Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 766 Can't the fierce beast be adopted?

The next morning, there was a morning meeting on the deserted island.

Tell me, how is the situation now? Bian Xiao, the owner of the deserted island, asked with a serious expression.

At the beginning of the release of the Tekken promotional video, the attention of the Internet was very high, and the enthusiasm of the players for discussion was also very high. The number of players who applied for equipment modification has been increasing. As of 12 noon, there have been 180,000 applications. We have already acted immediately and made modifications at the door.

The female marketing manager with short hair looks at the information in her hand and reports to Bian Xiao.

But with the release of information about Yunmeng's Pokemon, the attention of netizens, especially players, has been quickly shifted.

Although the discussion and actual number of modification applications for Tekken and VR equipment modification are still increasing, the growth rate is significantly lower than expected. As of 0:00 in the evening, only 680,000 modification applications have been received, which is lower than 100 Thousands of expectations.

The applications are expected to be fully digested in the coming week.

After the female manager finished reporting, Bian Xiao pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but ask, Did Yunmeng do it on purpose?

No wonder he thought so, Iron Fist is already the last fight on the deserted island, and there is no doubt that the whole boat is ruined.

It happened that the promotional video had just been released in the morning, and news of Pokemon appeared on the Internet in the afternoon.

What a coincidence!

But the female manager shook her head and said, It should be a coincidence.

Yesterday, during the New Year's Day holiday, Yunmeng had a big holiday. There were hardly a few people left on duty, and no related tasks were arranged.

I have an acquaintance who works in Yunmeng. According to her, there was a discussion in the Yunmeng company group about whether to attack us, but Lin You personally rejected it.

So the promotion of Pokemon on New Year's Day should be a plan that was made earlier, but we accidentally ran into it.

Yunmeng is officially at work today, and has no intention of further promoting Pokemon. It seems that he intends to let the heat ferment slowly and adopt a long-term publicity model, instead of releasing it within a week after the promotion starts as before.

Bian Xiao was silent again.

He didn't say anything stupid like Since Yunmeng has already made a publicity plan for New Year's Day, why didn't you find out?

The loyalty of Yunmeng employees to the company is ridiculously high, and the awareness of confidentiality is also top-notch. It is impossible to disclose things in advance when it involves the company's long-term planning.

The news that can be spread is either deliberately spread, or it is trivial and meaningless news such as pet employee No. 003 broke the boss's cup and was punished by the boss to stand in the corner with Minister Ye Xiaohe.

If Yunmeng really doesn't have a follow-up publicity plan, then we can increase the publicity, can we reverse the current unfavorable situation? Bian Xiao asked.

The manager fell silent.

But after hesitating for a while, he still bit the bullet and said, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Even if the Yunmeng official didn't end directly, the popularity of Pokemon is still amazing.

Yunmeng's basic market is too big, coupled with the excellent reputation and corporate image of [Journey Prosthetics], I am afraid that the popularity will continue to rise in the next few days.

In addition, there is another difficult problem: Lin You has always liked big scenes and big actions. Although Pokemon is just a pre-heating, and it is not even an internal test, it is hard to say whether he will Also make a big move, which is completely unpredictable.

Bian Xiao felt a headache again.

Not only him, but all the senior executives in the conference room felt headaches.

In fact, the most troublesome thing for them was not that the promotions collided, but that Yunmeng's game was not a virtual game!

If it is still a virtual game, even Chang'an.

Although they may be crushed in terms of popularity, it doesn't matter, Iron Fist and Chang'an are not a track in essence.

One reality, one virtual.

Even if the popularity and player time are encroached, Iron Fist can use its own pioneering to win the living space and help the deserted island to slowly complete the transformation.

But out of nowhere came Pokémon—also a real-life game.

Tekken has indeed made innovations and developments in the way of [game + fitness], but isn't Pokemon an unprecedented development in the field of [mixed reality]?

In terms of breakthrough, it is even stronger!

How does this make them fight?


When it came to the end, the meeting did not discuss any tricks, but decided to increase some publicity investment-but not all-in-one.

Because no one knows what Yunmeng will do next.

If you invest a huge amount of publicity costs and end up running into Lin You's big move again, it will be a waste of time.

Other than that, all Desert Island can do is pay close attention, play steadily, and—

keep hope!


Desert Island's approach is wise.

The popularity of Pokemon is still rising even though Yunmeng didn't show up to say a word or post a picture!

The heat in Dinosaur Island intensifies.

Every giant dinosaur spawned will be quickly surrounded by hundreds or thousands of players.

The kite-flying tactic that has been used for a long time was eliminated overnight, and the general tactic became many ants kill elephants.

