Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 337: The Insidious Opening of the Closed Beta

Six o'clock on Friday morning.

Super Tomato updates on time:

"It's still - 0 years before the closed beta of "John Wick"!"

The most popular comment is a picture of a villain yelling drawn by a player using special characters.

The text bubble reads: "Four years! Do you know how I spent these four years?!"

The painting garnered more than 50,000 likes.

The second hot comment is:

"—"John Wick", when is the closed beta?

--Just today! Just today! "


After all, the vast majority of players will not be able to participate in the closed beta. In the past, probably very few people would come to take part in this kind of emptiness.

But this time is different.

Lin You showed so much kindness that he didn't ask the players to keep this closed beta a secret!

It's not like the previous "Paradise", the agreement was written very broadly, and the ghosts everywhere were not pursued.

Instead, he didn't even mention the confidentiality at all!

Under the special care of Lin You, Super Tomato successfully passed the internal test qualification.

During the live broadcast yesterday, he read the precautions for participating in the internal test, with a look of hesitation.

In the end, he still couldn't hold back, took out his mobile phone and contacted Lin You, to see if Yunmeng didn't notice, or if he really let go of the authority.

Lin You said clearly on the phone: "Yes, just feel free to broadcast."

So, both the anchor and the players were all excited.

Especially players, even if they can't go in to play, at least they can see the substantial game content with their own eyes!

At eight o'clock in the morning, Super Tomato naturally logged into the game for the first time.

He originally thought that he would wake up in a room like the opening scene of "League of Assassins", and then proceed to a teaching level as a matter of course.

But at this moment, he stood there in a daze, looking at himself in a black suit, holding an AR-15 automatic rifle, and beside him was a companion who was also dressed in black and couldn't see his face clearly.

The bright lights in front of him are the house in the trailer.

"What... do you mean?" Super Tomato was confused.

Isn't the protagonist of the trailer mobbed in a house? But on the side of the besiegers? ? ?

Not even a face?

so miserable? !

Not only was Super Tomato stunned, countless viewers in the live broadcast room were also frantically sending out question marks.

No one expected that the protagonist is actually a miscellaneous fish in the trailer!

No matter how you think about it, the trailer is implying that "the protagonist's residence is besieged, and after the lights go out, the counterattack will begin"!

The result is not now?

Super Tomato couldn't accept this setting for a while... and a leading man in black had already started making tactical gestures at him.

But Super Tomato watched his changing hand movements with confusion written all over his face.

What do you mean? I don't understand!

Fortunately, words began to automatically appear above the gesture—the system translated the meaning of the tactical gesture for him.

"Circle around, eight o'clock direction, three minutes, attack."

Although still confused, but the leader issued a task and the time was tight, Super Tomato still acted quickly.

——With his original internal test habits, this situation would never be so obedient.

In any case, you have to try the "pretend not to understand" tactical gesture, how will these teammates react.

But this opening really caught him off guard, and he acted subconsciously according to the order.

After taking the position, Super Tomato stared at the gun in his hand based on his experience in "League of Assassins".

Sure enough, a skill emerged from the top of the gun: [Gun Specialization: Lv.1].

Looking at the time, there was still one and a half minutes left, so he opened the personal panel again.

Sure enough, a new set of character information emerged.

——The player's personal panel is not static. When entering a different game, the player's personal information panel in this game will occupy the main position.

The comprehensive panel of the virtual world will retreat to the secondary page.

This is for the convenience of players to operate in intense battles.

The character information panel at this time has become——

"Player ID: Super Tomato

Character level: Lv.1

Combat Skills: [Gun Weapon Specialization: Lv.1], [Cold Weapon Specialization: Unlocked], [Battle Sensing: Unlocked], [Gun Fighting: Unlocked]

Non-combat skills: [Driving: Lv3], [Cooking: Lv.2], [Fishing: Lv.4], [Playing cards: Lv.3]...

Hitman ranking: not on the list"

"What the hell? I'm only level 3 in poker? What the hell!" Super Tomato protested in a low voice.

The audience saw the wonderful focus of Super Tomato, and immediately felt that this person was too outrageous!

"Combat induction! Spear fighting technique! Such an important thing, why are you staring at playing cards?!"

"Is playing cards important? It's worth your attention?!"

"Speaking of which, just entering the game, it's normal that all the combat skills are not unlocked, but how are the non-combat skills calculated?"

"Anyway, it doesn't look like inheritance. I remember that the driving skills of the anchor "League of Assassins" have already been maxed out."


Seeing the discussion in the live broadcast room, Super Tomato retorted decisively: "You guys! It's just a lack of vision! Look at my handsome face, who am I?"

Among the rows of question marks in the barrage, Super Tomato asked and answered:

"I am the man who wants to become the king of gambling in Night City by playing cards!"

"Lv.3 is not enough! You must get Lv.Max! I want all the casinos to remember my name—super~super~tomato!"

Super Tomato obviously understands live broadcasting very well, and immediately got a lot of barrage with his outrageous words.

But soon, he had no time to chat with the barrage.

"Bang bang bang bang—"

The sudden burst of gunfire interrupted the rhetoric of Super Tomato. The time is up and the battle has begun!

