out loudly about his dream of creating a virtual world.

It seems that as long as he speaks out, someone will emerge inexplicably and one after another to prevent him from achieving this goal.

But as time passed, he found that everything was going well.

Whether it's starting a company, producing devices, developing games, making prosthetics, everything is going well.

No one ran out to hinder him for no reason.

——NetDragon is obviously not counted, and it is logical for NetDragon to hinder him.

To be more precise, not only is it logical, NetDragon and him wish to kill each other, and there is a reason for this.

Coupled with the fact that Yunmeng's wings are gradually growing, the scale of the virtual world is gradually increasing, and the player base is rapidly expanding. He has let go of his initial inexplicable worries, and he no longer hides his goals.

Even in this thank you letter, he stated to the players without hesitation: 100 million players is just a small step.

Smart people can naturally hear the unspoken subtext:

I want to create a super-large game world and create a real virtual game empire!

This is Lin You's public promise to 100 million players.

And according to his style of conduct, since the promise has been made, the players can completely look forward to it.

Because Lin You's words must be practiced!

Everything he promised will come true in the end!

Of course, not everyone is such a smart person, and there are many players who can't hear the subtext.

But this didn't affect their excitement at all. After all, there was news in the thank you letter that was enough to make them excited:

Night City is done!

There is also a game where you can create your own world!

There's also a mysterious, unbeatable game in development!

What could make players more excited than a masterpiece?

Three styles of course!

How does this make players not excited and excited? !

The only thing that made them feel uncomfortable was that Lin You was playing tricks again, giving too little information.

It is impossible to guess what themes of the latter two games are.

So much so that everyone shouted excitedly, but didn't know what to call it...

Even so, the night became extremely noisy.

In the vortex game forum, people posted all kinds of outrageous or similar news all night long with traditional reasons such as uncle works in Yunmeng.

This kind of influence is not only limited to the player group, many game development companies have been provoked.

Some people think about very long-term questions:

If what Lin You promised is really realized, what should other game companies other than Yunmeng do?

In Lin You's plans for the future, is there a place for them?

Small companies are different. They don't know how many years they can survive, and whether they can survive until the next new game is released is still unknown.

In this precarious state, they can't worry about things so far away in the future, they are more concerned about:

Yunmeng said that the right to create the world should be handed over to the player, is this a signal?

A signal that other small companies also hope to board the big ship Yunmeng in another form?

Thinking of it this way, it is inevitable that my heart will surge!

But also uneasy.

This letter of thanks from Lin You made Daxia's game circle lively all night.


The next day, Lin You didn't go back to Xiajing either, but flew directly to Yangcheng to attend the second concert on Thursday.

But at this moment, he is not a shopkeeper, he updated Qiao Nanyu's recruitment requirements early in the morning:

It's time for Yunmeng to set up an international affairs department.

The current overseas work mainly relies on the local cooperative companies of Izumo and Baekje. Yunmeng only needs to send a small number of specialists, and this department is not too large for the time being.

But it is necessary to prepare the framework in advance, reserve talents, accumulate experience, and prepare for the follow-up to enter more countries.

Qiao Nanyu responded immediately.

For Qiao Nanyu, working in human resources in this life has never been so simple.

If someone is needed, a job posting is updated, and a resume and a phone call come in within half an hour.

In half a day, there will be a bunch of talent candidates.

And they are all real talents without the slightest moisture!

The working experience can only be described in two words: happy!

If there is any pain, it is that in the face of so many talents, a large part must be screened out.

In her opinion, this is really a great waste.

Of course, this must not be said outside, or you will be scolded to death by your colleagues!

After Lin You arranged a new job for Qiao Nanyu, he started to work on another matter.

The conscious communication technology needed by He Peng and the two-person synesthesia technology needed to develop Pacific Rim, both of which require data collection and analysis.

Regarding the collection of nerve signal data and feature comparison of Thinking, Kong Xinsheng has already passed the review of relevant departments under the arrangement of Lin You, and began to recruit volunteers.

The venue is also sorted out very efficiently, and it can be fully launched soon.

As for Lin You, the massive data collection work will only start today.

While writing an open letter to a specific group of players, Lin You couldn't help but think: Yunmeng's game development pace is really very different from that of ordinary game development companies.

Ordinary game development companies, even if they are very powerful, will hardly carry out multiple completely different large-scale projects at the same time.

That requires too much manpower, capital, and creativity, and the risks are too concentrated.

But in Yunmeng, with the support of Mirage, funds are not a problem at all, there is no shortage of creative forest tours, and manpower can be expanded at any time. Now that virtual reality games are still scarce, the risk can be said to be minimal.

What limits Yunmeng is only technology and player energy.

Not only does it need to train developers to use and mine virtual reality development tools, every time a new game content and form appears, it needs updated technology and corresponding tools, and virtual reality games are no exception.

Moreover, the energy of the players is also limited, and it is even more unwise to launch multiple masterpieces in a short period of time.

——Players will only maintain short-term surprises, but it is difficult to concentrate on enjoying a game, and the entire industry will become impetuous and introverted.

Introversion is bad civilization.

So Lin You is actually consciously limiting Yunmeng's expansion and output speed, hoping to make every step as stable as possible so that everything can develop in a healthy way.

