Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 398 Back to the light?

The next day, as soon as Lin You arrived at the company, he saw Fan Rui approaching "aggressively", which made him a little guilty.

Last night, Xiaomeng deliberately showed Lin You the scene of Wu Yu chatting with Fan Rui.

——Things that happened in the virtual world are hard to escape Xiaomeng's eyes, let alone Lin You specially instructed Xiaomeng.

Fan Rui's expression changed from bewilderment, to quiet joy, and then to confusion, a series of changes are very interesting.

Especially at the end of the chat, Fan Rui enthusiastically asked Wu Yu which department he joined, what position he held, and when he needed help.

Hearing the [emergency medical team, psychological counselor] from Wu Yu's mouth, Fan Rui's entire face turned green.

Lin You and Xiao Meng laughed unscrupulously.

Now seeing Fan Rui approaching aggressively, it is impossible for Lin You to say that he is not guilty.

"Boss, that..." Contrary to Lin You's expectation, Fan Rui didn't come up to ask the teacher, but seemed a little... awkward?

"Well, can I see Wu Yu's resume?"

"Ah?" Lin You looked at him unexpectedly, "Isn't it necessary to retaliate?"

"Ah?" Fan Rui was even more surprised, "What revenge?"

"Don't you want to retaliate? Then why do you want to read someone's resume?" Lin You was puzzled.

"Then what...that is, I want to know more about her."

"Ah?" Lin You felt that he was playing a game called [Who is more surprised] with Fan Rui, because he felt that he was even more surprised!

"Aren't you tempted? Didn't you meet her for the first time yesterday? And don't you like blind dates? Suddenly you don't like them? No, no, you really like women?" Ten thousand question marks popped up.


Lin You felt that there were ten thousand question marks in his mind, but Fan Rui didn't need to have less question marks in his mind——

"Who likes a blind date! Isn't there no way to do it! You have to choose who is willing to go on a blind date!"

Fart, you obviously like blind dates, Lin You doesn't believe it at all:

"Just to be honest, I haven't squeezed you in Yunmeng, have I? Is your salary and bonus less, or is it too late to get off work at 5 o'clock, so you don't have time to find a partner, so you have to go on a blind date?"

"But, then..." Fan Rui was a little speechless, "Isn't that the inertia at the beginning? I never went on a blind date again!"

"That's because you want to lead the team to do "John Wick", and you're not in the mood after work, right?" Lin You hit the nail on the head.

"..." Fan Rui seemed to have been poked at a pain point, and was unable to refute for a while, but suddenly became depressed after a while.

"Actually, after the game was launched, I went to a blind date again, and I found that I suddenly became very popular."

"Huh?" Lin You didn't understand why he said this: "So?"

"But suddenly I don't feel interested."

"Then, why is that?" Lin Youxu asked with narrowed eyes, "You have to feel excited because no one pays attention to you, and your blind date looks down on you. Is that what you mean?"

"What?" Fan Rui was stunned for a moment, "No, no, of course not! I mean, it feels like they all came here for my money and work, all because of my conditions, not me..."

"Ah, is that so..." Lin You was surprised.

Unexpectedly, in the game, Fan Rui, who looks like an old driver and drives like a yuppie, is actually innocent...

"Aren't your money, your future, your material conditions, your talent and outlook on life, ideals and aspirations all part of you? Does money have to be more vulgar than talent?" Lin You tried to persuade Fan Rui.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it.

"Forget it, I also think money is more vulgar than talent... Let's skip this topic."

Lin You tried to bring the topic back on track: "So, if you don't want to go on a blind date, you target your colleagues, and the newcomer immediately impresses you, and you are a person who can't be serious except for a blind date." People who have been in contact with the girl, so I want to know more about her."

"Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Fan Rui nodded repeatedly.

"The problem is, a lot of content on your resume is private. If you inquire about other people's privacy like this behind the scenes, if someone finds out, you will be scolded to death as a straight man, right?" Lin You lowered his voice: "I'd like to keep it a secret for you, but the problem is , before you came to me, you probably didn't go to see sister Qiao, did you?"

"Ah?" Fan Rui was stunned for a moment, "I've looked for it, she asked me to come and look for you."

Lin You covered his face on the spot, "It's over, believe it or not, maybe all the girls in the company know about this now..."

"Ah?!" Fan Rui was shocked, "No way?"

"Of course..." Lin You never doubted everyone's gossip.

"Then what should we do?" Fan Rui was a little panicked.

"... Forget it, just pretend not to know." Lin You didn't do the same.

"Well, the resume is fine. You may not know that I have a system here that will conduct a round of preliminary screening of the employees who submit their resumes through the Internet traces in the past."

"The information on this is public and gives you a better idea of ​​who she is than a resume,"

"Okay, thank you boss." Fan Rui couldn't be happy anymore, and left with a mind full of worries about gains and losses.