Super Tomato hastily raised its muzzle and fired at the house in coordination.

But he didn't know the cause and effect at all, and he was afraid of accidentally hurting a good person, so he didn't aim carefully at all. The muzzle of the gun was almost lifted into the sky, and all the bullets flew towards the eaves.

But after actually shooting, he immediately discovered that he had lost his full-level shooting specialization and the sensory enhancement effect of [Assassin's Bloodline], and his shooting accuracy had seriously declined.

When shooting at high speed, he could even clearly feel the muzzle of the gun shaking wildly, and he couldn't control it at all.

Where the bullet hits depends entirely on luck.

The firearms that used to be in his arms almost made him worry that being too real would affect social order.

He once felt that he was already very familiar with firearms. Even without the assistance of system skills, if he was given a gun in reality, he would be able to reload, load, and shoot proficiently.

And not to mention twenty meters, at least within ten meters, it is absolutely possible to shoot without missing a beat!

But now, he held the gun in his hand again, but he didn't have the familiar feeling of guns before.

Not to mention returning to reality, but changing games in the virtual world, whether it is the ability to control firearms or the ability to shoot accurately, they all disappear in an instant.

Like a fantastic dream.

It was only at this moment that he truly felt how amazing Yunmeng's technique is!

But now is not the time for emotion, the gunfire has stopped, and teammates have begun to enter the dark housing.

"Hey—" Seeing this scene, Super Tomato reached out subconsciously, trying to call out to the teammates.

Although I was deceived by the trailer, the protagonist actually participated in the siege outside, but the sound of the gun being loaded indoors can be real.

There is no doubt that the owner of the house is still alive and well, and was not hit by this round of blind shooting.

And the weapon is loaded, ready to fight back!

But Super Tomatoes are a step behind.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Three short shots were fired, and the three men in black closest to the house fell down.

Before Super Tomato could react further, there were three gunshots in the house, "Bang!", "Bang!", "Bang!"

The three gunmen who fell on the ground were each shot in the head, and they were completely dead.

The black-clothed gunmen were not frightened, but continued to suppress and shoot while rushing into the house.

Super Tomato hesitated again and again, but in the end he didn't move.

He was standing just tens of meters away from the house, looking at the house that was constantly being briefly lit by gunfire by the warm light of the street lamps.

Intensive gunshots sounded continuously.

But among the chaotic gunshots, there is a gunshot with a very strong sense of rhythm, and it is highly recognizable even in a chaotic battlefield.

After noticing this sound, Super Tomato pricked up its ears and chased after the gunshot.

"Bang! Bang!" "Bang! Bang!" "Bang! Bang!"...

He soon discovered that almost every time such gunshots were heard, the continuous fire of automatic rifles would be reduced a little.

So he understood: another teammate was killed.

This also made him further dispel the idea of ​​getting closer to the room to see the excitement.

Of course, more importantly, he finally realized one thing——

There is no system task jumping out, let him attack this house!

He was not asked to attack anyone, nor was he asked to save anyone.

more specifically--

There are no missions at all!

From the beginning of logging in to the preview, until now, it was only the leading man in black who was directing the attack.

The system didn't pop up at all.

There are no main quests and no guided tutorials.


This internal test is to throw the players directly into this battlefield, and then let them go, letting the players fend for themselves...

"It's too insidious!" Super Tomato angrily reprimanded Lin You for his inappropriate behavior.

If he hadn't been calm enough, he would have been killed along with the men in black now!

A group of level 1 and level 2 miscellaneous fish, going directly to challenge the BOSS level opponent?

Isn't this too long? !

"I bet you, there must be a lot of people who will fall for Lin You's tricks and give away their first blood here." Super Tomato said to the audience.

The barrage responded immediately:

"Hahaha! No gambling!"

"Don't gamble haha, a bunch of anchors have already died!"

"I laughed so hard, Ah Yi rushed into the house, and died suddenly without anyone seeing him!"

"Until now, I haven't seen any anchor, and I have seen the face of the owner of the house! Tomato, why don't you try it?"


Of course no one can see the face of the owner of the house.

The person inside is John Wick! If you see it, you will be exposed directly!

In order not to be seen by the players, Lin You even played sloppy——

As long as the player enters the house, when John Wick is about to be exposed, he will immediately put down the target at hand, regardless of being shot, and send the player away first.

This is all because, when deciding on the closed beta, Lin You reached a consensus with Fan Rui and Shen Ping:

"Whether it's John Wick or milkshake, it's a surprise for all players, not just for more than 3,000 players."

Therefore, during the internal test phase, it must not be exposed.

And such information, as long as the internal test is released, it will almost certainly be exposed by the insider.

After that, even if you sue, you can't recover the loss.

So Lin You simply decided: We will not start the main mission in the closed beta! Let the players play around in Night City by themselves!

Anyway, Night City is rich enough.

Both Lin You and Fan Rui are very confident: Even if there is no main task, it is enough for players to have a good time!

It is also because the main line is not open that players are allowed to broadcast live.

As for why the plot content in the trailer was directly intercepted, misleading the players to die (crossed out), to experience high-end battle scenes...

This is Lin You's little fun...


1400 average.

In addition, thanks to the book friend tail number 3168 for the reward of 1500 points!

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