Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 627 Weapon Made of Ice

Virtual world, "Paradise" playground.

Without the presence of outsiders, or in other words, without the presence of outsiders in reality, the roommates were not reserved at all, and rushed over to grab the water, asking questions excitedly.

Although they were tortured by Splash asking for leave, slipping away, and playing with mobile phones in class before, they knew better than anyone that Splash was actually an avid game lover.

But they don't know that Shuihua is still a master!

On weekdays, Shuihua occasionally talks about his game experience, basically saying that he was bullied by others, and his level is very poor.

It turned out that they lied to them!

Finally revealed today!

"Say! Why did you lie to us! You are actually a master, right!"

-I'm really not...

"Let me just say, Lin Shun is already a professional player. You guys are childhood sweethearts. Surely you can't be much worse than him?"

——I really want to say that, but...

"Amazing! How did you do it!"

- Actually, I didn't do anything...

Seeing the chirping roommates, Shui Hua smiled awkwardly.

"...I just had better luck."

"How is it possible, Yunmeng has hundreds of millions of players, and the total number of honor players is less than 2,000? You are too modest." A roommate shook his head understandingly and retorted.

Shui Hua didn't know how to explain it, she was really just lucky...

At the Freedom Day event of "League of Assassins", she took several free rides in a row and got this title.

Back then it wasn't even called [Honorary Player], it was called [Metropolitan Honorary Citizen].

Everyone originally thought that this identity would become less and less valuable as time went by.

In the end, who would have thought that this status not only did not depreciate, but also became more and more rare!

Not only the roommates, but also the other students gathered around after delaying this short time of work, and joined in the fun by saying something here and there, making Shui Hua lose his temper.

Fortunately, the physical education teacher appeared soon and rescued Splash, who was surrounded by the crowd——

"Students! You can move freely now! After half an hour, gather at the gate of the ecological reserve! Students who don't know how to operate the panel and read the map stay here first, and those who know can disband first!"

In the virtual world, there is no need to worry about students getting lost, and the arrangement of activities is very relaxing.

Shuihua hurriedly dragged a few roommates to escape from the crowd, and wandered around in the playground.

She skillfully bought all kinds of delicious snacks and shared them with her roommates.

When passing by a family of three elephants, he gently stroked the trunk of the elephant skillfully. After the elephant sat down, he pulled a bold roommate up the back of the elephant, and sent the other two roommates to another. There is only an elephant, and everyone rode the elephant around for a long time before getting off satisfied and turning to do a roller coaster.

If half an hour was not too short, Splash even wanted to team up with his roommates and go to the candy track for a few laps.


Half an hour passed by, and when Shui Hua brought her roommates, each holding a giant panda cub, to the gate of the ecological reserve, it immediately caused a sensation.

Everyone ran over excitedly and took turns reaching out to touch the soft giant panda cub.

Listening to the excited discussion of the students, Shuihua suddenly felt that he understood why the experience store was willing to be reserved:

For those who have already logged into the virtual world, this short experience may not be a big deal.

But for those who have never logged into the virtual world, this short half hour is enough to completely change their perception of the virtual world.

Maybe when I go back today, many people will pester their parents for a host...

Soon, the class teacher came to everyone with a stranger and introduced to everyone: "Students, this is Cui Yucheng, teacher Cui, a popular science scholar, and one of the members of the construction team of Yunmeng Ecological Reserve. Please come to him and lead us on the next visit."

"Crack, clap, clap." There was applause.

Although most of them are hearing this name for the first time, they still have to give face.

Take a large sightseeing car, pass through the gate and enter the ecological protection area.

The moment of passing through the gate, the originally green scenery suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow, which even made people feel a little cold.

Shuihua shivered from the cold, looking at the sudden change of environment in surprise.

This is the first time for her to come to this place. Is it actually winter inside?

Fortunately, the coldness was just to add some realism, and it soon faded away.

Science popularization scholar Cui Yucheng stood up and explained to everyone:

"The ecological protection area is a special area, which is different from other areas in the virtual world. It will follow the seasons of the northern hemisphere in reality and produce corresponding seasonal changes."

"So as you can see, it's winter here, and most animals have entered hibernation."

