Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 668 Interview invitation from Lin You!

Every one of the top 10 works is great.

The Western-style fantasy-style [World Tree] and [Sky City] are not only amazing in scale, but all creations are also highly unified in aesthetic style, full of harmonious beauty.

[Tower Kingdom], [Ice and Snow Crystal Ball] and [Moon Palace] are full of delicate designs.

[The Kingdom of the Tower] is a country that lives on a giant tower. Different functional areas and different classes live on different floors.

However, these hints of class are quite subtle, and they will not overwhelm the host in the slightest.

Don't think about it, just appreciate the shape of the building and the bustling life of the NPC residents, which is also very pleasing to the eye.

[Ice and Snow Crystal Ball] is to magnify a crystal ball countless times, so that the miniature city in the crystal ball can be enlarged into a real winter town.

There are houses, shops, streets, hospitals, ski resorts...

And there are really a lot of NPCs living here.

It fully interprets what is meant by although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

[Moon Palace] is small in scale, but makes full use of the wonderful combination of the full moon, osmanthus trees, lanterns and Chinese-style buildings to create a rather dreamy atmosphere.

[Dracula's Castle], [Chang'an Taixue] and [Gusu] all refer to many real-life scenery.

Although some refer to modern times and some refer to ancient times, the ideas are similar——

They are all based on the scenery that exists in reality, and at the same time, rearrange the scenery according to their own imagination, and even further artistic processing, in order to get as close as possible to the temperament they want.

And these three works have indeed achieved the purpose of the creators: [Dracula's Castle] is gloomy, [Chang'an Taixue] is majestic and solemn, and [Gusu] is as gentle as water.

It's just that the three teams are different in aesthetic design and atmosphere creation, which is also reflected in the number of votes and rankings.


But all these buildings above, without exception, are built on the surface of the planet.

Even if it is [Sky City], it is actually not that high, it is almost the same as [Whale Group].

Only the champion broke through the atmosphere directly and came to space!

——In the creative mode, this step can indeed be done, and some people have done it.

But the space that everyone saw before was pitch black and empty.

The planet under his feet is also similar to the earth, basically aqua blue, and the outline of the surface is different.

However, players also know that when they look back at the planet in space, the distance is already too far, and what they see is just a map, and the outline of the terrain is meaningless.

But in the work [Lagrange: Light of Hope Space Station], not only the planet under your feet has turned into a sun rolling lava, but even the space is no longer empty, but is dotted with a lot of starlight from far and near .

This not only makes the universe lively, but also makes the background of the work no longer empty.

Good-looking is good-looking, but...

How did you do it?

Super Tomato clicks into the homepage of the work to view more detailed information.

Then he was stunned to see: this group of people who called themselves [Digital Mobile Team] actually poured infinite creation magma on the planet in the creative mode!

Theoretically, using this method can indeed turn the entire world into a lava world in a very short period of time.

But it doesn't work.

Because the function of the player's mirage host is not so powerful, and there is a limit to the blocks that can be created and used at the same time, and the planet in the design is extremely amazing in size, and was even considered infinite by the players at one time.

But this time, these people succeeded in proving one thing by persevering and infinite filling magma day and night——

Minecraft is limited.

Because their world is really filled with magma!

The sun that Super Tomato sees is actually the original water-blue planet! Under the tumbling lava, there is endless obsidian, and further down the obsidian, it is still the sea!

The sea under the lava!

This step alone is enough to shock Super Tomato—who would have imagined that an entire planet would be transformed just to build a building? ? !

But there were more things that surprised him later:

The stars in space—the near planets and distant stars—are man-made!

Of course, it's not really that many planets were created, it's not that outrageous.

They just use the illusion of distance and light source to make them look like stars, but they can be seen within a short distance.

But behind the space station, there are dozens of interstellar warships densely packed!

The engine of the battleship has already lit up, and it looks like it is about to go out.

Later, the camera enters the interior of the space station and introduces the various partitions:

[Living area], [Breeding area], [Decision-making area], [Power area], [Energy area], [Preparation area], [Industrial area], [Interstellar shipyard]... everything.

Although the several divisions inside were somewhat empty due to time constraints, many people complained: If you don't waste your time on burning glass with planets, I guess it will be done long ago.

But this does not detract from the players' crazy love for this work, and they fanatically sent it to the championship.

Not only that.

In the comment area, countless people urged them to quickly make a module and put it online, and they could charge a fee. Their wallets were already hungry.

There are also many people who directly leave a message to recommend themselves, hoping to join this project and continue to improve the space station after the competition.

It's amazing. I'm afraid this team is not ordinary sci-fi fans. Ordinary people can't do it so realistically and meticulously.

Super Tomato was feeling emotional, and suddenly saw the submission ID [Digital Mobile Team] popped up, and replied to the question about the module:

It will be made into a module and launched online, but there will be no charge. The bonus for the first place is enough for us to perfect it, but we can't determine the time.

Because just 3 minutes ago, we received an interview invitation from Yunmeng!

From Lin You himself!

Brothers!! Think about why this is!!

I can't say more, but—our journey is the sea of ​​stars!

I...! Seeing the author's words, Super Tomato almost couldn't help swearing, and swallowed it.

He held it back, but the other players couldn't help it——

What the hell! Does the champion still have this kind of special treatment?

I hate it!! Why did I find it troublesome and didn't sign up! If I had known earlier, I would have participated even if I didn't sleep!!

It's not the treatment of the champions, is it? The champions at Redstone are not invited either. It should be their works, which just fit Yunmeng's needs.

!!! Yunmeng's needs? Science fiction? Space? Fuck!!


[Digital Mobile Team]'s reply was filled with a lot of radical words, which fully expressed the shock of the players.

‘Could it be that Yunmeng is going to make a space-themed sci-fi game? '

This idea can't help but pop up in everyone's mind.

Otherwise, why recruit [Digital Mobile Team]? It was Lin You who sent the invitation himself!

This is big news!

In almost half an hour, this big news spread throughout the player circle.

As if in response to this speculation, another piece of news came out——

Several media broke the news at the same time: I received an official invitation from Yunmeng to attend the press conference the next morning.

Netizens were even more excited when they heard the news.

In their opinion, this is almost a real hammer!

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence?

And to make Lin You, a salted fish, so serious, what else could there be besides a bigger game plan?


Of course, there is one player exception.

Lin You's number one blackie Tang Mingyue.

When he saw Lin You that day, he was too excited, and out of politeness, he didn't pay much attention to the girl next to Lin You.

——Regardless of whether the girl is Lin You's girlfriend or someone else's girlfriend, he is not suitable for an outsider to stare at.

So at the time, he didn't think there was anything wrong.

But after returning home, the excitement calmed down, and the more Tang Mingyue thought about it, the more he felt that the girl looked familiar.

It's just that he couldn't tell where he saw it.

But when he was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone at night, when he saw Princess Zhu Cixia in a piece of news, suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across his mind——


The phone fell out of his hand and hit him hard in the face.

Fuck! Tang Mingyue sat up suddenly from the bed, startled and angry: Then the fuck is a princess?!

This big secret has been nestled in his heart, tormenting him for several days.

He couldn't be sure, but after searching some information, he thought it was very possible—these two were still college classmates!

Recently, he has been entangled in this matter all day long, so when he suddenly saw that Lin You was so serious and wanted to hold a press conference, he subconsciously felt that it was because of this.

After all, Battlefield before and now Chang'an are both big projects, and I haven't seen him develop a press conference yet?


Could they be planning to make an official announcement?!

Thank you [Worry-free Shadow Dance] for the 500-point character reward.

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