Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 643 Last 1 minute and 30 seconds!

Player Izumo was in a bad mood.

From the beginning to the present, the whole game has not gone smoothly.

First, the fighter jets had no engines, then the bombers had no bombs, and then they were attacked by two powerful opponents.

The mobility of the air force has not been used at all.

Even now, he has to consider docking his tail for survival!

Yes, if you don't want to get rid of the pursuit, you will fall into the same end as Poland.

But the players are all bloody, so giving up a quarter or even a third of their troops and being chased away by others is not a decision that can be made casually.

At this moment, the system broadcast appeared again——

[T3 Theater - Java, has withdrawn from the battlefield. ]

Because of Sukarno's showy operation, Yunmeng didn't set up a server center in Java, and didn't even have a dedicated partner.

Java players have spontaneously grown a large player group through overseas online shopping and cross-border networking, and now they have successfully entered the [Peak Battle].

But this bulk country glued together by religion doesn't seem to have much improvement in the virtual world.

After bumping into a player in Switzerland by accident, he felt that he was the fourth most populous country in the world. He didn't look down on Switzerland, a small country that "can only make watches", and opened fire without hesitation.

As a will collapse at the touch of a button!

The Javanese player was rushed away by the Swiss player in one round.

Afterwards, he was chased and killed like a sheep. He has been hunted and killed until now, and the battle damage finally exceeded 80%, and he was eliminated from the game.

——The scale of thousands of people, if you want to kill more than 80%, it is really troublesome...

Java's exit finally made the Izumo players make up their minds.

"Leave 200 people to cover, and the rest will all go south! All the planes that can fly, all fly away! Don't leave a single plane!"

No way, after Russia and Germany merged, they were surrounded from the east and north. The terrain in the west is relatively flat and lacks shelter, so it is really not suitable for breaking out.

It seems that there is some hope in the south. Whether it is to run far and jump into the river and go down the river, or turn in the middle and escape to the city center, it is a plan worth trying.

Up to now, the battle damage of the Izumo players has exceeded 15%, leaving 200, it will directly exceed 35%, which is already quite dangerous.

The Izumo players reached a consensus and started to act immediately.

In the chaotic battlefield, this sneaky evacuation lasted for a while before being discovered, and the attacks of German and Russian players became more ferocious.

The players left behind by Izumo were firmly in front, not retreating a step.

Their goal is to die as late as possible.


Of the 100 scouts in Daxia, only 6 were too ambitious, and they got too close to watch the fun, and were killed by the two sides in the battle.

The remaining 94 still stick to their posts, keeping an eye on all the developments as much as possible.

Up to now, players from 28 countries have been marked by Da Xia and recorded on the map.

Some people even started to make sand tables on large cargo ships when they were bored.

The 100 people who went out to look for the controller before naturally didn't need to look for it anymore, and they all gathered towards the superfluous position.

But the situation is very pessimistic.

At this moment, on their way back to the harbor, more than 3,000 people from four countries have gathered!

It is almost impossible for a small team with superfluous features to break through such obstacles.

If Daxia wants to respond, I am afraid that the whole army will have to attack to do so.

But that would be too risky to take such a big risk for a controller.

U-turn east?

No way, according to the "investigation team", there are several countries chasing after them.

Seeing that the encirclement was about to be completely formed, another system broadcast sounded——

[The nuclear bomb controller currently belongs to: Daxia. Location: Area 24 - Quiet Town, 94-124]

[Nuclear launch countdown: 10 minutes. 】

This seemed to be a signal. In the eyes of the besieging players, Daxia's convoy was divided into four, rushing out of the town from four directions: southeast, north, south.

In the middle of each convoy, there is a pickup truck with a huge box in the box.

Players from all directions blocked them without hesitation. When the number of troops exceeds dozens of times, the tactical meaning of dividing troops is very small.

But the encircling formation was a little chaotic, and four more motorcycle teams rushed out. In the middle of each team, there was another person holding a suitcase tightly in his arms.

Now the few players under siege are a little confused——

What does a nuclear bomb controller look like? ?

Everyone has never seen it!

