Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 684 Strike Wave!

"Huh?" Lin You was quite surprised, "Northern Irish players protest? Are they going to join this game?"

"Yes." Chadwick was obviously unhappy, and began to complain to Lin You:

"Originally, the schedule has been arranged, and there will be a confrontation match on Christmas Eve. We have even started the pre-publicity, and the money has been spent!"

"As a result, they only jumped out now, blocking the door of the company every day to protest, saying that the company treated them differently and discriminated against them from Northern Ireland."

"We can't stand this big hat down."

"However, if two teams play one game, if it becomes three, then if you want to decide the ranking, the schedule will inevitably be lengthened."

"So I can only come to you to ask for authorization, not only to extend the game time, but also to screen data and select player representatives for technical authorization. The authorization time must be extended, and the scope of authorization must be expanded to include Northern Ireland players..."


Lin You didn't interrupt Chadwick's words, but waited for him to finish before saying:

"Are you sure this is enough?"

"What do you mean?" Chadwick froze for a moment.

"What I mean is, is it possible that you announced that Northern Ireland has joined the competition today, and tomorrow the company's gate will be blocked by Welsh players? As far as I know, the number of players in Wales is three points more than that in Northern Ireland." one."

"Ah!" Chadwick immediately realized the seriousness of the matter—

Although Wales and England have a close relationship, they seldom talk about independence.

However, if a game is played where players from England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are all involved and only players from Wales are left out...

Then they must not be able to bear it!

At that time, there will inevitably be another turmoil, and if the delay continues, the final battle of this game will definitely not be in time for Christmas.

It may even be delayed until the New Year's Eve, and it is possible to hit the second [Peak Battle]!

"It's really not enough!" Chadwick quickly changed his words and included Welsh players in this event.

After obtaining Lin You's authorization, he finally ended the call with peace of mind.

It was still late at night in London at this time, and he had to go to rest quickly.

The complexity of the competition will inevitably bring a lot of work. Next, the entire CC game company must go all out to catch up with the progress.

Before going to bed, he thought fortunately: Fortunately, the wave of strikes did not affect the game industry, otherwise it would never catch up.


On Yunmeng's side, after finishing the call, Lin You didn't rush to work, but watched the British news with Xiaomeng.

Chadwick's phrase "Don't you know?" made him realize that he hadn't paid attention to overseas situations for a while.

This is not acceptable.

So I came to the familiar small sofa again, shared a glass of juice with Xiaomeng, and began to browse overseas news.

Just start with the UK.

The first piece of news that came into view made Lin You call it awesome in his heart——

[More than 150,000 teaching staff across the country will go on strike for three consecutive days starting from December 23! ]

Looking at the recent news, it is even more outrageous——

[115,000 Royal Mail staff will start a 48-hour strike from the 20th! ]

[More than 10,000 ambulance care-related personnel will hold a 2-day strike on December 17th and 18th! ]

[The British civil servants union stated that its 100,000 members across 124 administrative departments will take strike action! ]


Lin You looked at the news of strikes and protests. Some of them have already happened, some are in progress, and some are planned in the future...

Throughout various industries, transportation, education, logistics, medical care... even civil servants!

The spread is ridiculously large.

In contrast, the protest of the players at the entrance of the CC game company was just one of the inconspicuous little waves.

Lin You recalled that the last time he paid attention to the news in the UK, it seemed that the British players planned to learn from the "advanced experience" of the German players, abandoning powerless protest marches, and unite as many people as possible to organize a nationwide strike.

In order to convey their "powerful" voice, the server serving the virtual world can be successfully completed.

Later, because he was busy with other things, he did not follow up on this matter.

But looking at the intensified general strike in the UK now, Lin You was shocked:

"Is this... made by British players?"

"Are they so awesome?!"

"How can a German player be your teacher!"

This is too outrageous!

But...if that's the case, why don't you see a lot of headlines about [server] and [virtual reality]?

The slogans of these general strikes are either to increase wages, improve the working environment, or issues such as pensions and employment security.

There is no player's voice at all.

Lin You turned to look at Xiao Meng who was holding his arm: "Xiao Meng, do you know what's going on?"

"Of course Xiaomeng knows!"

Xiao Meng nodded proudly, and then, the complicated and complicated news pages in front of Lin You immediately began to move quickly and rearrange them.

At the same time, a large number of new windows are opened, and new information is added to this information storm.

In just a few seconds, a clear timeline was sorted out by Xiaomeng and displayed in front of Lin You.

Lin You followed the timeline and looked at the titles one by one.

He hoped to find that turning point.

But after looking at the entire timeline, he realized that there was no such a critical point in time.

It started with player protests, and then went from protests to strikes.

At first, the scale of the strike was not large, and its influence on the Internet far exceeded its influence on society in reality.

But then some people felt that they were going to go on strike to protest anyway, so they simply protested all the unpleasant things by the way.

So they added a few words to the slogan of the strike protest: "Increase salary!" "Improve the working environment!" "Protest against delayed retirement!"

The behavior quickly saw a plethora of imitators.

And these slogans had a far greater impact than their previous slogans!

A large number of netizens spontaneously joined Calais, and the volume of strike protests grew day by day.

Afterwards, the first professional trade unions emerged, organizing their members to go on organized general strikes.

Then the second, third, fourth...

By this time, there were not many people shouting about virtual games and servers. On the contrary, those slogans became louder and louder, like an avalanche sweeping across the country.

"Sure enough, wages, medical care, and pensions are the eternal social issues." Lin You couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In this wave of strikes, the protests of the players are just a primer to detonate the powder keg.

I don't know if the British government agencies have regretted seeing the current situation?

After all, if he had agreed to the player's request earlier, he might not have to face the current mess.

At the same time, Lin You also had to worry: After such a round of "uproar", is there any hope for Yunmeng's server center to settle in the UK?

Thinking about it differently, if someone caused him such a big trouble, then he would definitely not make the other party too happy...

Not only that, under this wave of general strikes, even if the British government agrees, I am afraid that the server center will not be built.

In other words, British players may still face high latency for a long time, and continue to fall in love with India in the T3 theater.


Move the server center to Ireland?

As soon as this idea came up, Lin You thought of another thing:

"It seems that...Ireland and Britain also have enmity?"

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