In terms of specific development, he hopes to keep the rhythm of developing one, pre-developing one, and technical reserve one as much as possible.

Right now, it is to develop John Wick, pre-develop Assassin's Creed Chang'an, and technical reserve Pacific Rim.

——Of course, casual games are not included here.

Casual games do not require a large block of concentrated, immersive focus time, so the impact is smaller and can be interspersed.

Thinking about the process of these things, Lin You also completed this open letter.

After checking it for the last time and confirming that it was correct, he published the letter.

This is an open letter, but it is not completely open.

Because this letter was only sent to a small number of players in Yunmeng - disabled players.

Before the Light Yu trailer was launched, Yunmeng conducted a non-mandatory questionnaire on the health status of the players in a small update for safety reasons.

Whether you have a disability is also included in this questionnaire.

Not surprisingly, Xia Yi, who was on the live broadcast, also received this letter.

The first time she saw the letter, even if it was in the game instead of reality, she immediately apologized to the audience and blocked the live broadcast signal first.

After opening the letter and dragging it to the end, after confirming that there were no words such as confidentiality and don't disclose, he breathed a sigh of relief and resumed the live broadcast signal.

Between the ??? and hahaha barrages that filled the screen in the live broadcast room, she began to read the letter as if nothing had happened.

Dear player friends:


This is a letter for help.

If you have also paid attention to [Journey Prosthetics], then you should have discovered that we have [Bafang Headband] to assist the visually impaired and hearing impaired, but this headband cannot help people with speech impairments to speak.

I need to be honest: this is because we have encountered some technical difficulties, so that progress has been delayed.

Just recently, I thought of a way, a not-so-clever way, to solve this problem.

But since this method is not very clever, I need your help.

Allow me to explain to you in detail:

In the current mechanism of the Mirage host, we only collect very limited nerve signal data from players, and most of the data is regarded as redundant and invalid data, which is directly screened out by the head ring.

Even if it is valid data, more than 90% of it is directly processed locally on the host and will not be uploaded to the server.

This is to protect the privacy of players and friends to the maximum extent.

But my request now is: cancel this round of screening, and upload more than 90% of the information that would have been processed locally on the host to the server.

We need to analyze and study this massive data.

Use brute force to achieve the effect that originally required delicate and long-term research.

In short, I implore everyone who is willing to give some private data to help the speech-impaired regain the ability to speak.

(Remarks: It is only nerve signal fluctuation data, and never involves any identity, social or physiological information of the player)

I named this plan - [Rehabilitation Teacher Plan].

This is a completely voluntary voluntary activity. It is normal to have doubts, and it is reasonable to be unwilling to accept it. You can refuse it completely. Please don't have any psychological burden.

Friends who are willing to join the [Rehabilitation Program] and selflessly contribute to others will receive a certain amount of discounts when purchasing all current and future products of [Journey Prosthetics] to express our insignificant gratitude.

Users who have no demand for related products, or who have already purchased related products, can also convert the full amount of the corresponding amount into the Yunmeng account balance.

Finally, the results of this plan will also be used in future game development. At that time, all players participating in the plan will receive a certain percentage of discount when purchasing the game.

Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all players who are willing to participate in this plan.

You are all heroes for the speech-impaired!

—— Lin You

At the end of this letter, as always, attach a link.

Xia Yi finished reading the letter and did not express any opinion on it.

She clicked on the link without saying a word, ignoring the advice of the audience in the live broadcast room to make her think twice, and directly started to sign up to participate in the plan.

After successfully registering, her console received a firmware update soon.

After the update, the mechanism of collecting nerve signals by the headband will change, and many nerve signals that were considered invalid in the past will also be collected.

Together with many other local signals, it is sent to Yunmeng's server.

It wasn't until this time that Xia Yi opened her personal panel, found a third-party group chat software, pointed to one of the mutual aid groups, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: In this group, 5 friends have language barriers.

Then she pulled down, pointed to a group that she joined when she participated in volunteer activities, and said to the audience again: In this school, there are eighty-six children who cannot speak, and the average age is less than 15 years old.

At first, I also thought that with virtual reality technology, at least in the virtual world, all disabilities would disappear.

But no. People who were born deaf and dumb because they couldn't hear the sound did learn to speak because they heard the sound, and they could even speak normally in reality.

People who can no longer speak due to illness the day after tomorrow can speak smoothly in the virtual world.

But people who are born with a lack of language ability can't speak even in the virtual world. I have seen with my own eyes how sad they cry.

Unknowingly, Xia Yi's voice became crying.

She adjusted her mood before continuing: So don't persuade me.

I really hope that one day they can speak, and I believe Lin You can do it.

Not only Xia Yi, but Xia Yi's former Avengers Squad all participated in the plan without even thinking about it.

Even Wanwan, who can only play games for less than two hours a week, put on a headband and joined the project.

There are countless disabled players who have benefited from virtual reality technology, but at this moment, they all clicked on the link and signed up for the [Rehabilitation Program] without hesitation.

Lin You was in the background, watching the number of registered players start to soar just two minutes after the letter was sent, feeling very uncomfortably proud.

He just felt that he was witnessing the most glorious part of human nature.

And feel honored by it.


Although it was not so upright, I forgot about the group explanation before.

Let me count as an additional change of 1250 average order, please...

I will continue to work hard.

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