There is no other way, so we separate people out again to block the motorbike team.

Even though the besieging players were worried about destroying the controllers, they didn't have powerful weapons, and relying on their absolute superiority in numbers, they quickly eliminated these convoy members.

Then they began to study whether the thing they grabbed was a nuclear bomb controller.

The first is the suitcase. Although they are all equipped with a combination, how strong can the combination lock of the suitcase be?

It's not worth using a gun, just a few knives and it will open.

Just at the moment of opening, they saw the Stairway to Heaven——


The loose hair mine, which was carefully fixed in the suitcase by the big summer players, exploded.

In real battlefields, such loose-fire landmines are rarely used. Basically, they are pressure-fired landmines, which explode when stepped on, and do not give a chance for rescue at all.

Loose-haired landmines are often deliberately chosen by film and television dramas to create suspense.

But when it came to Yunmeng's place, there were naturally a lot of both kinds.

Players who thought the battle was over gathered excitedly, wanting to appreciate what the "Nuclear Bomb Controller" looks like.

They never thought that there would be such a trick as putting mines in a suitcase.

As a result, there was no suspense, and the center position was directly cleared out of a dead zone!

This caused them to open the box behind the pickup truck, and all of them learned to behave well, hiding far away, and then picked a warrior to go out and open the box alone.

The result was no surprise——


The moment the box was opened, the bundled grenade was simultaneously pulled away by the rope for safety.

The warrior turned around and ran, but still couldn't escape.

All players who participated in the siege got nothing.


[The nuclear bomb controller currently belongs to: Daxia. Location: Area 24 - Quiet Town, 94-124]

[Nuclear launch countdown: 5 minutes. 】

The third announcement of the system.

The nuclear bomb controller didn't move at all, and it was still in a small area north of the town.

"These people... are here to stall for time!"

"What should we do? Shall we rush in and look for it?"

Players in Siam, Johor, Baekje, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Norway realized that they had been cheated.

In the team of Siamese players, war reporter Mario Pumisat suddenly thought of one thing——

"Big Xia players, it's impossible to blow themselves up, right?"

"What do you mean?" asked the player next to him.

"No one will blow themselves up. Neither the base camp [Harbor] of the players in Daxia, nor the small town they are staying in now, cannot be the target of nuclear bombs, so this area is now [Safe Zone]!"

"So, we're actually safe?"

"Not only that!" Mario continued quickly, "The nuclear bomb is about to explode in 5 minutes, why don't we wait to see the explosion? Anyway, all the opponents will be bombed!"

"As for the controller, it's already blocked in the town, and we can't run away at all. We can wait until the bombing is over before grabbing it."

The Siamese players who woke up like a dream stopped and stopped moving forward.

Not only the Siamese players, but also the other camps that besieged the town soon thought of this, so they all relaxed and began to look for the tallest building nearby, intending to appreciate the next rare super explosion.


On the other side, the players from Russia and Germany successfully wiped out the Izumo players who were behind in the air port. Instead of chasing them, they simply replenished their armaments and continued to sweep towards the west.

Anyway, Izumo has suffered huge losses, and the Air Force does not seem to be a threat, so it is not worth wasting time to chase.

The most important thing now is to keep moving and minimize the chances of being nuked.

And the Izumo players who fled all the way to the south, saw that no one was chasing after them, so they planned to enter the city eastward and redeploy their positions.

As a result, he bumped into an Italian player who rushed west from the city!

From the beginning of the game, the Italian players rushed straight to the center of the city with killing intent, but until just now, they hadn't encountered a single enemy, but they were suffocated.

It’s really exciting to meet people now.

Their Italian guns are already hungry and thirsty!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The Izumo players ran away again, fleeing all the way south, and soon saw the river on the map.

The Izumo players jumped into the river like ducks being chased away, hoping to get rid of the pursuit by going down the river.


The flustered Izumo players have already forgotten——

On the other side of the river is the air-raid shelter where the French players are located.

At this time, there are 1 minute and 30 seconds left before the nuclear bomb is launched.

Thank you [Ye Feiye] for your 100 point reward.

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