"If you come here in summer, you can see lush forests and lively animals."

"Of course, as long as we know enough about the habits of animals, we can still find hidden animals in this ice and snow."

"Our first stop: the polar biosphere."

"It feels so far away..." the roommate whispered.

"It shouldn't be... not very far away." Shuihua comforted her.

Although the polar region sounds like a long journey, but Splash's experience told her: there is no real long-distance travel in the virtual world.

If it is really that far away from the destination, there must be a quick way to get there.

Now that I have chosen to take a car instead of opening a portal, it must not be too far away.

In the end, as expected, after half an hour of driving in the ice and snow, the car passed through a larch forest and stopped at the edge of a frozen lake.

In the distance, several furry polar bears can be seen walking on the tundra and frozen lake.

"It's so beautiful."

While speaking, a puff of white gas dispersed into the icy air.

Everyone walked on the thick ice lake, looking at the clear ice surface under their feet, and the aquatic plants frozen in the shallow water, it felt very magical.

"Everyone, look over there!" Cui Yucheng quickly found the target and pointed it out to the students.

Everyone looked up and found a small hole suddenly opened on the ice more than 20 meters away.

Under Cui Yucheng's leadership, everyone quieted down, approached cautiously, and then stood still, silently looking at the small hole.

The sound of clicking and clicking kept coming, and the small hole became bigger and bigger.

After a while, the small hole seemed to be finally big enough. After a few seconds of silence, a seal broke through the ice and rushed up directly from the water!


With a crisp sound, a chubby and chubby seal fell on the ice, patting its belly vigorously with one of its forelegs, looking very happy.

But as soon as it turned around, it saw dozens of people standing quietly a dozen meters away.

The seal was obviously taken aback, and immediately ran back to the ice cave, jumped into the water with a plop and disappeared.

"Students, this is a typical arctic gray seal. It usually breathes through its lungs, so it cannot breathe underwater. Sometimes, they will choose to cut through the ice or find a place where the ice is relatively weak. Hit the ice directly with your skull to breathe."

Cui Yucheng lost no time in explaining the ecology of gray seals, "Sometimes, in order to prevent the breathing holes from being frozen, the seals will keep gnawing on the edge of the ice hole with their teeth. If we are lucky, we may be able to See."

Facing such a lively outdoor class, the students were all enthusiastic and listened very carefully.

But Splash in the crowd couldn't help but look at the polar bears in the distance.

It's not that she likes polar bears more than seals, but she always felt that in the corner of her eye just now, she seemed to see the snowdrift next to the polar bear move.

Shuihua hesitated whether to raise his hand, and asked Cui Yucheng.

But she also had some doubts, whether she had misjudged her vision...

Before she could make up her mind, she saw a polar bear passing by the pile of snow, and—

The snowdrift suddenly exploded!

With lightning speed, a man in white stabbed a transparent ice spear into the polar bear's body!


The polar bear let out a loud howl, turned around and ran away.

But a large amount of blood quickly gushed out from its wound, staining a large area of ​​snow red.

Everyone was startled by the sound, and when they turned around, they saw a road paved with blood, and at the end of the road, the polar bear was falling down.

The spear made of ice was still intact, and it was still inserted into the polar bear's body. From a distance, it almost merged with the ice and snow in the background.


"Fuck you!!" Cui Yucheng, a science popularization scholar who has always been kind and gentle, seemed to have been touched by some sensitive nerve suddenly. He even forgot that he was surrounded by teachers and students, and subconsciously cursed out loud!

Before anyone could react, he was already running towards the "poacher"!

Today is a very special day. When I was born, my parents registered for my household registration, but the police station said that there was not enough time. For convenience, my parents registered for me one day earlier. As a result, the sixth day of the lunar calendar, which means that my birthday on December 29 in the Gregorian calendar, was registered as 12. 28th.

Who would have thought that 30 years later, on my 30th birthday, my real birthday on the lunar calendar would be on the same day as my household registration book and ID card birthday: December 28th.

This is the first time in so many years, and the coincidence left me dumbfounded.

Speaking of which, a 30-year-old single man has no reason to celebrate his birthday.

But still, happy birthday to yourself.

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