Lin You shook his head, helpless.

But he suddenly thought of an interesting thing.

For Yunmeng's employees, the screening before entry can ensure that the incoming employees are at least people with relatively normal views. After entry, the work pressure is not high, and the salary is also very good.

This basically ensures that Yunmeng's employees are high-quality spouses from both "spiritual" and "material" aspects.

Doesn't this mean that in the blind date market, they will become quite a sought-after group of people?

I don't know if this counts as making a contribution to society?


While Lin You was thinking wildly in the office, NetDragon got into a state of tension early on.

Until ten o'clock comes.

"Flame 3 Red Flame", all regions, all platforms, launched simultaneously!

Yu Gu, Zhang Heying, and even Zhao Yucheng were all staring at a piece of data——

Player online rate.

Everyone is very clear that there is little hope for sales at this time. Most of the players who have played the main body of "Blaze 3" now have the permission to obtain free DLC, so it is naturally difficult to generate sales.

But as long as the player's online rate increases and the word of mouth can be restored in one fell swoop, then whether it is the game itself or the DLC this time, there is hope that it will be brought back to life!

And the situation at the beginning is very good!

The number of online users of "raging flames 3", which had already fallen below the bottom, suddenly began to increase by hundreds or thousands of times!

In just half an hour after going online, more than 3 million people were online!

There are 800,000 people in Daxia, and 2.2 million overseas!

This is a weekday morning!

Yu Gu was overjoyed, Zhang Heying immediately went out from the co-host's live broadcast room, and began to browse the entire game live broadcast section.

He soon discovered that the three major web live streaming platforms in Daxia, the two major mobile live streaming applications, and countless anchors started to live broadcast "Rie Yan 3 Red Flame" at the same time.

With a rough scan, it can almost be tied with "John Wick"!

Except for a few anchors of "Paradise", who are still running the candy track, all other live broadcasts are almost completely occupied by these two games.

And the business listings he voted for in the past were only "merely" twenty-three anchors.

In other words, most of these anchors came to play DLC completely spontaneously!

The current situation is even better than the best and best situation Zhang Heying and Yu Gu expected!

Where is this declining state of VR games? It seems that they are completely fighting against each other head-on, and they will not lose the wind in the slightest!

Even on overseas live broadcast platforms, there are many anchors live broadcasting this expansion.

——Although their titles are all filled with keywords such as "filling the hole", "repent", and "give another chance".

But exposure is exposure!

This astonishing performance undoubtedly shocked the industry immediately.

Everyone was surprised to find that NetDragon, which had been bad news for several months and thought to be in decline, unexpectedly fought such a beautiful turnaround without any warning!

Surprised, many people couldn't help but think: "Could it be that Lin You's conclusion is wrong, VR games are far from being eliminated?"

As for the farewell and the last time that the online players said, they are all false.

Seeing is believing, and now the picture of the two fighting against each other is vividly placed in front of everyone's eyes!

Online rate, popularity, exposure, these are more credible than empty words.

And NetDragon, not bad!

They all broke up with Yunmeng on a five-fifth basis, who can say it's bad!

The countless new players who had never played VR games were especially shocked by this formation.

These people started to play games and understand games entirely because of Yunmeng's continuous development of the game market, so they were particularly surprised by what happened now.

Many of them even took the initiative to learn about VR games.

Because it can be seen at a glance from the live broadcast: VR games and virtual reality games are two completely different types of games.

At this time, the number of players who will watch the live broadcast of the game has expanded even more than before Yunmeng was born.

As a result, many people who were completely ignorant of VR games before, took advantage of this exposure to really understand VR games, and even had the idea of ​​buying VR equipment.

——People’s needs are diverse after all, and the development of VR games is naturally because it meets the needs of a certain type of people. If there is demand, exposure, and stock, there will naturally be sales.

This is another completely unexpected surprise for NetDragon.

What's more, it wasn't just a surprise for the NetDragon family, Desert Island and Flying Fox also got a sip of soup.

And this soup made Feihu hesitate a bit, and couldn't help but wonder if the decision to close the factory and make a complete transformation was a bit hasty.

But the same soup made Huang Dao more confident: to open up more possibilities on the road of VR games!

Is this proof that VR gaming has even more potential?

Or is it just a flash in the pan?

No one could make it clear right away, even Zeng Ningshuang, who had conducted an in-depth investigation of the two industries and was able to observe from the perspective of an outsider, couldn't come to a conclusion immediately.

Everyone needs more observation time to see the results of NetDragon's hard work.

The result of this battle, although it has nothing to do with the dominance of the game industry - because Yunmeng's position is unshakable.

But the result of this battle can largely determine the future of VR games and what will happen.

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