At the moment when the giant beast was refreshed, densely packed players rushed up like zombies, yelling, poking, poking, poking, poking, poking, poking, poking, poking on the dinosaur until it died—or You die, or the dinosaurs die.

The battle damage is undoubtedly higher, but the killing efficiency has more than doubled!

The number of achievements of [Ancestor Glory] has doubled, and invitations have been activated one after another.

[Journey Prosthetics] 10 times the regular inventory in the warehouse was snapped up to only a quarter of it in two days.

The factory is operating at full capacity and working overtime to promote production, for fear of out-of-stock problems.

Invitations for cooperation from overseas countries have already filled Kong Xinsheng's schedule.

Kong Xinsheng had to start crazy overtime mode.

On various live broadcast platforms, a strange form of live broadcast has quietly emerged——

Did you see it? It's rolling! It's so cute!

The outdoor anchor [Captain Strawberry] wears the [Octopus Headband] on his head, pointing his finger at the shiny floor of the shopping mall, and said excitedly.

To this, the audience responded:

What are you thinking...of course we can't see it!

From the perspective of the audience, Captain Strawberry squatted on the ground, staring at a cloud of air with bright eyes, and stretched out his hand in a serious manner, touching the air carefully.

The shoppers passing by all looked sideways and went around in unison.

It's right here! It's about... as big! Captain Strawberry gestured to the audience as if holding a basketball with both hands.

While gesturing, he described the appearance of the creature: It looks like a white deer, but it has four horns.

The whole body is pure white, without any variegated hair. It looks like it glows under the light! It's pure and beautiful...

I like it so much... Captain Strawberry was so excited.

But the audience in the live broadcast room can only imagine what the invisible creature looks like based on the description in her mouth.

By the way, guess the name of the magical creature.

Captain Strawberry is not the only one in such a live broadcast room. Many anchors—not only game anchors, but also outdoor anchors, all ran out of the house to look for magical creatures.

Although they can only broadcast live in the air, and many passers-by regard them as crazy, this only adds some live broadcast effects to the live broadcast room.

The audience didn't feel bored, and they were very interested in playing I guess what you draw with the anchors.

This outrageous live broadcast content spread unexpectedly quickly.

But the knowledge of divine beasts is not common sense. Yunmeng has also been treated with cuteness, so it is not easy to recognize them at a glance, let alone see them purely by guessing.

However, Captain Strawberry was lucky, and the image of the four-horned white deer is relatively clear, and the audience found the answer with a simple search——

Fu Zhu!

This is Fuzhu, a creature recorded in the Shan Hai Jing Zhong Shan Jing. Seeing it indicates that there will be a flood.

So this is a beast? Captain Strawberry was very disappointed.

Because according to the experience summed up by netizens, if the magical creature you see is Auspicious Beast, then as long as you spend more time with it, chat, interact with it for a while, and enhance your relationship, you can directly abduct it home.

But if it's a [Fierce Beast], things will be very troublesome——

Communicating feelings is not effective at all, even if you wear your mouth, it will ignore you.

Yesterday, Ah Yi saw a one-eyed little guy with the body of an ox and the tail of a snake in his community.

He raided the live broadcast and asked some netizens for help, only to be sure that it should be the legendary beast: [Fei].

Even if this little guy is a fierce beast, he was designed to be ugly and cute by Yunmeng's designer. Before he grew up, he didn't have any vicious feeling at all.

The most difficult problem of one-eyed is designed so that one eye is intact and the other eye has only a scar for aesthetic needs. It does not seem to be inconsistent.

So A Yi decided to take it home.

But even though he used his sharp tongue and babbled on this little guy for an hour, his mouth was so dry that the audience in the live broadcast room felt dizzy and dizzy, and [Fei] didn't pay attention to him, let alone Means to go home with him.

A Yi's anger started from his heart, and the evil came to his guts, and he wanted to use force when he rushed over.

But the little guy was extremely sensitive, not to mention running fast, and arrogantly refused to run far, so he jumped around and ran around A Yi.

A Yi exhausted himself out of breath, but failed to catch the little guy.

After the break, he tried several times, but he couldn't succeed until he downloaded the broadcast.

By the next day, the netizens had initially summed up the difference between [Fierce Beast] and [Auspicious Beast].

——Because all those who are willing to go home with others are all [Auspicious Beasts].

Not a single [vicious beast].

It's so beautiful! How could it be a beast?! Captain Strawberry, who is a dog, couldn't accept it.

She didn't want to give up, and couldn't help asking the audience: Does anyone know how to adopt the beast?

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